Subject: "RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Geran the Deliverer of Order, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal" Previous topic | Next topic
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geran (Guest)Sat 01-Mar-08 02:17 PM

#66876, "RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Geran the Deliverer of Order, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal"


sorry for taking so long guys to respond to this. really I grew quite bored, quite fast with this char.
when I was levelling up, outlanders were domination so badly it was gross. except against people like igbah, but holy crap did tribunal need help, so I deleted that char, rolled up this assassin to see how it would do as a tribbie, and went with it. thats how geran was born.
I really need to explore dangit, I know the insides and outs of alot of areas, but the newer ones I dont know at all. I still dont know how to get the item to get into hell again, even if I can lead to dis. time forgets alot of things, but I can and will spend a few months away from cf, come back, and see how things are.
I will mention this as well, I didnt want to see tribunal in power of dominance. it makes playing outlanders no fun at all, literally. I was the 'fiending bard' of outlander during throkks earlier days of levelling up, etc. that was my last char before geran -save the one I deleted- back when there were 35 or so tribbies, and 5 or 6 active outlanders x.x. the warring just gets that badly off, and there is nothing to do other than having about five or six guys constantly killing you together, or in cases like shador, who seems alot like a noob, to have a duo outlander prepare, come to guild and slaughter them. Shador I am glad you took my advice on how to handle yourself, you seem to live much better
When geran hit hero I defended against a few raids solo. I think only two raids managed to finish it, and one to kill me. Yes I used protection, trance, stone skin, shield, and aura during all those fights, except later didnt for shield because someone had all of the two potions I know of those x.x hence my need for exploration.
the raids went to a screetching halt until the day I died and was looted at the tree. trying to raid through a druids healings nearly impossible as an assassin seemed like, so I was trying to press it. went in fully unprepared, double kicked, that instant saw the shifter become an alligator and whoops. died
I ddint mind manner of death. took by surprise and got my rear end handed to me. I was laughing.
beforehand though I made point to return cloth to outlanders. Really because I wanted the raids to continue, that was my advantage, defending the spire. what left the bad taste in my mouth was I was told by said shifter some things were below the huntress. only thing there was the treant. it looked like they wanted my char gone period, like I would delete over just a loss of eq. I have been playing too long for that, and can kill naked.
after I had unghosted fought a criminal in galadon a bit, and outlanders tried to raid. naked but a few things, no weapon, repelled the raid and killed the shifter in process. I needed the cloth but iolair returned it anyway. eheh.
anyway thats why I started full looting outlanders, for the most part. Caraiishin would have been eternal for this for going ooc and calling me ####wad. noctryne for calling me a loser with a capital l. should be thankful I was broken after killing you noctryne.
a few others went completely ooc, but those apologized, so didnt bother me.
As point of vindicator it was kinda depressing. as justiciar I had detect camo, their guards are stronger _much better against criminals and for raiding the tree_ can still watch cities -better for interraction, which my char thrived on as being an aristocrat and flirting-
my provost didnt get detect camo as inglor does, but I was a fox back then when sylvan was around. eheheh. but all rules still apply.
As vindicator when criminals werent around, not much to do. I couldnt raid the tree solo, I just didnt have the lasting power for that -not meant to be funny, but it was true- it took forever + thornheart and insects, and never made enough coin for alot of speckled pills, considering I would eat them not long after getting them. .
bloody shackles is a good power, but considering can word when they are placed etc, only people that had a problem with them was villagers. not many of them atm for that either. anyway with goodbyes:

immie that made me vindicator : didnt know it was an outlander immie, thank you. always loved your imm, but even moreso cause often you will run little quests or do little things to let a person know that they were watched. it wasnt just the little bits of exp there. I remember my outlanders would suddenly feel something wrong with the area around them, or be talked to with my chars such as with my bard back when outlander was being swarmed. its always a good feeling to really know that your being watched, and what your doing isnt being ignored. thank you again and thank you for the chance at vindicator, even if it was a turning point of my char that led me to boredom x.x

