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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #22822
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Foslin (Guest)Thu 18-Dec-03 02:22 PM

#22822, "End of the Road."


This is the end of the road. I was waiting for some kind of inspiration to hit me between school and life and being very busy and it never came back. I would like to apologize to any applicants who were seeking Scion, I just could not do it after the "incident".

What incident you mean? There was a day when fighting villagers meant fighting them one on one, but it seems that day has passed. In addition, there was a day in CF when someone killed you and returned 95%/to all of your gear, and they tell you "I will honor what you did here if you ever fall to me." it meant something. Three ragers involved, two areas from the village giant, giant never attacked, and I am killed by three ragers, all of who I have killed multiple times and returned 100% of their stuff, and I get stripped clean. I ask each about our arrangement, one logs off as quickly as they can, taking with him a couple choice pieces of equipment. The second one just lies to me straight out despite what locate object tells me, and the third doesn't even say anything back. Kill them all a total of 7 times, each time returning equipment, and when it comes time to pay back, it is "internet" greed over a few bits of megabits that drives them.

I have been playing CF for almost 9 years now, with some various number of attempts to quit and I always sneak back, with a new idea or new concept. I was wondering if I was ever going to kick this "pass-time" because you can always come up with new ideas and keep on trucking. But somehow this incident "broke" my habit. Perhaps it was just plain player v. player respect, or the idea that it is a game and why not make it fun for the other person who you have shared this game with for almost a decade. But when it happened, I said to myself, "why do I put myself through this?", I deal with idiots and fools in real life, why do I want to go to a place where they are given licence to be even more disrespectful because of the anonymous basis of internet and the game itself? I always had the idea that you can play the game and stick to your RP without totally ruining the experience for those who you kill or interact with, something I began to expect from others, through a lot of good interactions, and that expectation was my mistake, and my final, endless downfall.

I did get on the very next day and sat in Kteng's lab and nightgaunted every single enemy I could get my hands on. Some people were innocent, others were the very people who took part in the three on one gang. Needless to say, after killing 6 or 7 people, and taking all of their equipment and locking it in Kteng's library, where there was 9 pages of equipment, some of the best there was. I was happy, and then realized I turned into exactly the person I hated, and that was it, I had to bolt from CF, and my desire disappeared, almost magically, heh.

Now, Foslin, the fat chick, the ugly, huge, devil and demon loving gluttonous whore of a woman. I never played female characters really, finding it stupid, but I wanted to try a character that dispelled the idea that every woman in a fantasy world was some perfectly armored, big breasted, hottie out of every nerd's fantasy. Foslin was, in all intensive purposes, the most disgusting thing you could see and the most unattractive, to any humanoid, one could possibly get. And strangely enough I enjoyed playing the part, I'm one sick bastard.

For some reason, leadership positions just find my characters and I always say I will not take another one, and some how, through some moment of weakness when asked to be leader, I agree, and I continually kick myself from that moment on. Leadership positions are thankless, endless jobs filled with an endless stream of idiots with only a few diamonds among the field of fools. Add on top of that the utter helplessness you have as an evil conjurer and the endless amount of time you must spend conjuring for that ever possible raid, and the utter reliance of aura/barrier/shield as an evil conjurer, and it made playing an utter chore.

I know many of you are already thinking this, but Foslin was not a deathful character in any shape or form. She had her moments where she would do cool things that sometimes even surprised myself, but most of the time, it was just a timesink that I could have spent somewhere else. I believe I spent half of my life sleeping to conjure, of the time awake, it was gathering preps or interviewing and retrieving. This was probably the least deathful character I had ever played. Oh well, on to the thanks.

Thanks to:
Beroxxus - Thanks for the interactions, especially the interactions with Worthless, my new favorite creature of CF. Our talks and attempts to rangle information out of this creature without exposing my side was awesome. The initial sheer wonderment who this imp is from, or is it some low level conjurer just screwing with me, or what? Great. Our personal interactions had chances of great development, unfortunately most of it happened after my incident, and my desire to do "research" and spend time and do other required things was not there. I did find protecting Mekantos from me and his uninduction left an ugly taste in my mouth. But its your cabal, granted why give leadership to someone if you are just going to tie their hands when it comes to an utterly disrespectful fool in Scion?

Arvam - To you I would like to apologize the biggest to. You gave me a great chance and great interaction. You tattooed me very early on in my life, perhaps it was because you thought I was good, I think it was because you were tired of dealing with the endless line of gnome and elf healers who followed you, and I was a breath of fresh air. I loved our interactions, especially the shows of the new things I discovered. Granted most of them you have seen, but I hope that last thing I showed you, where you actually seemed somewhat impressed, actually created a little bit of wonderment for you. An attempt to give back the years of intrigue and such given to me.

Rest of the Immortals: Thanks for the good times.

