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RE: Hunsobo/Draktel vs. Kanaev/Edimus
*** Emperor Draktel had declared all Scions to be Anathema, and
thereby we were encouraged to attack them on sight, whether in
a protected city or not. ***

:::1118 (100%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bt
Draktel leaves north.
You follow Draktel north.
The High Altar of the Great Temple

(Black Aura) Draktel is here.
Kanaev is here.
A melancholic dirge surrounds the form of Edimus.
Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
An old woman kneels here in prayer.
(White Aura) The Enlightened Master of the Temple is here, praying for the weak.

:::1118 (100%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bt
You slam into Edimus, and send her flying!
Your bash hits Edimus.
Edimus yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Edimus yells 'Die, Draktel, you sorcerous dog!'
Draktel narrows his eyes and glares in Edimus's direction.
Black pustules erupt from Edimus's decomposing flesh, leaking thickened lifeblood.
Draktel's rotting of flesh mauls Edimus.
Edimus has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::1118 (100%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Kanaev leaves south.
Edimus has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::1118 (100%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
A lesser ice devil has left.
Edimus parries your divine power.
Edimus parries your poisonous bite.
Edimus dodges your divine power.
Edimus dodges your poisonous bite.
Edimus dodges your divine power.
Edimus's defilement nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
You parry Edimus's defilement.
Edimus's amulet starts to bubble and boil!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of acid drenches you.
Edimus's blast of acid EVISCERATES you!
Edimus has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::1073 (95%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bt

Edimus sings 'Can you trust your eyes, do they see what's real
Am I here just near to you, near enough to feel?
Or am I near the gnarled oak just over to your left
Or maybe standing to your right before the granite cleft?'
You feel your senses blur.
Edimus has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::1073 (95%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Edimus parries your divine power.
Edimus dodges your poisonous bite.
Edimus dodges your divine power.
Your divine power *** DEVASTATES *** Edimus!
Seizing upon a flaw in Edimus's tactics, you try to disarm her.
You disarm Edimus!
Draktel's slice MASSACRES Edimus!
Edimus's punch devastates you!
You parry Edimus's punch.
Edimus is covered with bleeding wounds.

:::1043 (93%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: You slam into Edimus, and send her flying!
Your bash devastates Edimus!
Edimus screams in agony as a black sigil forms on her chest.
Edimus is covered with bleeding wounds.

:::1043 (93%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
You try to attack some empty air near Edimus.
Your poisonous bite *** DEVASTATES *** Edimus!
Edimus dodges your divine power.
Edimus dodges your divine power.
Edimus dodges your divine power.
Draktel's slice MANGLES Edimus!
Draktel's slice MASSACRES Edimus!
You parry Edimus's punch.
You parry Edimus's punch.
Edimus's amulet becomes covered in flames!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of flame erupts around you.
Edimus's blast of flame SEARS you!
Edimus is gushing blood.

:::999 (89%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bt

Draktel gets the dagger of scarring.
Edimus is gushing blood.

:::999 (89%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Draktel narrows his eyes and glares in Edimus's direction.
Draktel calls forth the demons of Hell upon Edimus!
Draktel's torments *** DEMOLISHES *** Edimus!
Edimus is writhing in agony.

:::999 (89%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Kanaev has arrived.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
An air elemental has arrived.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.
Edimus is writhing in agony.

:::999 (89%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Edimus dodges your divine power.
You try to attack some empty air near Edimus.
You parry Edimus's punch.
Edimus's punch devastates you!
You parry Kanaev's digestion.
You parry Kanaev's digestion.
Edimus's amulet becomes covered with frost!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of frost and ice threatens to encase you.
Edimus's blast of frost hits you.
A withered old woman's slice misses Edimus.
Edimus is writhing in agony.

:::959 (85%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: You try to bash some empty air near Edimus.
Edimus is writhing in agony.

:::959 (85%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Draktel narrows his eyes and glares in Edimus's direction.
Draktel calls forth the demons of Hell upon Edimus!
Draktel's torments *** DEVASTATES *** Edimus!
Edimus is convulsing on the ground.

:::959 (85%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bt

You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by an air elemental!'
You parry an air elemental's blast.
You parry an air elemental's blast and return an attack of your own.
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** an air elemental!
A lesser ice devil gestures at you, uttering blasphemies.
You feel struck down.
With a supernatural flash, the power of a lesser ice devil's damnation arcs to a withered old woman!
The fires of Hell are reflected in the eyes of a withered old woman, who sags with the burden of the damned!
An air elemental's blast MASSACRES you!
An air elemental's blast misses you.
Your divine power === OBLITERATES === Edimus!
Edimus is DEAD!!
You hear Edimus's death cry.
You parry Kanaev's digestion.
Kanaev is gushing blood.

:::881 (78%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bas kan
Draktel gets the amulet of Ravenkind from the burnt corpse of Edimus.
Kanaev is gushing blood.

:::881 (78%)::53%::67%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bas kan

You fail to get in one more shot as Kanaev flees.
Kanaev has fled!
Kanaev leaves south.

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