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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #43546
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Mizzarah (Guest)Thu 08-Dec-05 06:25 PM

#43569, "Goodbyes."


How can I start this experiment. Well, what inspired this character was after I finished reading the 6 part series of the Lloth series, I wanted to create a real, living, breathing truly chaotic evil dark elf. One that is brutally mean, flighty, words that strike like venom, and above all, a level of insanity thats not chaotic stupid insanity, but a kind of insanity that when someone interacts with this character they think, "Damn, commit this bitch to Arkham, she is just wacked." I could think of no better way to facilitate that kind of roleplay then to hate all Gods with a passion. The one thing I did not want to do was put in my role, "This person is insane", instead I wanted people to come to their own conclusions about the character, and judging by those I interacted with, I think I was pretty successful in bringing that across.

This was my first assassin with new assassinate. I had a few with old stand and hope assassinate with the +++++ ++++. Stalk/assassinate is pretty deadly if you can figure it out and be patient.

Hating the Gods and them as parasites. I always thought a non cabaled assassin would make the perfect character for this roleplay. Assassinate allowed you to take down the overpowered paladins, healers, and shamans. Being a dark elf just made it more perfect, sneaky, tricky, flighty, fickle, seductive, and deadly.

Dealing with the Immortals. I have no ill will toward any of you, but it seemed some of you reacted in such a way where you thought I was personally attacking you as a player. I'm sorry if this came across like this, it was not meant. Most of you took it in great spirit and I think allowed the immortals to create another depth to their immortal char, a few reacted in a way which was not very friendly... Sorry. I thought it was a great role and a great roleplay and I'm sorry if any of you took it in a bad way.

Dealing with the Immortals and Mortals. I wanted this character to have such a venomous tongue that people flinched when they had to interact with him/her/it. I tried to make my words just be brutal and evil, chaotic and venomous, and again I'm sorry if it hurt people's feelings.

I stopped counting the number of smites and plagues and trans to various vacation spots around CF. That doesn't include the number of faerie fires put on me by immortals while stalking their mortal followers, tessangrel sleeps, spells ups, blindnesses. It happened so many times I could not count. I did count in one hour span I recieved 14 smites and 12 castings of plagues (x 36 hours for each). I experienced polymorph on more then one occasion, strange curses like laringitus, fleas, sicknesses of many kinds, and a whole bunch of other delightful things. Thanks.

Individual Goodbyes:
Arvam: Well, what can I say. You could not back down, I could not back down. And so I ate a horrible curse. Taking away hide was not something I expected in the punishment lines, but thats what happens. The super evil part of me is glad I caused one of the high heralds to rage delete and another who I took 3 or 4 con from. Revenge through followers, heh.

Aarn: I'm sorry to you. I sensed at the end you started taking it personally. I loved assassinating Xilla in front of you, and I was a little unhappy that you joined in with three other goodies to gang me at the entrance. If you didn't bash I would have escaped. To be fair to me, I was stalking Xilla before you arrived when she was at the inner guardian, and you brought them out to the outer. Loved butting heads with you.

Eshval: Hillariously entertaining. At points I think you were at a loss of what to do with me. I enjoyed using my venomous tongue on you and seeing how you react. Because of your vacation transes to the sands of sorrow, it became a second home. The best is when you had to retrans me back to the Sands of Sorrow because I got out right away, then you emptied my canteens and I rotted away, doh. Thanks for the fun.

Ordasen: I felt also that I pushed your buttons as a player, and I'm sorry for that. You were certainly brutal, but it was priceless when you missed pincering me. That gave me ammunition about the weakness of Gods for a long time.

Innis: I don't ever think we fought directly, but I enjoyed trying to kill our outer shrine guardian. And it coming after me.

Dalteric: me attempting to enrage and anger the Reason God was a great experience. You stuck to your guns and that was rare. You really played the Reason roleplay well. Good job. Oh and assassinating the Provost in Galadon was icing on the cake. I think it was you who gave me a little exp bonus for trying and failing the first time. Thanks.