Mekantos - Years, literally of being in Scion, from the day it started on, and somehow I am given the Chancellorship where I don't have power over everyone in the Chasm, go figure. The immortals kept me from dealing with you how someone evil would have, and that utterly disgusted me. We had to "get along", and all that came out of your mouth were endless disrespect, through actions and words, and my hands tied by Beroxxus. Apparently you seemed to think the Chasm is Beroxxus's religion, where you are utterly wrong and you seemed clueless to that point.

Jiro - I enjoyed our interactions immensely, added a great sideplot to everything going on. I had already gotten ingredients to perform the ritual we spoke of and seemed to have immortal backing for it so it would be cool for all involved (but possibly not exactly what you had in mind), but yet again Mekantos goes flying off the handle and does things like uninducting you without talking to me first. Apparently he thinks he is Chancellor, and the immortals were cool with that, oh well, good luck.

Etarekoth - I fought you as Exousia, my attempt at an evil anti-paladin, charge hording whore. The time I teleported right to you in the past while in Kazadum was priceless. I thought you were just some chump, but instead, you turned out to be a nasty dark elf assassin, one of the few people I could actually rely on to do your job, and do it right. I always try to enhance other people's roleplay when they are doing their job right, and pushed for you to be titled something interesting. Sorry I could not get it for you, good luck as well.

Vanar - Invoker support, a priceless thing. Intelligent invoker support is like a diamond in a bucket of glass. Thanks for that, very enjoyable. I believe you played Jafel right? Well, Hifflio says hi, heh.

Zaknafir - The oldest invoker in Scion, and you played it to the last end. A rarity in team evil (tm). Same goes for you about invokers that I said for Vanar.

Kwalin - Also a good invoker. At one point there were four invokers in Scion all hero level and had at least 5 shields each. A beautiful thing. thanks for being part of that.

Other Scions and Applicants: I was walking the line of trying to get back in the character and playing and just deleting outright. After posts started showing up on Dio's about "where's Foslin", I knew it was time to move on.

Villagers: Battle
My home away from home, the place I started CF, and funny enough, my first successful character makes it on the pillar, and to this day I could never make it back to it.

I always thought villagers had a bad wrap, always getting the short end of the stick when it came to situations like honor, etc. I can honestly say that if I saw with Gre all the things I saw with Foslin, the village would be virtually empty, uninducting most for being cowards. I had respect for certain ones, Slathigern and Zhelrantix, raiding alone against just me as a defender, good fights. But then lost it when I found Slathigern in underdark and instead of fighting me, tells me, "leave me alone right now, peace." I think I threw up at my desk and then killed him. As for Zhelrantix, all respect for you was lost, and you know why. Never again should I return perfect sets of gear to you thinking you would pay me back, gotta love internet greed eh?

The endless four on one gangs. Thief scout villagers slinking around with Fortress raiders of the Chasm while a duoed transmuter spells them all up outside then duos so you "can't see him" therefore he is not there. The immortals gave you "Discern" for a reason, but, of course, just happened to not discern them! Or even better, villagers getting summoned out of "tough spots" by Maran paladins and other summoners just so they don't lose their shinies. Or the best is grouping with a warrior who is an applicant for Nexus, only when Nexus goes out, he "gives up magic" magically after being a pill and potion popping whore and applies to the village, AND GETS IN! For the first time ever, I have nothing nice to say about villagers. Back in the day you could count on having a one on one fight with a villager, now, you can count that you will fight at least three.

Now, what is different about this attempt to quit? Since I know the posts will come, "You'll be back". The difference is for the first time ever in my CF career, it was a chore to come and write a goodbye note. I look at my ever present shortcut to "wintin 95.exe" and don't ever want to see the face of Tintin again. The only reason I came and wrote this was because I don't want other players to get screwed because I'm not going to auto delete for another two weeks. They deserve to have fun, even if I'm not.

I apparently missed the day when evil was classified into "really bad evil" and "not so bad evil". Marans making deals with evil villagers while they all raid the Chasm through me for a loop. The things I would hear over clairaudience and see over clairavoyance just made me sick.

What I found most irritating was the perpetual village/sylvan/maran alliance. Where Sylvans would sit outside of the Maran, and villagers would slink around on the northern roads waiting for Chasm people to come retrieve. Or the best is the village giving the Sceptre to the Fortress mages to DEFEND FOR THEM! I was boggled, utterly boggled by this. I was about in the village when Thror tore through villager after villager for taking the item and giving it to another cabal to defend. The village is about pride of work, why would they give up their work to someone else? ANd of ALL PLACES, to a Fortress full of awake mages. Not giving it to the lone paladin, but to a Fortress with an invoker and a transmuter standing in the CABAL.

P.S. Post if you want a response. Just don't have the time or inclination to go through every one.



aka, Hvitlok (first entropy lich), Hifflio, Genofen, Lillitao, Icenyhn, Pilquo, Pumnick, Exousia, Gre, Glaus, Pyrthious, Uilin (first poison thief in the village), Mavail (props go out to Abertyne), and a hundred other characters I can't think of now.