outlanders : throkk: beast. I know you got alot of imp lovin, you were around and growing when they needed the help super badly. we fought side by side as allies, and I am glad to see you still going. We only had a few fights my times changed when I had gotten my new job, but only time either of us died was when I found out you had a ranger there at the tree too, and you bashed me down even after broke your wrist with crunch, and you were hurt etc, while the ranger tanked. I was like dangit, I am dying because I am impaled too and whirled. GAH. all other fights were you dominating me.
well most of them. I was impressed because igbah is the only other warrior that could stand toe to toe with me when I was fully prepared. Hot winds big hunter.

quit - seems best way to put your name havalan (sp) because three times I had been on, you were criminal, you quit immediately. third time you were in my range so I know you were on when I wasnt here levelling. didnt help you each time we had the fetish, but you should learn from caraishiin. vindicator guards are weak as sin and die easily, not to mention that without the fetish you can still evade guards / vindicators easy using the ancients paths. that last time was the last time I saw you in gerans life, deleted of boredom not long after.

Qara - joined the tree when it was in power and power levelled. After a few raid deaths and then the time I looted your corpse when you were exploring you dissapeared. I didnt think much of you but a person that joined a thriving cabal to use it to your advantage. I'm sorry you died so much and likely were using this char to explore, but an arcane just like a healer spells banes for defending parties, they could have used you badly, and made things interesting.

outlander seal / manta ray etc- another that dissapeared. a water form third tier fights better than other third tier forms, and yours goes on land and still fights just as well. thats gross you seemed to like the form too. hell if I could tank inner guardians with a water form you better believe it. I had the thought that hey, anyone going to raid the cabal of the spire HAS to go over water now, no choice but to, so on the way back when they are hurt and likely insected you will be able to ambush them. You made me dread thoughts of raiding the tree until you dissapeared, because of water forms new affectiveness is just silly with that. Just because you were water could have made things interesting and painful for me, but going got tough and you also dissapeared.

Cyrien - I considered you my nightmare. Not only for the fact that healers give courage to most, it dampens anything defenders can do, and you played a healer rather well. didnt speak to you much but taunts though, sry, but I had to target you with such things as that and try to get you annoyed enough to try, just for a chance to bring you down x.x. You were the main driving force of the outlanders, without you they have virtually stopped much of much, save for throkk and the sunwarden and few others.

Riv - at barovia I had thought you a druid, figured would escape easily. then took an unspeak ambush and died right after. eheheheheh
after that didnt miss you being a ranger. I think I killed you more than any other outlander, like five or six times? sorry about all those deaths, but you were willing to fight and more than capable. I respect you highly along with the sunwarden and throkk just because of your tenacity, willingness to throw down etc, but learn of protectives, ouches you need them.

caraiishin - I honestly liked that you used tact to kill the guards / paths etc et al. I liked your sillyness, but that time calling me a ####wad ooc really made me not feel sorry for you in the slightest. I can kill people fully naked, so can you, so stop being so attached to eq, cause I am more than willing still to throw down and go balls to the wall. You have the same playstyle and that makes you deadlier than a great many people out there, so dude get over yourself on that. eh? I had hoped you would get harbinger until your mouth was getting the better of you.

umm.. who else. sunwarden :
dang did we fight alot at first, but then your login times got later. dunno what happened but usually around when I had to get ready to leave for work I would see you. my last death to you, about then I had already gotten used to seeing outlander just run from me, or quit out etc, and when I saw you leave the area and still vis, though meh, just running already. You used an outland path to land almost right on top of me thats one of the few I didnt know about, thank you on that one, but you won from that I had no preps up etc. Good job. You are one of the few people who uses that offensively as well as defensively, and took me by suprise from that. Most other times except in those raids I think I slapped you around silly, but you always got away. good job with that too. I never really went out of my way to chase people, if a persons gonna run, and have instincts, they are gonna run, and vanishing wont do all that much for me
I havent seen you in a bit feil, but keep it up man you kicked butt.