Oh and thanks for finally giving me 5th place in the role contest. I know I entered three times. At some point I had to win, heh. Thanks again.

Grurk: Your spelling up was fun. I hope my story during the storytelling contest of taking something in existance and drawing it and pulling out to a tall tale was enjoyable. The story of the Empire that actually took over the world .

Shokai: Not much to say. First interaction, you silence me, then make an ooc comment about how its my fault if I complain about it later, bow to me then trans away, well, okay. My role pretty much gives immortals a get out of jail free card to rough me up as you see fit. That is really where I got the feeling that my character was pissing off the immortals ooc, and I'm sorry again. I kept getting exp awarded immortal bonuses after that and before that. I thought it was a viable RP. Sorry it left a bad taste in your mouth. P.S. is my tongue still around? Heh.

Khaso: I think of all the immortals I interacted with you, you were the most swave. You took notice of one of my personality traits about males being inferior and useless and used it against me in a quick and little and deadly curse. It was the perfect way of showing off God power in the meanest and most intelligent ways. Sure there were ways of crippling me that were obviously painful, i.e. no hide, no voice, but turning me from female to male was classic. You were the God Mizzarah most respected and feared because of our one interaction.

Brindlebin: I had you assassinted and here higher up immortals kept interfering. I so had you . Man that would have been perfect if I could have pulled it off... I got up to five good stalks on you as a heroimm and then you got warned. Bah!

All in all, good stuff.

Sorry again if I enraged any of you with the venomous tongue. I mean, you are dealing with a chaotic evil insane dark elf. Its not like things are going to be rational.

I'm going to be general here, so post if you want responses.

Paladins: A hero level paladin versus a dark elf uncaballed assassin who hardly ever deals with preps or cares about preps, its not match. I stayed and fought those I could fight actually, shamans and such, but virtued paladins just made it useless. Add in the massive roving gangs, and that pheonix gate in that constantly happened to me and well, sorry, I'm not going to sit around and get ganged.

After losing hide, I knew I could not compete with virtued paladins who could kill me in one strike. So just like a chaotic evil insane dark elf, I decided to just frustrate and taunt. That half-elf paladin (U something) received the most of it, hope you are still sane .

Good fights with everyone else. Please post and I'll respond.


