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RE: Armonk

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: t armonk tol' dem yous wus mine.
You tell Armonk 'tol' dem yous wus mine.'

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
who People near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: who pk
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[46 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Champion of Battlefields
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Justiciar of Thera
[48 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Master of Dimension
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Lyriana Elena Arendyl the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Minstrel of Orc Doom
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Gnome War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Siloreelo Di Taloreelo the Legend of the Battlefield, Marked of the Indigo Triangle,
Provost Magistrate

Players found: 8

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: targ armonk
#Ok. $target is now set to {armonk}.
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Derick wakes and stands up.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: l
Derick steps out of the shadows.
Tagerung tells you 'Aye then.'

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: l
Blood Square
The soft warmth of the sun fills this bloodied and ancient square. The
earth is cracked and the ground is stained, yet this was once the heart
of the village and is marked as such by the blood that reddens the earth.
Barbarian children hardly notice your presence as they wrestle and run in
the square, so intent are they on their war-games and fun. Sparse weeds
grow along the northern edge of this square, becoming denser as you
approach the building that lies in that direction. To the south is a hut
from which plumes of smoke and ash drift into the deep blue skies. To the
west is another hut, secluded from the more traversed portions of this
village and draped with the furs of exotic animals. The path continues
east, leading toward one of the clusters of huts that make up the bulk of
the village.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Ghost) Derick is here.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
whoPeople near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Before a Fortified Hillock

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: who pk
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[46 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Champion of Battlefields
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Justiciar of Thera
[48 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Master of Dimension
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Lyriana Elena Arendyl the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Minstrel of Orc Doom
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Gnome War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Siloreelo Di Taloreelo the Legend of the Battlefield, Marked of the Indigo Triangle,
Provost Magistrate

Players found: 8

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: af

Armonk tells you 'Well, nothin personal if I ain't trustin yer blades.'
You are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: whoPeople near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
A hidden figure The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: who pk

You feel a sense of danger.
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[46 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Champion of Battlefields
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Justiciar of Thera
[48 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Master of Dimension
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Lyriana Elena Arendyl the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Minstrel of Orc Doom
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Gnome War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Siloreelo Di Taloreelo the Legend of the Battlefield, Marked of the Indigo Triangle,
Provost Magistrate

Players found: 8

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash w bas
Armonk has arrived.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1126 (99%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash w bas
You parry someone's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MASSACRES someone!
Someone's slash EVISCERATES you!
Someone's wrath MASSACRES you!
You remain safe as someone's slash bounces harmlessly off of something.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1006 (89%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: ba
No way! You are still fighting!
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1006 (89%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas
Charging forward, you hit someone with enough force to send it
sailing through the air!
Your bash MUTILATES someone!
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1006 (89%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you trip it and it goes down!
Your trip scratches someone.
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::946 (83%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You slowly float to the ground.
Armonk has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas

You parry Armonk's wrath.
You dodge Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk stops your slice just before it reaches him.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Charging forward, you hit Armonk with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash devastates Armonk!
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You knock Armonk's wrath harmlessly to the side.
You parry Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in Armonk's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Armonk.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas

Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash wounds Armonk.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk's wrath deflects harmlessly off of a girth of lobster plates.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: sig

You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a pair of armguards from the snow worm.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
Tagerung has arrived.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
Tagerung sits down and rests.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Armonk.
Your sigil of pain MUTILATES Armonk!
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::782 (69%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Smuerlk tells you 'empror angrie at orc, yas nat let follur no mores'
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::782 (69%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Armonk attempts to shatter your weapon, but it holds firm.
Armonk's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
You remain safe as Armonk's slash bounces harmlessly off of hide armor from a yeti.
You parry Armonk's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash EVISCERATES Armonk!
Armonk is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Tagerung looks at Armonk.
Armonk is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
You dodge Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a skin from the snow leopard.
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
Tagerung looks at you.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas

You parry Armonk's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
You parry Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a suit of black chainmail.
Seizing upon a flaw in Armonk's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Armonk.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash EVISCERATES Armonk!
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk is DEAD!!
You sense a mystical boost to your innate magical abilities.
Armonk's fingers are sliced from his dead body.

:::651 (57%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: exam corpse
t smuerThe corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Armonk contains:
a pair of eog-lined gauntlets
a wide bronze belt
a brass dragonscale bracer
a suit of black chainmail
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
(Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a cowhide knapsack
( 2) the stomach of a beast
a canoe
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
(Glowing) a black mitre
( 2) a silver Justice badge
( 2) Mahn-Tor's Great Axe
a horned minotaur helm
a skin from the snow leopard
( 2) a shiny black hematite ring
21 silver coins
15 copper coins

:::651 (57%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: t smuerlk nuh
g You tell Smuerlk 'nuh'

:::651 (57%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: where
People near you:
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Blood Square
Tagerung stands up.

:::664 (58%)::43%::100%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: b
Tagerung leaves east.

:::664 (58%)::43%::100%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bers
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: where

Tagerung has arrived.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect come smash DerPeople near you:
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Blood Square

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect come smash Derick
Tagerung says 'Do we take head?'

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect come smash Derick if want
[EMPEROR] Hunsobo: come smash Derick if want

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: Blood Square
The soft warmth of the sun fills this bloodied and ancient square. The
earth is cracked and the ground is stained, yet this was once the heart
of the village and is marked as such by the blood that reddens the earth.
Barbarian children hardly notice your presence as they wrestle and run in
the square, so intent are they on their war-games and fun. Sparse weeds
grow along the northern edge of this square, becoming denser as you
approach the building that lies in that direction. To the south is a hut
from which plumes of smoke and ash drift into the deep blue skies. To the
west is another hut, secluded from the more traversed portions of this
village and draped with the furs of exotic animals. The path continues
east, leading toward one of the clusters of huts that make up the bulk of
the village.

[Exits: north east south west]
The corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The severed fingers of Armonk lie here.
Tagerung is here.
(Ghost) (Hide) Derick is here.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sac fingers

Armonk tells you 'I still don't know why I bother, its the same nonsense each time I war yer.'
The gods give you 0 copper coins for your sacrifice of the fingers of Armonk.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect oh you dids
[EMPIRE] Tagerung: He ghost.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect oh you dids
[EMPEROR] Hunsobo: oh you dids

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 56 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 49 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 13 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 5 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: where
People near you:
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Blood Square

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Smuerlk tells you 'orc nat smart nat understandin, but orc stay wake, help Empror if need'

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Tagerung scans north.
Tagerung scans south.
Tagerung scans east.
Tagerung scans west.
Tagerung scans up.
Tagerung scans down.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t
Tagerung leaves south.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t smuerlk nuh
You tell Smuerlk 'nuh'

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: exam corpse
t The corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Armonk contains:
a pair of eog-lined gauntlets
a wide bronze belt
a brass dragonscale bracer
a suit of black chainmail
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
(Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a cowhide knapsack
( 2) the stomach of a beast
a canoe
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
(Glowing) a black mitre
( 2) a silver Justice badge
( 2) Mahn-Tor's Great Axe
a horned minotaur helm
a skin from the snow leopard
( 2) a shiny black hematite ring
21 silver coins
15 copper coins

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t armonk
Tagerung has arrived.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t armonk yu
Tagerung scans west.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t armonk yuh den. But since yous came outs, Hunsobo nu
Smuerlk tells you 'Yuh, orc always help empror if need'

:::784 (69%)::38%::100%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: t armonk yuh den. But since yous came outs, Hunsobo nuh takin' head.
You tell Armonk 'yuh den. But since yous came outs, Hunsobo nuh takin'


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