umm ick who else. the storm giant ranger ahrtax?- another that dissapeared, but seemed rather newbie so not too surprising a thing. Outlander is still in a bit of power compared to tribbie even if things are mostly even now and you have some strong people to learn from, and a great many are willing to teach like I did some of the tribunals. stick around and learn man, a death is only a death, thats why you have so much con

tribbies - there were alot of noobs in the cabal I felt sorry for alot of you, and even in your guilds and cities you were just being slaughtered. I hope the advice I gave you helped tons, and in defending, every word I said was accurate and true, and I hope those that saw me defend saw the affect of my words. Shador I am more than glad to see you not dying sorry dizari, not gonna let you feed on noobs.

Inglor - you made provost and you deserved it. I actually enjoyed speaking about my half elven daughter to you, just because it rubbed against your char being full elven. Also as a proper spoken individual it kinda helped me a bit on my own usage. sry on using you like that. in rl I am very emotional and dont speak like that at all
anyway thank you for sticking around for tribunal, you do very well, are polite, and are the symbol literally of a provost. christ man you know the rules of a magistrate in the books even better than me and I have pretty much everything in game memorized, even the history of thera. gotta read of third age a bit better, I know everything, but seem to have gotten it out of order.

fendril - you had guts to defend against odds that would literally just crumple others and took it in stride. I am glad to see you provincial because you have toughed out the storm, weatherd it, and still kicking it. I hope some things I wrote for tactics you can put to use, I said some things specifically for you -wink- and also showed you a secret I havent shown but one other person, same as I did igbah with a certain globule on another char that is deleted now.
I hope you put it to use, and I hope you keep trucking. good job man, good dedication, good char.

bhodi - you were rising up the ranks doing good, and dissapeared for a bit, but you are back now. You seem less noob than others, do good.

-the king- eheheh. heck of a note and style, but still, I loved reading that ooc, even if as an aristocrat and hearing of a drow king while I know the matron mother would hate it, I had to speak as I had, and as a tribbie to a lower magistrate. You are also not a noob, do good for them.

iolair - bah you deleted on me, but you had to deal with the level sitters the most, even if they have levelled now but one of them.

shador - noob, but almost hero now looks like. grats on doing that, but grow some balls man. literally let them hang out, so what if you die?
get preps too, they are easy to find and get, and not only that, barter for them. You are still dedicated too and for that I thank you, your doing wonderful on all save your playstyle. keep it up man, I hope you learn how to be a beast, an arcane is good for it.

veesa - I was actually about to delete and give you the sword, as well as show you how to prepare yourself better for combat, and tell you the fatal flaw that makes assassins like you and opoj not up to par with the good assassins. Yeah you guys will get lucky with assassinates, but when it comes to actual fighting, you will never be my match. it isnt char skill, its use of the char, but you wont learn that secret now. but it is why even after I was stripped in galadon I turned around and handed you your ass repeatedly, you were quite easy to beat up. like when I did finally die -yes I know I could have easily left etc, but was deleting anyway so stayed around till you got what you wanted- everything has to go your way for you to have a chance, literally everything. I hope before your char dies off you learn to play an assassin truly correctly, they can be deadly that way.

