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RE: Immediately following...

<972/972(100%) 468(55%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Lerknys leaves.
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block Devanshi's path.
A Maran Tara'bal screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<972/972(100%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Devanshi!'
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<972/972(100%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

An earth elemental has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by an earth elemental!'
You parry an earth elemental's crush.
A transplendant archon has arrived.
A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, condemning you.
A rainbow of colors shoots out from a transplendant archon's hand.
An indigo beam of light hits you!
A transplendant archon's prismatic spray wounds you.
You parry an earth elemental's crush.
You parry an earth elemental's crush.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Riraneln's divine power DISMEMBERS Thronko!
Devanshi's flogging hits you.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
An earth elemental parries your shocking bite.
An earth elemental parries your defilement.
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Your defilement devastates Devanshi!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<944/972(97%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Issgar sings 'Heed not the call of death so grim,
But take up hope, let enter in,
The voice of life in all its glory,
And end not here your own bright story.'

The cheerful soothing melody lifts your spirits.
Aeardir closes his eyes for a moment and nods at a Maran Tara'bal.
A soft golden light shines from a Maran Tara'bal's wounds.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<948/972(97%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Lerknys has arrived.
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<948/972(97%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
h de
Amatrysti wears a shield from the hide of a snow worm as a shield.
Amatrysti wears the Ankh of Loch Terradian around his neck.
Amatrysti wears the golden lavaliere of Nilmalad around his neck.
Amatrysti wears a gleaming diamond circlet on his head.
Amatrysti wears a sash of crimson and white about his waist.
Amatrysti wears firewalker boots on his feet.
Amatrysti wears a thin moonstone bracelet around his left wrist.
Amatrysti wears an aquamarine bracelet around his right wrist.
Amatrysti wields a gleaming whip of flattened mithril.
Amatrysti wears a pair of gleaming diamond leg guards on his legs.
Amatrysti wears a pair of delicate silver gloves on his hands.
Amatrysti wears a golden band set with an opal on his left finger.
Amatrysti wears plate vambraces decorated with red enamel on his arms.
Amatrysti wears a primitive fertility mask on his face.
Amatrysti wears a suit of silver-gray platemail on his body.
Amatrysti wears a blemished ring of gold on his right finger.
Lerknys's kicked dirt misses you.
You yell 'Die, Lerknys! You dirty fool!'
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds.

<948/972(97%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
h devan

Devanshi utters the words, 'yazfuz yucandus'.
You are surrounded by a pink outline.
You start aiming at Devanshi.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<948/972(97%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Jarlduz drums at a Maran Tara'bal with his maces.
Jarlduz's drumming maces MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's drumming maces MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's drumming maces DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Thronko spins the shaft of a two-headed pickaxe with tips of diamond, hitting Riraneln with its
Thronko's whirling axe maims Riraneln!
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<948/972(97%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

An earth elemental's crush maims you!
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You barely manage to turn Lerknys's thrust aside.
You parry Lerknys's claw.
Thronko's pierce MUTILATES Riraneln!
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Lerknys dodges your shocking bite.
Lerknys deflects your defilement with his defensive spin.
An earth elemental dodges your shocking bite.
Your defilement MASSACRES an earth elemental!
An earth elemental is DEAD!!
You receive 87 experience points (21% bonus).
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Your defilement strikes Devanshi's shield with a resounding boom.
Your defilement devastates Devanshi!
Devanshi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<912/972(93%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, blessing Devanshi.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<912/972(93%) 448(53%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
c lig
You thrust your hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward Devanshi.
Your lightning bolt wounds Devanshi.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<912/972(93%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

You drive a Maran Tara'bal's searing light back with your connecting blow.
Jarlduz's crush DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Riraneln's divine power devastates Thronko!
Riraneln's brilliant radiance MUTILATES Thronko!
You parry Lerknys's thrust.
You parry Lerknys's claw.
Lerknys's claw decimates you!
A ranger's spear glows a soft green in Lerknys's paws.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Lerknys barely manages to avoid your shocking bite.
Lerknys deflects your defilement with his defensive spin.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite mauls Devanshi.
Devanshi deflects your defilement with her shield.
Your shocking bite decimates Devanshi!
Your shocking bite mauls Devanshi.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<886/972(91%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<886/972(91%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Issgar sings 'Heed not the call of death so grim,
But take up hope, let enter in,
The voice of life in all its glory,
And end not here your own bright story.'

The cheerful soothing melody lifts your spirits.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<890/972(91%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, condemning you.
Divine light streaks from above a transplendant archon and blasts your body.
A transplendant archon's holy light maims you!
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<857/972(88%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
You misdirect Lerknys's backrake with a fake to your right.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<857/972(88%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Riraneln's divine power MUTILATES Thronko!
Riraneln's brilliant radiance maims Thronko!
Lerknys's thrust mauls you.
Lerknys's claw mauls you.
Lerknys's thrust decimates you!
Thronko's pierce decimates Riraneln!
Devanshi's flogging injures you.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Lerknys!
Lerknys dodges your defilement.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Your defilement devastates Devanshi!
Your shocking bite mauls Devanshi.
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Devanshi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<772/972(79%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
c plague
Jarlduz tries to drum a Maran Tara'bal with his maces, but misses.
Jarlduz's drumming maces misses a Maran Tara'bal.
Aeardir looks at Devanshi.
Devanshi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<772/972(79%) 433(51%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
c plague
You lost your concentration.
Devanshi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<772/972(79%) 423(50%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Thronko has fled!
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block Thronko's path.
Devanshi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<772/972(79%) 423(50%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Thronko has fled!
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block Thronko's path.
Devanshi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<772/972(79%) 423(50%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Thronko has fled!
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block Thronko's path.
Devanshi is covered with bleeding wounds.