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HOT TopicEnd of the Road. [View all] , Foslin (Guest), Thu 18-Dec-03 02:22 PM
Reply RE: End of the Road., Sardinthal (Guest), 19-Dec-03 03:05 AM, #44
Reply RE: End of the Road., Nivek1, 17-Dec-03 09:46 PM, #29
Reply RE: End of the Road., Vidar (Guest), 17-Dec-03 11:03 PM, #30
Reply It's cool dude., Jiro (Guest), 17-Dec-03 08:13 PM, #22
Reply I sense a connection of some sort, Curious (Guest), 18-Dec-03 11:40 AM, #24
Reply Nope., Jiro (Guest), 17-Dec-03 09:14 PM, #26
Reply Couple things:, Valguarnera, 18-Dec-03 11:49 AM, #35
     Reply well, it could have been this, Daurwyn (Guest), 18-Dec-03 12:06 PM, #36
     Reply RE: Couple things:, Jiro (Guest), 18-Dec-03 02:05 PM, #38
          Reply I dunno..., Enbuergo1 (Guest), 18-Dec-03 02:41 PM, #41
               Reply This is the one he is referring to. -nt-, Mek (Guest), 18-Dec-03 02:54 PM, #42
Reply Balance is probably the number one compliment to hour p..., Theerkla, 17-Dec-03 09:30 PM, #28
Reply Balance + Hour is just a very very nice combo n/t, Evil Genius (Anonymous), 18-Dec-03 10:07 AM, #33
Reply RE: Gear and dying, Mek (Guest), 17-Dec-03 09:21 PM, #27
     Reply Hehehe, Jiro (Guest), 17-Dec-03 10:25 PM, #40
          Reply RE: Hehehe, Uhms Student (Guest), 17-Dec-03 11:17 PM, #31
          Reply RE: Hehehe, Mek (Guest), 18-Dec-03 12:11 AM, #32
               Reply My johnson is bigger. Yes IT IS!, Jiro (Guest), 18-Dec-03 01:16 AM, #34
               Reply Not for nothing., Boldereth, 18-Dec-03 12:41 PM, #37
               Reply Uhh... apparently being a vet doesn't mean much, Jiro (Guest), 18-Dec-03 09:11 PM, #43
                    Reply RE: Uhh... apparently being a vet doesn't mean much, Boldereth, 19-Dec-03 08:13 PM, #45
               Reply Oh man., Observer (Guest), 18-Dec-03 06:04 AM, #39
               Reply RE: Hehehe, Tylandrin (Guest), 20-Dec-03 03:04 AM, #46
Reply RE: End of the Road., Etarekoth (Guest), 17-Dec-03 06:34 PM, #19
Reply RE: End of the Road., Beroxxus, 17-Dec-03 05:49 PM, #18
Reply Briefly:, Valguarnera, 17-Dec-03 07:58 PM, #21
Reply RE: End of the Road., Khallistra (Guest), 17-Dec-03 08:55 PM, #25
Reply RE: End of the Road., Zharradam (Guest), 17-Dec-03 05:42 PM, #17
Reply RE: End of the Road., Hutto, 17-Dec-03 04:25 PM, #15
Reply still I cannnnnnn't let go n/t, Cathoir, 17-Dec-03 03:13 PM, #14
Reply RE: End of the Road., Mekantos, 17-Dec-03 01:52 PM, #12
Reply Re: To discuss more, Mekantos, 17-Dec-03 07:14 PM, #20
Reply Ugh..., Kwalin (Guest), 17-Dec-03 01:37 PM, #11
Reply The Village, Kackrik (Guest), 17-Dec-03 01:21 PM, #10
Reply RE: End of the Road., Baielko (Guest), 17-Dec-03 01:10 PM, #9
Reply Good luck, Terwin- (Guest), 17-Dec-03 11:05 AM, #5
Reply Verell was the name of the other Entropy invoker, Foslin (Guest), 17-Dec-03 12:41 PM, #7
Reply Reading this makes me glad I don't take cf as seriously..., Enbuergo1 (Guest), 17-Dec-03 08:53 AM, #4
Reply I don't take CF seriously, Foslin (Guest), 17-Dec-03 12:46 PM, #8
     Reply I will say, however, that Hvitlock was the shiznit., Enbuergo1 (Guest), 17-Dec-03 08:32 PM, #23
Reply I'm not sure the village has changed so much, DAurwyn (Guest), 17-Dec-03 07:48 AM, #3
Reply Who are you?, Foslin (Guest), 17-Dec-03 12:40 PM, #6
     Reply I was Sossaphrin, Daurwyn (Guest), 17-Dec-03 02:14 PM, #13
          Reply You are seriously confusing me with someone else n/t, Foslin (Guest), 17-Dec-03 05:08 PM, #16
Reply RE: End of the Road., Khasotholas, 17-Dec-03 07:42 AM, #2
Reply RE: End of the Road., Jafel, 17-Dec-03 06:21 AM, #1
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