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RE: vs. Blademaster

:::533 (48%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: dou

The Blademaster parries your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster parries your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster parries your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
The Blademaster's slice MASSACRES you!
The Blademaster says 'I had hoped you would be more of a challenge.'
The Blademaster has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::453 (40%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in the Blademaster's direction.
The Blademaster has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::453 (40%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Training Room
(PK) Waserax The Training Room
The Blademaster has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::453 (40%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust *** DEVASTATES *** the Blademaster!
Your thrust === OBLITERATES === the Blademaster!
The Blademaster dodges your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
The Blademaster parries your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster parries your icy grip.
The Blademaster dodges your poisonous bite.
You wrap flames around the Blademaster, charring his exposed flesh!
Your pillar of fire CHARS the Blademaster!
You parry the Blademaster's slice.
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::453 (40%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in the Blademaster's direction.
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::453 (40%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
The Blademaster parries your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
You parry the Blademaster's slice and return an attack of your own.
Your poisonous bite *** DEVASTATES *** the Blademaster!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
Leading with his shoulder, the Blademaster slams into Waserax and sends him flying.
The Blademaster's bash grazes Waserax.
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

*** Uh oh. Waserax's protective shield fell. Bad. ***

:::453 (40%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: gr

The Blademaster stops your poisonous bite just before it reaches him.
The Blademaster parries your icy grip.
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
The Blademaster dodges your icy grip.
The Blademaster dodges your icy grip.
Seizing upon a flaw in the Blademaster's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick DISMEMBERS the Blademaster!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
The Blademaster's slice MASSACRES you!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
As the Eagle-Marked Sword tears into Waserax, a gout of blood erupts!
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::380 (34%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
The Blademaster dodges your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster dodges your icy grip.
The Blademaster dodges your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster dodges your poisonous bite.
Seizing upon a flaw in the Blademaster's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick MUTILATES the Blademaster!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
The Blademaster's slice MASSACRES you!
The Blademaster delivers a blow of deadly force!
The Blademaster's slice *** DEVASTATES *** Waserax!
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::308 (27%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: grHunsobo's group:
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
<51 War> Hunsobo 27% hp 86% mana 100% mv 586900 xp
<51 Sha> Waserax 5% hp 95% mana 100% mv 518168 xp
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::308 (27%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: gr
Hunsobo's group:
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
<51 War> Hunsobo 27% hp 86% mana 100% mv 586900 xp
<51 Sha> Waserax 5% hp 95% mana 100% mv 518168 xp
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::308 (27%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: rescue was
You rescue Waserax from the Blademaster!
The Blademaster's slice MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
As the Eagle-Marked Sword tears into you, a gout of blood erupts!
The Blademaster's slice EVISCERATES Waserax!
You parry the Blademaster's slice and return an attack of your own.
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
You parry the Blademaster's slice and return an attack of your own.
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::232 (20%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
The Blademaster parries your poisonous bite.
Seizing upon a flaw in the Blademaster's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick EVISCERATES the Blademaster!
You dodge the Blademaster's slice.
You parry the Blademaster's slice.
The Blademaster's slice MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Blademaster's slice MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Blademaster's kick DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Blademaster has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::12 (1%)::86%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your poisonous bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Blademaster!
The Blademaster dodges your icy grip.
The Blademaster dodges your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster parries your poisonous bite.
The Blademaster's slice MASSACRES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You are no longer resistant to cold.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

:::1 (0%)::0%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Better stand first.

:::1 (0%)::0%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: wake
You stand up.

:::1 (0%)::0%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: gr
Hunsobo's group:
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
<51 War> Hunsobo 0% hp 0% mana 100% mv 586900 xp
<51 Sha> Waserax 1% hp 95% mana 99% mv 518168 xp

:::1 (0%)::0%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Dragon Road

A man with a huge smile is standing here.
(White Aura) Gishka K'ahn, Captain of the Guard is here.
Sanadaren says 'Care to learn about everlasting life?'

:::1 (0%)::0%::100%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
The sky is getting cloudy.

:::14 (1%)::2%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Town Square

A large, ornate fountain is here.
A merchant is here selling boats.

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Main Street

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gMain Street

A novice is here, learning how to be a cleric.

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gt got oMain Street

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gt got outsMain Street

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gt got outs?
You tell your group 'got outs?'

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Main Street

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: grThe Wharf

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gr

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Harbor

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Hunsobo's group:
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
< NPC > an Imperial Centurion 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
<51 War> Hunsobo 1% hp 2% mana 99% mv 586900 xp
<51 Sha> Waserax 2% hp 99% mana 100% mv 518168 xp

:::14 (1%)::2%::99%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Before Arkham Harbor

A gray seagull soars above the waves of the sea.
Waserax tells the group 'Did.'

*** You may say that wasn't very Imperial-ish of me, to save him at the cost of my own life,
*** but some amount of greed came into the equation - if he died there it'd be unlikely he'd
*** continue helping me get the eq we were after. :P ***


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