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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #13336
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Guenrayn (Guest)Mon 23-Dec-02 12:23 AM

#13389, "My Role"



As an onlooker surveys the scene, they see a human slavemaster with a whip in hand standing tall above a group of felars. The cats are cowering in the corner, crying and begging not to be struck. The slavemaster grins evilly and says, “Brensen has ordered for your group to be whipped, for you have not found enough reagents fast enough. Maybe this lashing will make you learn a bit about work.” The slavemaster then fiendishly begins to lash out with his cruel whip. The young felars run about trying not to get hit. The slavemaster finishes beating the felars and then turns back to the leopard spotted one. He looks at him and says, “and now for you Guenrayn, you were the lead felar of this crew. Turn around, and present your back, if you cry out, you shall get more.” Guenrayn turns his back to the slavemaster with a slight grin. The slavemaster is enraged by the petulance of this small felar, the runt of his family. “I shall enjoy this” the slavemaster states. He begins to lash at the young cat, but no sound is heard from his lips. Finally, the slavemaster relents, but as he turns to walk from the room he says to Guenrayn, “Now to go find that weakling you call a father, for he will surely cry out!” At this Guenrayn turns around and says “No!” The slavemaster, hearing what he wanted, turns back and brings his whip to bear. The snaps the vile thing toward Guenrayn and the felar simply puts his left hand forth, letting the whip wrap around it. Using his surprising strength Guenrayn yanks the slavemaster back to himself, and Guenrayn quickly drives his foreclaw into the throat of the slavemaster, stifling his cries. The slavemaster grabs at his throat, drops his whip, and starts crawling for the door in pain. Guenrayn quickly grabs his whip, and ties it about the throat of the injured slavemaster. The slavemaster tries to untangle the cruel whip from his throat, but Guenrayn’s ironhand will not be undone. The slavemaster quickly loses all consciousness and slips into darkness forever. Guenrayn turns quickly to his companions and instructs them to blame him for all actions. He then takes the slavemaster's keys and whip, and unlocks the doors. He finds a sewer grate in the main hall and quickly lowers himself in to wait for nightfall. As night makes its way to the felar encampment, Guenrayn slips out the back door of the compound, and steals off into the night.

Added Sun Sep 29 23:04:01 2002 at level 28:
Silence is all that can be heard as you regard the room. Before you in the
dim light of the torches you see a massive pillar. A pillar dedicated to
heroes long passed, but heroes still remembered. Before you is the pillar of
the Battleragers, a symbol of their legacy and courage. On this pillar are
then names of thirty-four ragers who have come before. Their names are here
because their lives were a testament to courage, to brotherhood, and dedication
to the tablet of the Battleragers. It is at the foot of this Unbreakable Pillar

that we find Guenrayn. He is basking in is glory, and in the memory of those
long-past. Another of the village approaches the young felar, and asks him
what he is doing. Herein is that conversation:

"Guenrayn, what are you doing?" the young assassin asks his friend. "I am
burning the names of this pillar into my mind, for I will not forget the
lives they gave up for their dedication to that which I hold sacred."
"Aye my friend" the Assassin replies, "but i find you sitting here often, and
often I note a tear in your eye. Why does this bring such emotion?"
"I have read the history of our clan, of this village, and I also know the
history of my people. Long have my people suffered under the magi, many
going without much in their life. Did you know, that I don't even have a last
name?" Guenrayn turns to look at the Assassin. The Assassin turns to him and
says "Then pick one for yourself my friend, there are many who have come before
you, many felars who have fought and died for this village, take one of
their names, but if you do, live up to it my friend, live up to it." Guenrayn
shows his fangs as he smiles broadly. "Thank you friend, I shall choose one
for myself, and I shall live to prove my worthiness of it." His Assassin
friend turns and walks away smiling. Guenrayn turns back to the pillar and
whispers "May I be worthy of your last name, Creon Bloodclaw, Leader of Battle."

