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RE: Some blasts from the past.
Eobe <18220> is PRAYING for: Thrym tracks me even though I am a ghost...

Drokalanatym <53>: better keep running then

Grumorum: unless someone has a problem with "Eroc", please rename
Vile as such.

Sebeok: done
Grumorum: Thank you
Sebeok: not crazy about it, but its better than vile
Grumorum: His second pick was Jon
Sebeok: someone should loan him an imagination
Grumorum: I wasn't going to hold out on his imagination for anything
much better

Arvam: *rofl*
Ilraeth: *snicker*
Grumorum: tell sebeok Damn dude, that was close. We can't let them
know we share a brain.

Grumorum: *gasp*
Ilraeth: hehe
Sebeok: frightening thought
Grumorum: Not as frightening as the fact that we share a bathtub.

Grumorum: When we bathe.
Ilraeth: EEK!
Sebeok: now you've gone way too far
Thror: the imagery
Arvam: Ok, there went dinner
Grumorum: What? We're siamese twins! You have no right to judge us!

Shokai says to Jinroh 'werw I nor seunk....I'm aTY Hullo in rhw proper way'

Shokai says 'errr...drunk'

You say 'Holy ####t.'

You say 'Archive.'

Thaydan (3487) is PRAYING for: Mighty Lord Vynmylak please hear my prayers and grant me audience at your altar of War.

Velkurah (53): I don't have an altar of War.

Arvam (53): Vynmylak does though :p

Velkurah says 'Oh man.'

Lyristeon (53): Archive?

Velkurah (53): Oh yeah. That's the first time I've reaaaaly gotten our names confused

Gherian says 'what the hell is that burning sensation...'

You say 'syphillis'

Rogardian says 'Not to Jirash. Regardian Skallgrim'

Blachmianan says 'Just spell it right'

You say '..Regardian?'

You say 'You've been reading your own name too much'

Sebeok(60) has reconnected within XX seconds of losing link

Blachmianan (53): Cheater!

Drokalanatym: I saw a sneak preview of 'Win a date with tad hamilton' on friday...

Shokai: did you win?

Drokalanatym: I won't say that it was a bad movie or that I wasn't entertained... what I will say

Shokai: I hear that Tad fella is dreamy

Velkurah: Does he have pants?

Valguarnera: Wicked dreamy, I heard.

Sevarecan: All the commercials say so

Shokai: hence the dreaminess

Drokalanatym: is that I felt a little embarrased to be there when the group of 14 year old girls sitting next to me started saying things like "Oh man, that's so unbelievable and sappy."

Vynmylak: You weren't crying were you, Drok?

Shokai: even worse that Drok was weeping at it

Velkurah: That's a great comment for you to rattle off just when Karakan logs in Drok

Arvam: Everyone jumps on the crying Drok punch.

Valguarnera: Sadly, they were talking about his pickup lines.

Drokalanatym: Science has proven there is no target more susceptable to the teen romantic comedy than the fourteen year old girl.

Velkurah: The first thing he sees is Drok talking about 14-year-old girls

Shokai: however, he still scored with the lot of them

Drokalanatym: half my age means I get two of them, right?

Drokalanatym: cleavage is a pretty good hands-free place to stick a glo stick

Shokai: cleavage is a great place to not be hands free

Velkurah: mmm, cleavage is good for many things.

Drokalanatym: You could use your free hands for many things. Origami, for example.

(DEATH 53) (45 anti-paladin) Tufudler killed by (NPC) Happy Farmer at 205 by punch. Happy Farmer gains in strength!

Zulghinlour (53): You are ####king kidding me

Zulghinlour (53): no ####t

Zulghinlour (53): that's like a level 15 mob

Deep in the Emerald Forest, a happy farmer blows on his recently bloodied knuckles, muttering "Still got it."

Zulghinlour (53): hahahah

Arvam (53): *roflmao*

Scarabaeus (53): whoa, I completely missed Homer killing Nelia

Valguarnera (53): D'oh!

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