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RE: I did!
I've been somewhat meh about posting logs for the last little bit - busy at work, and so many of them are "boring" bashfests. That particular night has a few logs in it that I'm sure I'll eventually post - but I haven't sorted them all out yet.

Typically if I've got an entire night logged, I like to strip out the fights all at once, and that particular night involved some chars who are still active, IIRC.

But it'll be posted. Especially since the way you defeated me was fairly smoove, I must admit.

(I must say that I was quite a good deal more reckless than usual, however - a previous death that left me re-gearing somewhat had me wanting to just kill someone, ANYone. So when you offered to duel (even on water) I was like HELLS YEAH...but you weren't supposed to win. :P )

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