Added Thu Oct 24 22:35:33 2002 at level 48:
As you peer into this grisly room you have a hard time seeing with its dim lighting.
It seems like all of the focus of the light falls upon a throne, surrounded
by skulls, mage skulls to be exact. Kneeling at the base of the throne is a small
Felar, and standing before the throne is a large giant waiting to destroy
those who would dare enter this room unwelcome. The small felar appears to be
speaking with the large giant. You can't tell how much of the conversation
has passed, but you sense the felars love for this giant, and in turn
the giant's respect for this felar. This is what you hear.

The giant turns to Guenrayn and says, "You have reached a point in your
guild of warriors, where you can learn the legacies of the Monks of Macalla.
What legacies have you learned? Guenrayn turns to the giant and says "The first
legacy that I learned is the study of Harmonious Equilibrium. I chose it to
better deal with the ways of warriors, and those who would slow me down."
The giant replies "Aye, a good choice for one such as yourself who is small,
and easily bashed, and does not fly, so is tripped easily as well." Guenrayn
replies "aye, I figured it would aide me in the war greatly." The giant "Aye
you already have become a good fighter, and this will only aide you, but why
what did you choose for your second?" Guenrayn says "I chose the Vanguards
Desire as my second." The giant gets a puzzled look on his face and asks
"Why would you choose something like that, when there are so many others?"
Guenrayn turns to the giant and states, "My friend, I have sworn my life
as a Defender of this Village. I chose the Vanguard's Desire to aide with
our defense, to inspire those who follow me, and to aide those whom I follow.
My life is a vapor, just a passing thing that will end one day, but you
and this village have stood the tests of time, whatever I can do now to inspire
Victory and hope into my brothers, I will do." The giant looks at Guenrayn
with a smile on his face and says "You my friend, care deeply for us, thank

Added Wed Dec 4 15:18:21 2002 at level 51:
As you look upon Guenrayn, you notice he has a leather-bound journal in his
lap. He is writing in it with a quill and ink. You wonder if he killed
the bird himself?

***Guenrayn's Journal, Page 10***
Much thanks I truly owe to Rustanviel. He has shown me the intricacies of
writing with quill and ink. He has told me I have learned quickly, which
truly comes as no surprise to me. I have always learned quickly, that is
is why I was a leader among the slaves. Ah, those horrible days within
the encampment. I have been back a few times, and have slain that damn
mage. He was only the beginning though, but in truth, I owe him for showing
me the truth. Now, granted, he didn't sit with me and show me, but the rage
he inspired within me pointed me in the right direction.
So much has happened over the past few years of my life. I feel the vigor
of my life waning as I've fought countless foes, and just from the bastard
we call time. However, time may weaken my bones even more than the mages did
but it will only be temporary. One day my body will give out, and death
will come for the last day. In death, It is my hope that my life will
inspire others to show their dedication to the village, as i have.
I have gained much favor in the eyes of our Lords, and particularily in
the eyes of Lord Intronan. He gave me his mark, and told me it was only a
beginning. I continue to strive to learn more, and I wonder what will be
next. What i might learn, or how the sappers might train me next.
Ah, the sappers, what an interesting development that was. They have begun
to teach me much, I wonder what may come next.

Guenrayn closes his journal, dusts himself off from sitting on the mats
within the shrine of the blood-stained raven, and heads out to do battle.


