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RE: Head Defense (different day)

*** Next day, more defending the Head from Huacan. ***
*** Long amount of them making hit-and-run attacks, and then... ***

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut eriag
[NEXUS] Bestan: Eriagwen coming in

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut eriagwe
The Guardian of Balance is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Kergah's kicked dirt scratches the Guardian of Balance.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut eriagwen
The Guardian of Balance's blast MUTILATES Kergah!
Waarsmath's slash mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force devastates the Guardian of Balance!

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut eriagwen
Waarsmath whirls a notched axe with a wicked blade impressively, but fails to hit the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's whirling axe misses the Guardian of Balance.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut eriagwen
[NEXUS] the Guardian of Balance: Intruder! Intruder! Eriagwen is raiding the Cabal!
Eriagwen's claw misses the Guardian of Balance.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut eriagwen
Eriagwen's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Eriagwen's claw devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's slash devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's slash decimates the Guardian of Balance!

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut eriagwen
You step out of the shadows.
You suddenly step in front of Eriagwen, embedding a dagger into his belly!
You trample around loudly again.
Your gut shot MANGLES Eriagwen!
Eriagwen yells 'Die, Gryndelwul, you gutshotting scum!'
Eriagwen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

The Guardian of Balance's blast maims Kergah!
Eriagwen's claw devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's slash maims the Guardian of Balance!
Eriagwen keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Eriagwen parries your pierce.
Eriagwen keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Eriagwen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Waarsmath spins the shaft of a notched axe with a wicked blade, hitting the Guardian of Balance with its
Waarsmath's whirling axe EVISCERATES the Guardian of Balance!
Eriagwen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Eriagwen's kicked dirt misses you.
Eriagwen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Bestan stops using a shield made from a mirrored scale of a silver dragon.
Eriagwen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

The Guardian of Balance's kicked dirt misses Kergah.
Eriagwen's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Eriagwen's claw devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's claw mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's slash decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Eriagwen parries your defilement.
Eriagwen keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Eriagwen keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Eriagwen is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
Your circle stab === OBLITERATES === Eriagwen!
Eriagwen is gushing blood.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
Bestan closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Eriagwen is gushing blood.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Eriagwen's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Eriagwen's claw devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's slash devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's slash MUTILATES the Guardian of Balance!
Eriagwen parries your defilement.
Eriagwen keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Eriagwen is gushing blood.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Huacan has arrived.
Eriagwen is gushing blood.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Waarsmath spins the shaft of a notched axe with a wicked blade, hitting the Guardian of Balance with its
Waarsmath's whirling axe decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Eriagwen is gushing blood.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

You fail to block off Eriagwen's route of escape!
Eriagwen has fled!
Eriagwen leaves down.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Kergah's claw wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force mauls the Guardian of Balance.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

[NEXUS] the Guardian of Balance: Intruder! Intruder! Huacan is raiding the Cabal!
Huacan's chop MUTILATES the Guardian of Balance!

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
snBestan closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
You attempt to hide.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gutYou attempt to move silently.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
gut hua
You step out of the shadows.
You suddenly step in front of Huacan, embedding a dagger into his belly!
You trample around loudly again.
Your gut shot MANGLES Huacan!
Huacan yells 'Die, Gryndelwul, you gutshotting scum!'
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Huacan's chop maims the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's claw wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's slash devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force MUTILATES the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan parries your defilement.
Huacan parries your pierce.
Huacan parries your defilement.
Huacan barely turns your defilement aside.
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Huacan attempts a sweeping gut shot!
Huacan's disembowelment MUTILATES the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Waarsmath whirls a notched axe with a wicked blade impressively, but fails to hit the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's whirling axe misses the Guardian of Balance.
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Talisin has arrived.
The Guardian of Balance says 'Welcome, Keeper of the Balance.'
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Huacan's chop devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan's chop devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan's chop devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan parries your defilement.
Huacan parries your pierce.
Huacan parries your pierce.
Huacan parries your pierce.
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Bestan closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Bestan stretches out his hand and places it upon your head.
You are filled with holy wrath!
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>

Talisin sings 'Winter weeps eternal,
A chill forever spent
That numbs the soul and body,
With winter's long lament.'

