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RE: Hunsobo/Qileor vs. Baerlias
:::915 (99%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: Qileor leaves south.
You follow Qileor south.
The Avenue of Conquest

A drab tunic made from a slick, leathery hide has been discarded here.
Qileor is here.
A cascading column of bubbling water moves along fluidly here.
Baerlias is here.

:::915 (99%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: whBaerlias is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Baerlias.
Baerlias yells 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Baerlias has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::915 (99%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: wherQileor leaves south.
Baerlias has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::915 (99%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: where

Baerlias utters the words, 'yragp'.
Baerlias creates a bright flash of light!
You are blinded by a bright flash of light!
Your cleave EVISCERATES someone!
Someone deflects your slice with its shield.
Your cleave EVISCERATES someone!
Your cleave EVISCERATES someone!
Your cleave DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

:::915 (99%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM:::
Someone has arrived.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

:::915 (99%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: flur

Someone lashes something at someone's feet!
Someone's lash misses someone.
Someone yells 'Help! Someone is lashing me!'
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by a water elemental!'
Someone's drowning *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Someone's drowning *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You parry someone's drowning.
You parry someone's slash.
Your cleave EVISCERATES someone!
Your slice EVISCERATES someone!
Your slice EVISCERATES someone!
Your slice EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's wrath decimates someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

:::706 (76%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM:::
Someone's drowning MANGLES you!
Someone's drowning *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A blast of water expands from someone!
Someone creates a geyser aimed at you!
Someone's geyser *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Someone's geyser MUTILATES someone!
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's slash mauls you.
Someone parries your cleave.
Someone deflects your slice with its shield.
Your slice DISMEMBERS someone!
As something tears into someone, a gout of blood erupts!
Your cleave EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's bite MASSACRES someone!
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, someone swiftly kicks it!
Someone's kick MUTILATES someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

:::340 (37%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: You can't see a thing!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

:::340 (37%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: You can't see a thing!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

:::340 (37%)::85%::97%::5606::civilized::1 PM::: flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry EVISCERATES someone!
Someone partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry EVISCERATES someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
Someone hits the ground ... DEAD.
Someone vanishes, its binding broken.

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