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Kwalin (Guest)Thu 08-Apr-04 08:20 PM

#26100, "And so it ends."


I had a lot of fun with Kwalin. Scion is a great cabal and invokers are by far my favorite class. This obviously wasn’t my first invoker hero but it certainly was both my most powerful and most fun.

A few words about myself first. I was sphere Vanity, I hated to look poor and I always carried around a ton of gold and tried to appear opulent more often than not. I was in many ways trying to play a running contradiction because while I wanted to appear opulent and rich I also wanted to remain unseen and unnoticed. This translated into the fact that I spent the vast majority of my time alone. I also carried a lot of grudges with the character. I hated several scions and displayed this in several ways but tried to keep it discrete. As in I simply wouldn’t talk to you or I’d try to stay perm improved-invis if you couldn’t see me. It’d be like pulling teeth to get me to rank or help re-gear a few of you. I also largely tried to avoid any and all immteraction. I wrote no role but I did have a few ideas as to how I intended the character to live as stated above and I think I followed through with them. Whenever I saw a god of any sort I did as little as I thought I could get away with without drawing their eye. Both IC and OOC I have a great deal of respect for the immortals and their power. Also most of my interactions with immortals have come out in such a way that I generally wish I had never opened my big mouth. Anyway I do want to say you guys make a great game and I am very grateful for your efforts. I’ve played other muds but CF just blows just about any other ROM mud out of the water.



Valguarnera: Never saw you, never talked to you, but am glad that you’re around.

Beroxxus: Saw you on, but never talked to you, think I heard you once and for Kwalin it was more than enough. The orcs certainly regret it I do hope I get the chance to actually interact with future characters.

Mekantos: I absolutely hated your guts while you were a mortal. I did everything I possibly could to avoid doing your will. I’d ignore you when I thought I could get away with it and I even sabotagued a few of your re-gearing runs. You didn’t think I accidentally forget a few certain shields did you? From the get go I was more or less in Foslin’s pocket and from your slights to her to not showing up to defend a few times it really got under my skin. You do that well, getting under peoples skin that is. I do not dislike you out of character. I’ve seen a few logs of you on the other board and you seemed like you had a decent head on your shoulders and could handle yourself in a fight. As an immortal I have very little to complain about and I’m damned surprised you didn’t kick me that time on the rainbow bridge. I was grasping for straws rather than saying anything really intelligent there, it was far from my finest moment. I probably would have kicked me. I am grateful that you didn’t as I probably would have deleted on the spot and missed all the good time I had since then.

To the rest of you guys’n gals: Rarely saw you and stayed far, far away.

To the area writers: You all kick so much ass. I’d kiss up more but it’d just get nauseauting. Good Job


I’d say scion is possibly the deepest cabal in terms of roleplay. There is so much to know about scion and it’s all so mysterious yet accommodating in what it will allow. There are so many references to it in areas and I made it a significant portion of my chars life mission to figuring out all he could about scion and the um darker powers per say. I will definitely be back. Scion is by far the most fun cabal I’ve played and I’ve been in most of them. I can’t figure out why everyone goes empire when there’s scion.

Foslin: You were a real class act. Thanks for the induct, I always respected you and liked you.

Etarekoth: Liked you too from the moment you geared me up in arkham way back in the day. You were a great chancellor and we nailed a lot of enemies together.

Ilivarra: Yes, keep your enemies close and your “allies” closer . Sure worked for me. You were by far my favorite ally the sheer number of corpses we left behind us was crazy. You do a good job of playing your cards close to your chest and you had an impressive, intimidating, and gruesome presence. I look forward to meeting your next.

Vanar: It was always good to have you by my side during a raid.

Ghuishoc: Heh, glad you died to enjoy the sword of ****** After leading you down there, only a fool would assume I DIDN’T know what the heck it did when I gave it to you.

Jyslin: Always nice to have a healer to explore with. You were useful enough to tolerate Good luck with the chancellorship.

Zwick: You were the coolest mute around.

Daranor/Kazadan: Wish you guys lasted longer trannies are always nice to have around.

Jiro: You had an impressive and unorthodox combo, was always a pleasure.

Battle: I hated fighting you guys. If I could at all avoid fighting the village I generally would. Never the less, we did have a few good brawls.

Zhelrantix: Damn you were a beast. Well done. Those flurries were hideous.

Vex: you were damn slippery. There were several times where you should have died but didn’t. Well played.

Tyrkul: you always had a knack for showing up at precisely the WRONG time. Well done.

Sardinthal: Resident punching bag. You seemed to take an awful lot of punishment with your combo.

Haljunei: Another beast. I don’t think I ever won a fight against you.

Baielko: Again well done, you surprised me with some of your whip moves much to my chagrin.

Flaerglum: Poison Defender? You gave me nightmares you did. Never ran into a more annoying thief than you.

Mauchelle: Dunno why but you were another resident punching bag as far as I was concerned. Still you had plenty of heart.

Slathigern/Juktar/Sharidum/Zylundak/Jaalek/Betraal/Thrakadan: Good fights all.

Fortress: I don’t get it but it seems playing on team good usually tends to make you play like an idiot as far as pk is concerned. I think I died all of once – and I was naked at the time – to you guys and I should have died way more. I tried playing team good and I was a miserable failure too.

Lariya: More overpowered than I was. Pain in the ass to fight but for me hardly deadly.

Nhiala: See above.

Tcatama: good fights, always one sided. Took a lot of beatings but you sure had a lot of heart.

Gradaelus/Vorondel: Good fights. Surprised neither of you ever got me.

Skallgrim/Brulig/Manethrall/Hykroln/Jhumthe/Umarojn/Gorthalon/Aemelius – good fights all of you.

Empire: Rarely interacted with you. Liked it that way.

Tribunal: You guys are something else.

Baendra: I’ll reply to your post.

Daemar: … what the heck happened?
Sylvan/Outlander: see empire.

Ekibuttan/Arthakar/other uncaballed that I forgot thanks for the good times.

That’s all folks,


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Topic(DELETED) [SCION] Kwalin the Weaver of the Elements [View all] , Death_Angel, Thu 08-Apr-04 07:24 AM
Reply And so it ends., Kwalin (Guest), 08-Apr-04 08:20 PM #2
Reply Yay! I got the longest paragraph!, Mekantos, 09-Apr-04 12:31 AM, #4
Reply RE: And so it ends., Kazadan (Guest), 09-Apr-04 01:19 AM, #5
Reply FYI: regarding your griping., Kwalin (Guest), 09-Apr-04 02:16 AM, #6
     Reply I know my expectations are fairly high for any mud, Kazadan (Guest), 09-Apr-04 03:48 AM, #7
Reply Muahahaha, Rom (Guest), 09-Apr-04 04:16 AM, #8
Reply You were something different., Felar Serpent (Guest), 09-Apr-04 05:50 AM, #9
Reply RE: And so it ends., Vex (Guest), 09-Apr-04 12:29 PM, #10
Reply Farewell Kwalin, Vorondel (Guest), 09-Apr-04 03:28 PM, #11
Reply I'd hoped to see you again, Baendraa (Guest), 08-Apr-04 08:35 AM, #1
     Reply RE: I'd hoped to see you again, Kwalin (Guest), 08-Apr-04 08:26 PM, #3
Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #26094 Previous topic | Next topic