You already resist blows.
Huacan is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671/761(88%) 467(97%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 11 AM>
Your circle stab === OBLITERATES === Huacan!
The Guardian of Balance wipes the dirt from its eyes.
Huacan continues to bleed from his wounds.
Huacan's bleeding decimates him!
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Huacan's chop devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan's chop devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan's chop decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's claw mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's slash wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's slash decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force maims the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan parries your defilement.
Huacan parries your pierce.
Huacan parries your defilement.
Huacan parries your defilement.
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
Huacan attempts a sweeping gut shot!
Huacan's disembowelment EVISCERATES the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Waarsmath whirls a notched axe with a wicked blade impressively, but fails to hit the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's whirling axe misses the Guardian of Balance.
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Huacan's chop decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's smash wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's slash decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Huacan dodges your defilement.
Huacan parries your defilement.
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Talisin looks at you.
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

The Guardian of Balance is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Kergah's kicked dirt scratches the Guardian of Balance.
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Bestan wears a shield made from a mirrored scale of a silver dragon as a shield.
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Bestan closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Guardian of Balance.
A soft silver light shines from the Guardian of Balance's wounds.
Huacan is writhing in agony.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
Your circle stab === OBLITERATES === Huacan!
Huacan is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Huacan.
Huacan's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Kergah's smash mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's slash devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force decimates the Guardian of Balance!

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>

Relia has arrived.
The Guardian of Balance says 'Welcome, Keeper of the Balance.'
The Treant has arrived.
Marintok has arrived.
The Guardian of Balance says 'Welcome, Keeper of the Balance.'

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
Bestan closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Guardian of Balance.
A soft silver light shines from the Guardian of Balance's wounds.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
exam corpse
Talisin sings 'Homeward on his shield they bore him,
And their solemn gaze did not waver.
To her knees she fell in sorrow,
Blood red was his lady's favor.'

The loss of life before you causes you to reflect on life and death.
Waarsmath spins the shaft of a notched axe with a wicked blade, hitting the Guardian of Balance with its
Waarsmath's whirling axe maims the Guardian of Balance!

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
exam corpse

Marintok leaves north.
The Guardian of Balance's blast EVISCERATES Kergah!
Kergah's smash wounds the Guardian of Balance.
Kergah's claw decimates the Guardian of Balance!
Kergah's claw mauls the Guardian of Balance.
Waarsmath's crushing force devastates the Guardian of Balance!
Waarsmath's crushing force devastates the Guardian of Balance!
The Guardian of Balance is DEAD!!
As the Guardian of Balance falls, the bloody head of a magician returns to the Battle Cabal!
[NEXUS] the Guardian of Balance: We have lost control of the bloody head of a magician
[NEXUS] the Guardian of Balance: Alas, my life has come to an end...
Waarsmath sacrifices the corpse of the Guardian of Balance to the gods.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
You attempt to hide.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
You attempt to move silently.

<681/761(89%) 476(99%) 748(100%) 11346 civilized 12 PM>
The corpse of Huacan is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
The corpse of Huacan contains:
a ring of braided silver and jacinth
a pitch-black ring
a tarnished silver ring
(Humming) a shining mithril war axe
(Red Aura) (Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a hardened leather chestpiece studded with violet crystals
a large savage mask
a large saddle bag
an elaborate beaded onyx belt
a pair of hobnailed boots
some comfortable chainmail leggings
( 2) (Glowing) a wool cloak with an ebony clasp
a thick strip of red leather
a polished adamantite shield studded with onyx
a jeweled dagger
a leather apron with scorch marks
a pair of clawed war gauntlets
a pair of hunter's bracers
(Red Aura) (Glowing) a flaming axe
a Half-Moon Shaped Axe
( 2) a wide, rusted iron bracer
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a notched axe with a wicked blade
( 6) a tendril of serpentine weed
a gold coin
299 silver coins
64 copper coins

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