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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Druid improvements: More callofthewild varietyNarissaSun 06-Jan-08 04:39 PM480
Topic Flaw additionsWildGirlSun 06-Jan-08 04:30 PM471
Topic Improvements for the New CF player: QuestsHopelessdwarfWed 26-Dec-07 06:14 PM506
Topic Edge additions: Felar A-PORBWed 26-Dec-07 04:38 PM637
Topic Dual-wield improvementsKalageadonSun 23-Dec-07 10:21 PM394
Topic Improvements for the New CF playerWildGirlSun 23-Dec-07 02:05 PM322
Topic Edge additions: BardRodriguezSun 23-Dec-07 02:02 PM186
Topic Edge additions: GeneralWildGirlSun 23-Dec-07 02:02 PM184
Topic Revisit healing rates in Area ExploreShadowmasterSun 02-Dec-07 01:30 PM301
Topic Making neutral conjurers have an area of expertise Pages 1 | 2 EXBFri 30-Nov-07 08:17 PM491
HOT Topic Improvements to the Cabal Wars Pages 1 | 2 | 3 Terwin05Fri 30-Nov-07 04:57 PM637
Topic Improvements to Bedouin rangersWildGirlTue 27-Nov-07 09:35 PM308
Topic Improvements for the New CF playerLightmageSun 25-Nov-07 12:21 PM360
Topic An alternative approach to Hell for good-alignedMekantosSat 24-Nov-07 07:31 PM461
Topic Improvements for the New CF playerLightmageSat 24-Nov-07 07:30 PM301
Topic Splitting up conjurers angels, much like demons areBrian SSat 24-Nov-07 07:29 PM379
Topic Expanding on the quasi/para-element paths for invokersNoldrukSat 24-Nov-07 07:29 PM460
Topic Bonuses for keeping a WANTED flagStunnaSat 24-Nov-07 07:28 PM467
Topic Bonuses for keeping a WANTED flagWildGirlSat 24-Nov-07 07:28 PM262