Subject: "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith" Previous topic | Next topic
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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #19523
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Phekaosy (Guest)Mon 21-Jul-03 07:15 PM

#19560, "RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith"


Greetings to all.

Well, this is like my 10th good healer. I do enjoy healers

Anyway....first some thoughts I been meaning to complain
about the class. I think the commune prayer should be
upped. I was constantly being slept by necros and ap's.
Didn't matter how much save versus spell i gathered, first
shot and I was down. Same thing with all the other killer
spells to healers, forget, worldbind. Healers as a defensive
class should have a better shot at not getting beaten on the
first round of combat with these spells.

I never logged my role, I kinda stopped it acfter i knew I wasnt
going to get any immteraction. Basically I was lone healer out
on the frontlines of the battle. I intially was going to join the fortress
as a maran, but I wished Shokai's tattoo before applying. I feared
necros's and ap's and struggled to conquer it so sometimes I
would run head first striking them or run like hell from them. Since I
never aquired the tattoo I was uncabal'd. I had a thing for Dwarfs,
loved to toss then and would try to find different ddwarfs so I may toss
the at the storm giant festivals. Also had a thing with the Balator Orphans
Since they were all orphaned from dead Kights Of Therans and being
between Empire and Scions (mostly scions before empire came back)
I believed someone should protect them till they could understand the
world better and be prepared. Tried to be a friend to Sylvans for there
care of the wilderness, the fortress for my deity, and warlocks for there
aid in the fight againest darkness. Had a fallign out with warlocks after
Gherian came and attacked a lightwalking rager after he just unghosted
from a sworm of warlocks. From then on the cabal was dead to me but
individuals I would still associate with. I think that was the main spots of
my role, though if someone found something perculiar with soemthing I
did, I could probably explain it.

As to goodbyes...I forgot alot of names during my lifespan, I shall remember
some of the current people I would talk to.

Karun: Loved trying to toss ya, you were fun to hang around with
Eluna: To bad you were a birdie, You would have been fun to toss
as well, had fun spending time with you as well. You were the last
person I grouped with.
Jhard: I believe I got the name right, warlock shifter. You were fun to speak
with. Loved talking tossing techniques with ya.
Dylerion: I bel;ieve you and I ranked up together, maybe not, but your name
sticks out as an early traveler with me. Your not around as much but
we had some good times earlier when i was middle aged.
Akrangol: Pretty much my only friend within Sylvan. I believe we got you to
hero with Dylerion. You were always fun and a good ally.
F******: I forget your name, but I believe you were a fortress dwarf. You were
my tossing buddy before Karun.....Loved playign with you.

Evil Healers: Wow...through the years I fought many of you. I thought It was my
duty to attack you guys at every turn I could. We had memorable
fights againest a number of you. I love healer vrs healer fights.

Fortress: I enjoyed most of you cept that whining healing cardinal J***soemthing
who tried to tell me what a healer should do. Bah! There were many
of you I interacted with and I enjoyed all the time I spent with each of you.
I want to thank the marshall that spoke to me about joining marans. I was
tempted to sign up but without Shokai's mark, it would have been againest
my role.

Warlocks: During my earlier years, I could always find a warlock friend, times with Jhard
and those before him. Was always a fun time no matter what we did. Thats for
the good times.

Sylvan: Always came to defend even when ya didnt ask. I remeber the gobble gobble guy,
you were fun, and strawberry, always loved you. I didnt get to interact with any of
you unless you wanted interaction (always camo'd dammit). It was fun though.

Evil: I didnt associate with any of you...took that from the paladin code, dont speak with evil.

Well Thanks for the fun all, Im getting to old for this mud, it's to dam addicting
and everyone uses all suck...heh..Everyone enjoy themselves.


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Topic(AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith [View all] , Death_Angel, Mon 21-Jul-03 12:24 PM
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith, Erenthell (Guest), 22-Jul-03 06:56 PM, #12
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith, Phekaosy (Guest), 21-Jul-03 07:15 PM #6
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith, Dylerion (Guest), 21-Jul-03 07:41 PM, #7
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith, karun (Guest), 21-Jul-03 07:52 PM, #8
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith, Akrangol (Guest), 21-Jul-03 11:00 PM, #9
Reply Wow., The Forsaken (Guest), 21-Jul-03 11:22 PM, #10
Reply It seems everyone is going missing, seakrou (Guest), 22-Jul-03 04:33 PM, #11
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith, Isildur, 21-Jul-03 04:34 PM, #4
Reply About time you old FART!, Uelveyye, 21-Jul-03 04:14 PM, #3
Reply Excellent work, Eluna, 21-Jul-03 03:58 PM, #2
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Phekaosy the Protector of Faith, Rogardian (Guest), 21-Jul-03 02:08 PM, #1
     Reply I wouldn't say never in a cabal..., Vladamir, 21-Jul-03 04:39 PM, #5
Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #19523 Previous topic | Next topic