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RE: Sorry, here it's fixed.

Someone nods at you in agreement.

You say in a chilling rasp 'One of the Ccul'gra. I have not seen one in millenia.'

You are using:
a pitch-black ring
a pitch-black ring
(Glowing) the amulet of Ravenkind
a sandy-brown desert cloak
flawless pectoral plates of red hematite
an iron crown
midnight dragon leggings
a pair of knee-high boots of red hematite
red-gold dragon gauntlets
midnight dragon armguards
black robes slashed with bone-white
(Glowing) a thin black belt etched with crimson runes
(Glowing) a topaz encrusted bracelet
(Glowing) a topaz encrusted bracelet
(Glowing) (Humming) the ivory-hilted wakizashi
a serpent-scale shield

You sense the need to renew your call for safe haven from harm.

People near you:
(PK) Naerzghul Above the Chasm

[23 Human Sha] (PK) Micceal the Order of the Black Robe
*23 H-Drw Sha* (PK) Naerzghul the Keeper of the Gates of Silence, Servant of Amun'Khur
[20 Fire War] (PK) Forcheo the Warrior
[26 H-Drw Con] (PK) Tekitican the Breaker of Bindings
[28 Human Shf] (PK) Khirzen the Student of Form
[21 Human Inv] (PK) Kikblakken the Student of Evocation
[18 H-Elf Bar] (PK) Abair the Melody Maker
[19 D-Elf Nec] (PK) Saerasi the Grand Sorceress
[25 Human Bar] (PK) Zicky the Composer
[18 Elf Inv] (PK) Seliaest the Sorceress
[20 D-Elf Asn] (PK) Auvryund the Kasokutei
[20 Storm War] (PK) Mikael the Warrior

Players found: 12

You close your eyes and hum for an instant.

You reach out to the divine to shield you from harm.

Someone says 'You are not the first to suggest a link between the Prophecy of the
eternal night and that of the Black Sun'

Someone says 'The question I find myself asking is why now and why you?'

You say in a chilling rasp 'Nazmorghul...'

You say in a chilling rasp 'Nazmorghul is not any of Our concern now.'

Naerzghul glares dauntingly through the shroud with eyeless sockets.

Someone peers at you intently.

You say in a chilling rasp 'The swelling darkness shrouds the Void.'

You say in a chilling rasp 'The Elder God, Amun'Khur stirs in His slumber.'

Someone says 'A moment..'

You say in a chilling rasp 'I have emerged from the World of Dreams...
From where that traitor led us into Oblivion.'

Someone peers at you intently.

Naerzghul shudders violently as the mist shrouding his body constricts tightly.

Above the Chasm
Torn from the ashen rock of the chasm's northern wall, the blasted gray
stone is accentuated by the unnatural darkness of this place. Your light
source dims a bit, oppressed by some unspoken and damned force which
smothers its now-feeble glow. A jagged crack in the earth yawns below, a
broken path spiraling along the edges of its maw, foreboding and dark.
Only the whispering of some dread breeze breaks the silence of the abyss
below, as it stealthily creeps forth to swirl about in a chilling dance.

[Exits: south down]
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.

Someone says 'You claim to be a conduit for the sleeping Behemoth?'

Someone chuckles politely.

Llorenz pops back into existence.

You say in a chilling rasp 'More then a mere conduit. He has taken Me as His
host within the Waking World.'

Above the Chasm
Torn from the ashen rock of the chasm's northern wall, the blasted gray
stone is accentuated by the unnatural darkness of this place. Your light
source dims a bit, oppressed by some unspoken and damned force which
smothers its now-feeble glow. A jagged crack in the earth yawns below, a
broken path spiraling along the edges of its maw, foreboding and dark.
Only the whispering of some dread breeze breaks the silence of the abyss
below, as it stealthily creeps forth to swirl about in a chilling dance.

[Exits: south down]
(Translucent) Llorenz is here.
A Nightwalker defends this place without question.

Llorenz says 'This will be an interesting time indeed, I have heard of few that
were brave or perhaps foolish enough to channel the slumbering god.'

Llorenz utters the words, 'eja euwunsoguai'.
You blink and Llorenz is gone.

You say in a chilling rasp 'I have felt His embrace...'

Someone says 'Their stories did not have pleasant endings, perhaps you will surp
rise us all.'

Someone utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'.
Someone flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.

You say in a chilling rasp 'I do not desire pleasantries. Only to complete His conquest.'

Someone says 'Tell me how will her vision serve the goals of the chasm?'

Someone shrugs indifferently.

Someone says 'Her, his, I doubt it matters.'

You feel solid again.

You say in a chilling rasp 'The Elder God, Amun'Khur... Is the Chasm.'

You sense the need to renew your call for safe haven from harm.

Someone says 'And what does that make you Naerzghul?'

You say in a chilling rasp 'It is by His grace that the Shadow Plane is able to contact
this material realm.'

You say in a chilling rasp 'I am but His servant.'

Throwing back its head, someone cackles with insane glee!

Your reputation grows as you prove yourself to others.
(You receive 1000 experience points.)
You have been inducted into the Scions of Eternal Night.
(Recall your memories of INDUCTION for what this entails.)

Naerzghul grinds sharp, acidic teeth and hisses angrily.

[SCION] someone: Fail him and I will personally escort you through the silent gates.

Someone waves a hand at you as if to dismiss you.

[SCION] Naerzghul: It will be by My doing that the Gates of Silence fall. And Amun'Khur awakens.

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