Daichyl, sry about the deaths against ya, we did level together a bit. We werent enemies and you turned yourself in that one time. Our interactions didnt go far though, as I did work primarily with the tribunal, it was mainly growing and only a little bit of speaking, you have made captain and grats man, but jees you die alot. igbah I know is to blame there largely, but eh man, I had assassinate at 1%, didnt even practice it, but I know I can stand up to igbah, if you cant dont fret it. prepare for when you can.

igbah - beastly. Only warrior besides throkk that could stand against me toe to toe when I was fully protected. holy #### man, but it was really because with 16 str / dex loss I couldnt touch you, or force you to drop your weapons -dang haste- I did in galadon that time the owaza went off and you removed one, I think main hand too, but the cloak took you away from me I was cursing, typed where and saw janos, and beat feet. I had 150 hps left. You are an amazing warrior, even after losing teh gloves etc. keep trucking man

janos and dizari - both of you more than capable. janos be less of a lacky its all I saw from you, but both of you are strong.

ummm who else

people I flirted with, almost all elven women except empress, human woman, hope ya liked it.

blademasters gloves - I hate you hate you hate you, every time I get you I die within a few hours.

time for me to go watch my nieces and nephew til tomorrow morning. cuddling time
I will respond to people tomorrow, and write more likely. bye


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HOT Topic(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Geran the Deliverer of Order, Vind... [View all] , Death_Angel, Mon 25-Feb-08 09:48 PM
Reply RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Geran the Deliverer of Order, ..., geran (Guest), 01-Mar-08 02:17 PM #15
Reply Happily the royal treasury can afford a state funeral f..., King V (Guest), 01-Mar-08 05:25 PM, #16
Reply RE: Happily the royal treasury can afford a state funer..., geran (Guest), 02-Mar-08 12:28 AM, #20
Reply RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Geran the Deliverer of Order, ..., PSTYX, 01-Mar-08 05:49 PM, #17
Reply RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Geran the Deliverer of Order, ..., geran (Guest), 02-Mar-08 12:31 AM, #21
     Reply ummm..., PSTYX, 02-Mar-08 08:28 AM, #25
          Reply RE: ummm..., geran (Guest), 02-Mar-08 04:53 PM, #26
               Reply no I just like making you women emotional nt, PSTYX, 04-Mar-08 08:30 AM, #27
               Reply and hows this for IQ..., PSTYX, 04-Mar-08 08:42 AM, #28
Reply ARGH!!!! You're Killing ME!!!!!, Shift Key (Guest), 01-Mar-08 07:11 PM, #18
Reply RE: ARGH!!!! You're Killing ME!!!!!, geran (Guest), 02-Mar-08 12:33 AM, #22
Reply I agree, Careashiin (Guest), 01-Mar-08 10:00 PM, #19
Reply RE: I agree, geran (Guest), 02-Mar-08 12:43 AM, #23
Reply RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Geran the Deliverer of Order, ..., g for trabryn (Guest), 02-Mar-08 02:44 AM, #24
Reply I'm going to miss learning from you., Fendril (Guest), 26-Feb-08 03:19 PM, #14
Reply I adored you., Szithar (Guest), 26-Feb-08 02:48 PM, #13
Reply Wow., Feilinal (Guest), 26-Feb-08 01:40 PM, #11
Reply Ahh, dang., Elija (Guest), 26-Feb-08 10:58 AM, #10
Reply That time at the Island, Fjarn (Guest), 26-Feb-08 09:44 AM, #9
Reply Hrmph, Lyristeon, 26-Feb-08 08:40 AM, #8
Reply Plbthbthbthbthbthbth!!, Careashiin (Guest), 26-Feb-08 07:38 AM, #7
Reply Don't worry, you still have me. NT, Fendril (Guest), 26-Feb-08 02:06 PM, #12
Reply This makes me sad., Throkk (Guest), 26-Feb-08 03:14 AM, #5
Reply This sucks!, Ckol (Guest), 26-Feb-08 04:56 AM, #6
Reply Just have to say..., EXB_ (Guest), 25-Feb-08 11:34 PM, #4
Reply Whoa!, Daichyl (Guest), 25-Feb-08 11:24 PM, #3
Reply Very scary., Lietta (Guest), 25-Feb-08 11:16 PM, #2
Reply Why Oh Why ?!?, Ilsofiel (Guest), 25-Feb-08 10:30 PM, #1
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