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RE: The Eternal Star Roast
Got a chip on your shoulder? Would you like to express your grievances against
a specific Theran? Whether you find yourself cross with the Empress and
writing notes about her rumored policies or you're really annoyed at the
Provost for collecting your warrant, join us at the Inn of the Eternal Star.

In the spirit of good humor, the Heralds invite you to the first ever: Eternal
Star Roast! I will preside as the Roastmaster for this event, and I encourage
you to bring your finest jokes about your worst enemies (and best friends). No
individual (or deity*) is safe from being roasted. To those of you unfamiliar
with this type of event: Roasts involve honoring individuals with jokes and
insults at their expense. Occasionally, praise is even thrown in. Your jokes
should be witty and concise - this isn't the time to stand on a soapbox and
rant. Lastly, a joke should be about a single person - we aren't roasting
entire cabals, religions, or guilds.

The best jokes will be compiled to be submitted to the Lyceum and will also be
sent far and wide via missive - so those who didn't have a chance to
participate can read all about it.

Join us as the elves tell time on Wednesday February 23th, at 6 PM, Central
Asgaardian Time.

Roastmaster Kytria Vadasra

* - The Eternal Star isn't responsible for injury or righteous divine wrath
that occurs as a result of roasting the Gods. Choose your jokes carefully!

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