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HOT Topic(CON) Guenrayn Bloodclaw, General of War [View all] , Death_Angel, Sun 22-Dec-02 11:35 PM
Reply Well done General., BattleCharmed, 31-Dec-02 11:48 AM, #51
Reply RE: (CON) Guenrayn Bloodclaw, General of War, Crynralvek (Guest), 25-Dec-02 04:32 PM, #45
Reply was fun fighting you..., Killag (Guest), 23-Dec-02 11:36 PM, #39
Reply A note about Hand to Hand and my legacies, Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 10:31 PM, #37
Reply I agree about pummel more like drumming n/t, H2H Warrior (Guest), 24-Dec-02 12:22 AM, #40
Reply RE: (CON) Guenrayn Bloodclaw, General of War, Melkorath (Guest), 23-Dec-02 08:13 PM, #31
Reply RE: (CON) Guenrayn Bloodclaw, General of War, Namuzi (Guest), 23-Dec-02 08:44 AM, #15
Reply Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it! :), Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 12:18 AM, #1
     Reply My Role, Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 12:23 AM #2
     Reply Attached to my hip?, Dranolian (Guest), 23-Dec-02 12:32 AM, #3
     Reply RE: Attached to my hip?, Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 12:44 AM, #4
          Reply Uhm, Nightgaunt, 23-Dec-02 11:28 AM, #18
               Reply I guess you have to see my side., Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 03:34 PM, #24
     Reply This is starting to get frustrating n/t, Kavuul (Guest), 23-Dec-02 12:52 AM, #5
     Reply The one thing about Minyar charactors....., Anith (Guest), 23-Dec-02 01:34 AM, #6
     Reply Bummer., Panir (Guest), 23-Dec-02 02:00 AM, #7
     Reply RE: Bummer., Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 03:24 PM, #21
     Reply Honorable mention, Aginal (Guest), 23-Dec-02 02:02 AM, #8
     Reply another, then another, Drayhloch (Guest), 23-Dec-02 02:04 AM, #9
     Reply Argh, I forgot you, Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 03:26 PM, #22
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Gholrhun (Guest), 23-Dec-02 02:24 AM, #10
     Reply It was fun, Rustanviel (Guest), 23-Dec-02 04:16 AM, #11
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Intronan, 23-Dec-02 06:43 AM, #12
     Reply The Pillar, Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 10:26 PM, #36
     Reply Urgh. Another good villager down, Marcus_, 23-Dec-02 07:01 AM, #13
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., nwayreth (Guest), 23-Dec-02 07:23 AM, #14
     Reply Defender's Rule!, Kastellyn, 23-Dec-02 09:47 AM, #16
     Reply Knew you were near..., Vortigern (Guest), 23-Dec-02 10:51 AM, #17
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Jehegaciel (Guest), 23-Dec-02 12:57 PM, #19
     Reply Well..., Mernon, 23-Dec-02 01:37 PM, #20
     Reply One Tactic otehrs used, Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 03:28 PM, #23
     Reply Didn't expect a mention, but my thoughts, Lokrin (Guest), 23-Dec-02 04:01 PM, #25
     Reply RE: Didn't expect a mention, but my thoughts, Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 10:15 PM, #33
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Rodonar (Guest), 23-Dec-02 04:35 PM, #26
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Trajeona (Guest), 23-Dec-02 05:00 PM, #27
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 10:19 PM, #34
          Reply Aight Whatever..., Trajeona (Guest), 24-Dec-02 02:31 AM, #42
               Reply second part, Trajeona (Guest), 24-Dec-02 02:35 AM, #43
               Reply btw Against shield spec paladins you may, Evil Genius (Anonymous), 25-Dec-02 06:06 PM, #46
                    Reply Hmm, Trajeona (Guest), 26-Dec-02 04:16 AM, #47
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Talfos, 23-Dec-02 05:52 PM, #28
     Reply Good job, Koaeb (Guest), 23-Dec-02 05:59 PM, #29
     Reply You were my favorite rager., Lurdonis (Guest), 23-Dec-02 07:55 PM, #30
     Reply RE: You were my favorite rager., Guenrayn (Guest), 23-Dec-02 10:23 PM, #35
     Reply Har!, Kragnar (Guest), 23-Dec-02 08:34 PM, #32
     Reply Another kitty cat is gone now, Kierning (Guest), 23-Dec-02 11:05 PM, #38
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Roktalken (Guest), 24-Dec-02 02:21 AM, #41
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., Darmok, 25-Dec-02 01:03 AM, #44
     Reply Buhbyes, Talin (Guest), 29-Dec-02 03:03 AM, #48
     Reply RE: Well, not a surprising pk ratio, but I'm ok with it..., HammerSong, 31-Dec-02 11:07 AM, #49
     Reply All I can say is, thank you n/t, Guenrayn (Guest), 31-Dec-02 11:22 AM, #50
     Reply only one regret, Grogim (Guest), 02-Jan-03 04:19 AM, #52
     Reply Heh, Kyeila (Guest), 03-Jan-03 03:11 PM, #53
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