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HOT Locked Topic(DELETED) [None] Mizzarah the Voiceless, Torn from the ... [View all] , Death_Angel, Wed 21-Dec-05 01:34 AM
Reply Goodbyes., Mizzarah (Guest), 08-Dec-05 06:25 PM #4
Reply Basically..., Arvam, 08-Dec-05 07:36 PM, #5
Reply Yup. Thanks! N/t, Mizzarah (Guest), 08-Dec-05 08:33 PM, #8
Reply RE: Goodbyes., Therethine (Guest), 08-Dec-05 07:37 PM, #6
Reply ps. Feeling generous, got your PBF. n/t, Therethine (Guest), 08-Dec-05 07:44 PM, #7
     Reply Thanks! N/t, Mizzarah (Guest), 09-Dec-05 01:04 AM, #9
Reply Rather thoroughly impressed by the character of Mizzara..., Garjamasra (Guest), 09-Dec-05 02:24 AM, #10
Reply RE: Goodbyes., Aarn, 09-Dec-05 09:40 AM, #11
Reply RE: Goodbyes., Enbuergo1 (Guest), 09-Dec-05 11:53 AM, #13
Reply Heh., DCUnreg (Guest), 09-Dec-05 12:05 PM, #14
Reply RE: Heh., Valguarnera, 09-Dec-05 02:28 PM, #20
     Reply This is a reasonable post., DCUnreg (Guest), 09-Dec-05 03:11 PM, #23
     Reply Don't I know it! ~, Pro-Man (Guest), 09-Dec-05 05:10 PM, #31
Reply RE: Goodbyes., Aarn, 09-Dec-05 01:24 PM, #16
     Reply Nobody's stopping you from posting on Dio's, Enbuergo1 (Guest), 09-Dec-05 01:32 PM, #17
Reply If you want him to post here he'd have to be unbanned. ..., DCUnreg (Guest), 09-Dec-05 12:07 PM, #15
Reply That is also true. I was banned from these forums until..., Mizzarah (Guest), 09-Dec-05 03:28 PM, #24
     Reply Valg must've accidentally unbanned you when he unbanned..., DCUnreg (Guest), 09-Dec-05 03:32 PM, #26
Reply Wow..., Mizzarah (Guest), 09-Dec-05 01:40 PM, #18
Reply RE: Goodbyes., Kastellyn, 09-Dec-05 11:51 AM, #12
Reply RE: Goodbyes., ordasen, 09-Dec-05 02:11 PM, #19
Reply RE: Goodbyes., Valguarnera, 09-Dec-05 02:35 PM, #21
     Reply My role eluded to my insanity and the emergence of how ..., Mizzarah (Guest), 09-Dec-05 03:41 PM, #27
          Reply RE: My role eluded to my insanity and the emergence of ..., shokai, 09-Dec-05 04:30 PM, #29
          Reply RE: My role eluded to my insanity and the emergence of ..., Aarn, 09-Dec-05 05:01 PM, #30
               Reply Cool, I just don't want any hard feelings., Mizzarah (Guest), 09-Dec-05 05:21 PM, #32
Reply Darn, Eshval, 09-Dec-05 03:09 PM, #22
Reply Sending me to the nightwalkers area was classy (good wa..., Mizzarah (Guest), 09-Dec-05 03:30 PM, #25
Reply RE: Goodbyes., shokai, 09-Dec-05 04:22 PM, #28
Reply Well well, Sarmas (Guest), 10-Dec-05 03:49 AM, #33
Reply Good job, Khasotholas, 10-Dec-05 09:40 AM, #34
Reply The obligatory call-out., nepenthe, 20-Dec-05 01:38 PM, #35
     Reply Before I forget, a somewhat unrelated question:, nepenthe, 20-Dec-05 02:03 PM, #36
     Reply That shaman and others., Mizzarah (Guest), 20-Dec-05 03:22 PM, #37
          Reply RE: That shaman and others., nepenthe, 20-Dec-05 03:26 PM, #38
     Reply RE: The obligatory call-out., DC Unreg (Guest), 20-Dec-05 04:01 PM, #39
     Reply I'll be short., Mizzarah (Guest), 20-Dec-05 04:05 PM, #40
     Reply I'll also be short., nepenthe, 20-Dec-05 04:17 PM, #41
          Reply I give up, you win. Believe what you want., Mizzarah (Guest), 20-Dec-05 05:42 PM, #46
               Reply Here's my challenge:, nepenthe, 20-Dec-05 05:53 PM, #48
                    Reply And the same for you Nepenthe., Mizzarah (Guest), 20-Dec-05 06:03 PM, #49
                         Reply Accountability., Valguarnera, 20-Dec-05 06:19 PM, #50
     Reply Win-win bitterness., Valguarnera, 20-Dec-05 04:18 PM, #42
          Reply Aside for the players:, nepenthe, 20-Dec-05 04:46 PM, #43
          Reply Interesting!, Not_interesting (Guest), 20-Dec-05 05:08 PM, #44
               Reply RE: Interesting!, nepenthe, 20-Dec-05 05:22 PM, #45
          Reply Heh., DC Unreg (Guest), 20-Dec-05 05:52 PM, #47
Reply I am amazed you went that long without deleting., Bajula, 08-Dec-05 01:17 PM, #3
Reply I don't care what anyone else thinks. You were the shi..., Kruuank (Guest), 08-Dec-05 12:02 AM, #1
     Reply I don't care what anyone else thinks..., Karel, 08-Dec-05 12:09 AM, #2
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