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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #5308
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Ranitorali (Guest)Thu 21-Mar-02 12:51 AM

#5309, "RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane"


Well, where to begin.. First I'd like to say thank
you to everyone who made Rani's life as happy as it
was. I enjoyed every interaction (except for a
certain air major who was upset with me) I had playing
Rani. I was just recently married in January and now
I just don't have the time to devote to playing her
anymore. Its not fair to just sit with items and not
log on so I decided I'd fix that and end the char because
I'm not sure if or when I'll ever return to CF again. This
was my first char on CF since transmuters first got the ability
to shapeshift! My first form was the Porcupine and I thought
it stunk! Yes, I know better now. When I was watching
my husband play the game one night, it just rekindled my
interest in the game. I didn't know he played it and I asked
him for some tips on what to start, and he told me about how
shapeshifters had come into the game. So I figured I'd try
one since I liked the last one I had till they changed it! My
god did I miss Charm person and Prismatic spray! After reading
a few of the forums on the forms I decided to go safe with offense
and defense. Which proved very good! I got two forms that went
well with one another and helped me stay alive! Plus I was able
to fight most of the low level creatures better then the rangers
I was usually with! I had planned on having Rani first join the
nexus, but within the first 2 days of playing her, I saw the note
that shapeshifters could join Sylvan so thats where I took her role.
I wanted to be a mother type of figure and the den mother just suited
me so perfectly! I called all the young warders cubs and it was
my goal to help them each grow! Overall I saw so many young ones
advance I was amazed. I think I heroed about 15 or more warders
in my time! Overall I hope I left a good impression with all those
I interacted with cause that was my goal! Now for the goodbyes,
and yes, I know I'll forget some people but please forgive me! Its
been a long time I've played Rani!


Divox: Hon, you were by far one of the favorite people I've had the
chance to interact with! I loved all the times we got to talk and
I was so close to leaving the warders to join nexus and help you!
You are so charismatic it is quiet impressive and I even had a little
crush on you as Rani! I think my worse moment with you was when you
attacked the grove and I had to decide on if I should chase after
you and try and kill you or just use the armadillo and hope you
didn't get to hurt! That was so depressing! I'm glad your an imm
now and if I come back in a year I hope to see your area! Good luck
to you!

Saldradien: You were also a great Immortal to interact with! I loved
all the times you'd come to the grove and sit and talk with me for a
bit. Was quiet refreshing from all the work I tried to do! And I
still think you and the grey bear would make a cute couple!

Uller and Sebeok: I'll assume it was one of you for giving me the
title! I'm still embarrassed I didn't realize it till an hour later
after everyone was calling me flame bane and I couldn't understand
the reason why! I was so proud and embarrassed when I saw what it
was about! Thank you too whoever did it cause it was my first title
I've ever had on CF! I'd love to know what you thought about Rani
too if you don't mind. I was hoping for leadership but guess I just
wasn't around enough in the end.

Too all the other Immortals: Thank you for making CF as enjoyable
as it is! It has been here for me when I've been in tough spots and
also when I've had good times! I hope it is here for a long time in
the future too!

Sylvan and all my Cubs!

Suilvanum: I hope I spelled that correctly! I must say the times
we had were great. Thank you so much for helping me all those times
gaining ranks and helping me about the realm more! I'll never forget
it. The best advice I was given when I was thinking of sylvan from
and OOC source was get with Suil and Rali and you'll be a hero in
no time! And they couldn't have been more right!

Ralicazin: God, losing you was one of the worse things I had to deal
with. You were such a good friend of mine it was a shame you went
away like you did! We spent so much time trying to rebuild the grove
after losing two leaders it was great! You were a great friend and
one I knew I could trust in a tight spot! *Hugs You lots*

Ludrom: What happened to you! You were one of the only ones I was
advancing with there for a while then when I heroed you just vanished!
We did have our rocky moments but overall I think we got along just

Krohden: The other shapeshifter! Heheh! Sorry I left you behind hon
but it seemed our times just slowly got farther and farther apart. I'm
glad you finally heroed and we did have some good times together with
our forms!

Priolith: I still remember the moment you told me that you at first
didn't like me but somehow I'd grown on you. Seemed I did that with
a lot of people! And the same went for you. I was surprised when I
saw this young elf become a captain and turn around the grove! I
still remember reading all those poems when you first were inducted
and was like, sheesh! Slow down a little hon! I'm sorry it ended
the way it did. You did a great job bringing the grove back to its
glory days and you understood how I didn't enjoy fighting to much
and I had my own ways of helping the sylvans!

The little Fox: Ivyial! What happened to you hon! Last I remember
was you being chased by demons and then you vanished! I never heard
anything else about it! I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first but
you should know to stay away from chaotic immortals! They are bad

Orophin: I'm sorry we didn't get to explore more. I think we could
have done good together! You were so knowledgeable and I wanted to
learn as much as I could from you! Then I had a few problems and
when I got back you were gone! *smacks you across the head with her
special staff!*

Yod: Not sure what to say hon. I enjoyed helping you gain your final
titles and wish you'd have been around more! You were a good friend
for the sylvans and I wish you the best of luck!

Vort: *smiles and hugs* Thank you for being there in the end. I
should have done this a while ago but I just couldn't let go hope
that I could hve come back but after seeing I didn't know anyone
I just didn't want to have to get to know everyone again to see them
leave me again. I hate it when people leave me alone and I just
don't think it was good for me emotionally anymore.

Weswin: Heheh You were another one that one day I noticed as a
cub and the next time, you were a near hero! I wish I could have
worked more with you! Hope you do good in whatever you decide to do.

All the Young Sylvans: Work well to protect the wilds and keep up
the patrols! I designed them so you better be doing them! I'll blame
Priolith for the idea though! *winks* Sylvan is one of the closest
groups in the game family wise, even more so then battle I believe.
Keep that in mind when dealing with each other and you'll go far.

Zardik: *sniffs* No more dragon slaying with the pirate! I had fun
going through the tower just slaying dragons with you! Too bad we
didn't get to fight Tiamat! I think we could have taken her!

Too everyone I've forgotten! Please forgive me! I know there are
lots I'm missing but I'm still a little sad and not in a good state
of mind! If you write, I'll remember something, I have so many good
memories of the times I spent.

Ranitorali, Flame-bane!


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Topic(DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane [View all] , Death_Angel, Wed 20-Mar-02 11:51 PM
Reply RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane, Ranitorali (Guest), 21-Mar-02 12:51 AM #1
     Reply RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane, Vort (Guest), 21-Mar-02 01:00 AM, #2
     Reply Damn well done., Boldereth, 21-Mar-02 01:07 AM, #3
     Reply Aahh, the good ole days, Zardik (Guest), 21-Mar-02 01:52 AM, #4
     Reply RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane, Uller, 21-Mar-02 05:55 AM, #5
     Reply RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane, Saldradien, 21-Mar-02 08:13 AM, #6
     Reply RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane, Orophin (Guest), 21-Mar-02 11:48 AM, #7
     Reply RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane, Boy Scout (Guest), 21-Mar-02 02:39 PM, #8
     Reply Ciao bella., DwE, 21-Mar-02 06:09 PM, #9
     Reply Here's me hoping you remember me., KatistrofiK, 21-Mar-02 07:15 PM, #10
     Reply RE: (DEL) Ranitorali the Ever-Keen Flamebane, Divox, 21-Mar-02 08:25 PM, #11
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