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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #2194
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Weyum (Guest) (Guest)Thu 23-Aug-01 12:22 PM

#2196, "Well it was time to go."


Yah i know my PK ratio sucked bad! This was my third character on CF. I started playing Text based RP 6 months ago on CF. THe other 2 characters never made it past rank 28. So before you pass judgement on my PK ratio, im a newbie by most standards. This was mostly a social character than a killer one. Its not that i suck at killing it was just not an issue. I had an rank 25 human thief who was 21-3 kills-deaths.

Weyum was more concerned with politics rather than pk'ing. I should have been more concerned with Pk than politics...but that was not the role. The role of this character changed thoughout his life. Weyum started out as evil, more or less cruel and uncompromising. Later on, became more mellow, more forgiving and trying to help out when he could. Turned from being evil to being of balance....traveled only with lightwalkers and battle ragers.
Weyum had promissed Bria since rank 38 that he will not rank on lightwalkers anymore or travel with the dark. So it was...before he turned from Darkness he ranked on arial guards and drow patrollers.
He started to really dislike the scion, for killing tribunals and entering the spire when no tribunals violated the Chasm. Had a talk with Valguarnera about that and was promissed certain things. Heh. For a while things were ok, no more intrusions in the spire...etc.
Valg, youre cool. I really enjoyed the last converstion we had, it was very long. I wonder why you did not punish me. Some tribunals, Maran and Ragers knew what we had agreed and what would happen if that agreement was broken. I Told you that if the spire is invaded again by Scion or another tribunal is killed while on duty, then your people might start dying in their guilds ...getting assassinated, slept...wanted for littering the cities and the battle ragers and maran would run free in the city slaying scions. We agreed.
I guess Weyum was the only one who cared about the people who enforced the law more than the law itself. As i told Astein, the Law is nothing without the people who watch the cities. Just like a god ceases to be a god when nobody pays attention to him anymore.

Overall I think the tribunal is a fairly weak cabal. You know someone is coming to kill you but you can do nothing until he attacks you, or a group attacks you. You die often in seconds, before you have time to even know who killed you. As soon as you become a tribunal you become a target. Its powers are failry weak for the amount of crap it has to deal with, unless youre an elite. To tell you the truth i dont know any elite in the Tribunal. Gormarn was the closest we had to an elite.

Well the reason i deleted is because school is starting. I had planned that thing with the battle ragers and maran for a while, spoken to a few ragers and maran about it, they all agreed. I wont say their names, since they are still around. I had to go on vacation and i realized that when i got back i would have no time for the kind of RP and just plain RL hours to see this through.
I had talked to a few tribunals about the issue and we had agreed about the Maran, Ragers and Scion. The maran would not attack any evils in our cabal in the city, and the ragers would leave our mages alone in the city. When push came to shove, and they were faced with Astein, all the tribs who i thought would support me backed out and pretended to know nothing. Bleah! So i got uninducted and the nice title. After uninduction, made a few battle ragers friends, and would have tried to join Battle since weyum's hate for the scion was so strong. That would have required more playing time, hunting time, socializing time, praying time, than I can give at this point.

Some people i remember.....

Zieth- thanks for tips and gear, also for helping weyum rank and learn.
Malcore - Zieth's sidekick, you rocked.
Cadefi - *snort*
Fellicitinia - Most of the things weyum did was because you died so many times in town, mostly to scions.
Jonni - its been a long time but i remember you well. I let you jack and rob those scions in town..and some others.
Padgett - sometimes i envied you because you just sat in the guild and stalked. I wished i could have done the same but stalking was an indirect form of attack so i figured it was illegal. (RANK already!)

Braiden, Jubair, Kalin, Kamba, Arenthiolo...all the lightwalkers who convinced weyum to turn from darkness.

Pasha - we talked a lot in my lower ranks..hehe and got nightgaunted right in front of you. I never figured out why you never ranked.

Bria - thanks for turning weyum to balance. I was meaning to get your tattoo but like i said, i have not the time now.

Astein - were nice to me. I dont know why you did not kill me when you found out what I had done. I was expecting it

Vlaguarnera - I dont think I will ever trust you again, God or not. Nice talk we had. With friends like you, who needs enemies. For all i know you told Scion to keep raiding the Spire and killing magistrates.

Mundanathnor - Leanrned lots from you.

Battle Ragers...DAMNIT! you were not supposed to tell anyone but weyum, fellicitinia (i wont say the other ones since they backed out on me and peed their pants) if some of you got flagged killing scions in town! Why you went off telling other young magistrates who i had not talked to yet...i dont know!

Maran - SAME.

Scions - you killed me once in town, in the typical style of gang bang. I had planned to stalk the chasm but my post as a tribunal would not allow it. I never did violate that.

Sylvan- Shrug...never met any of you.

I guess the best way to describe Weyum's philosophy is as the old saying goes. "There can be no Justice where the Laws are absolute." Wanted flags is death for newbies, but for more experienced players its just a minor inconvenience. Even at my play level with a rank 35+ assassin, a wanted flag would mean next to nothing.

WIth weyum i learned a lot about CF, about where to find gear and get dressed up in less than 20 minutes Real time. I learned that gear is not as important as the development of the character ... most people never learn that.

Its been fun...ill be back later x next char wont be so peaceful I like the tribunal, its a good challenge.


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Topic(DEL) <None> Weyum the Shinan, Creator of Useless Treat... [View all] , Death_Angel, Thu 23-Aug-01 11:16 AM
Reply RE: (DEL) <None> Weyum the Shinan, Creator of Useless T..., Brakkont (Guest) (Guest), 23-Sep-01 01:55 AM, #3
Reply Well it was time to go., Weyum (Guest) (Guest), 23-Aug-01 12:22 PM #1
     Reply RE: Well it was time to go., Fellicitinia (Guest) (Guest), 23-Aug-01 12:44 PM, #2
     Reply RE: Well it was time to go., Jolly Jonni's ghost (Guest) (Guest), 19-Oct-01 10:35 AM, #4
     Reply RE: Well it was time to go., Ritrav (Guest) (Guest), 20-Oct-01 01:52 AM, #5
          Reply Heh, Weyum (Guest) (Guest), 20-Oct-01 12:45 PM, #6
          Reply RE: Well it was time to go., Gabryel (Guest) (Guest), 22-Oct-01 04:30 PM, #7
               Reply heh, Weyum (Guest) (Guest), 22-Oct-01 11:02 PM, #8
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