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RE: Note to self:
Not to mention that most of us are at least somewhat frustrated at not getting these forms in past years despite numerous attempts. Shifters aren't exactly the most exciting class, have a lot of hurdles to role-play with,, and they are torture if you get forms that don't match with your desired play style. We only have so much time to invest in this game, and it's a difficult pill to swallow to say we have to play 60+ hours to take that gamble, and be happy with what we got or that means we are trying to game the system.

There's too many other things competing for my time and attention to keep doing that every year. I'm not saying to stop doing halloween forms, I like that challenge. Just don't take it personally that we want to save ourselves a little bit of pain with what's already a ginormous crapshoot that we'll probably end up just deleting when we are very likely to be disappointed over anyway.

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