<772/972(79%) 423(50%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
c plague

A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, blessing Devanshi.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal's searing light misses you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Riraneln's divine power MUTILATES Thronko!
Riraneln's brilliant radiance MUTILATES Thronko!
You stop Lerknys's thrust just before it reaches you.
You parry Lerknys's claw.
Lerknys's thrust mauls you.
A ranger's spear glows a soft green in Lerknys's paws.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Lerknys!
Your defilement MUTILATES Lerknys!
Your shocking bite MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite decimates Devanshi!
Your defilement devastates Devanshi!
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Buzzing with charge, an arc of lightning snaps from an adamantite axe named 'Stonecutter', arcing
towards Devanshi.
Your arc of lightning EVISCERATES Devanshi!
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<751/972(77%) 423(50%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Aeardir closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Devanshi.
A soft golden light shines from Devanshi's wounds.
Thronko has fled!
Thronko leaves south.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<751/972(77%) 423(50%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Issgar sings 'Heed not the call of death so grim,
But take up hope, let enter in,
The voice of life in all its glory,
And end not here your own bright story.'

The cheerful soothing melody lifts your spirits.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<755/972(77%) 423(50%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
Devanshi screams in agony as plague sores erupt from her skin.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<755/972(77%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Lerknys leaps and grabs you by the shoulders, raking your belly with his hindpaws!
Lerknys's backrake hits you.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<743/972(76%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You parry Lerknys's thrust.
Lerknys's claw devastates you!
A ranger's spear glows a soft green in Lerknys's paws.
Devanshi's flogging nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
Lerknys parries your shocking bite.
Lerknys deflects your defilement with his defensive spin.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite decimates Devanshi!
Your defilement maims Devanshi!
Your defilement devastates Devanshi!
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<714/972(73%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
h e
Aeardir closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Devanshi.
A soft golden light shines from Devanshi's wounds.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<714/972(73%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
h earth
A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, condemning you.
A rainbow of colors shoots out from a transplendant archon's hand.
You feel very sick.
A green beam of light hits you!
A transplendant archon's prismatic spray mauls you.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<693/972(71%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
h earth

Jarlduz brings a long elvish mace around to hit Devanshi's head!
Jarlduz's cranial hit devastates Devanshi!
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<693/972(71%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
They aren't here.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<693/972(71%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal's kicked dirt misses you.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush misses a Maran Tara'bal.
Lerknys's thrust devastates you!
Lerknys's thrust decimates you!
You remain safe as Devanshi's flogging bounces harmlessly off of a pair of darkened mithril
gauntlets studded with small spikes.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Lerknys parries your shocking bite.
Your defilement maims Lerknys!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite devastates Devanshi!
Devanshi deflects your defilement with her shield.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<638/972(65%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Issgar sings 'Heed not the call of death so grim,
But take up hope, let enter in,
The voice of life in all its glory,
And end not here your own bright story.'

The cheerful soothing melody lifts your spirits.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<642/972(66%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, blessing Devanshi.
Devanshi looks relieved as her sores vanish.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<642/972(66%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Lerknys's thrust decimates you!
You parry Lerknys's claw.
Devanshi's flogging hits you.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES Lerknys!
Lerknys deflects your defilement with his defensive spin.
Your shocking bite EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<606/972(62%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Lerknys attempts to get past your defenses, but you block his assault!
Lerknys's serpent strike misses you.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<606/972(62%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
c plagu
Aeardir lays his hands upon Devanshi's head, healing her.
Devanshi is in perfect health.

<606/972(62%) 403(48%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>
c plague
Devanshi seems to be unaffected.
Devanshi is in perfect health.

<606/972(62%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Devanshi utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Devanshi waves her arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at you.
Devanshi's magic missile scratches you.
Devanshi's magic missile hits you.
Devanshi's magic missile scratches you.
Devanshi is in perfect health.

<590/972(60%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

Jarlduz drums at a Maran Tara'bal with his maces.
Jarlduz's drumming maces MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's drumming maces MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's drumming maces MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's drumming maces MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Devanshi is in perfect health.

<590/972(60%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 11 AM>

A Maran Tara'bal writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin.
A Maran Tara'bal's sickness scratches it.
The magical aura fades away.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison wounds you.
A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, condemning you.
A transplendant archon burns you with the light of the sun!
A transplendant archon's sunray maims you!
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You parry Lerknys's thrust.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Devanshi's flogging hits you.
Lerknys deflects your shocking bite with his defensive spin.
Lerknys dodges your defilement.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite mauls Devanshi.
Devanshi parries your defilement.
Devanshi deflects your defilement with her shield.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<525/972(54%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>

Aeardir looks at Devanshi.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<525/972(54%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>

Lerknys darts past your defenses with the speed of a snake!
Lerknys's serpent strike devastates you!
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<495/972(50%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>

Issgar sings 'Heed not the call of death so grim,
But take up hope, let enter in,
The voice of life in all its glory,
And end not here your own bright story.'

The cheerful soothing melody lifts your spirits.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<499/972(51%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>

Aeardir closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Devanshi.
A soft golden light shines from Devanshi's wounds.
Devanshi is in perfect health.

<499/972(51%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>

Jaskem looks at a Maran Tara'bal.
Devanshi is in perfect health.

<499/972(51%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>

You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Lerknys's thrust devastates you!
You parry Lerknys's thrust.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Your shocking bite nearly strikes Lerknys before he turns it away.
Lerknys parries your defilement.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite mauls Devanshi.
Your shocking bite devastates Devanshi!
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<467/972(48%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
Standing Before the Fortress of Light
The Fortress of Light rises before you, standing strong and proud in a
mantle of snow and ice. The thick walls of this fortress are built of huge,
perfectly cut, white stones fitted tightly together. The stones along the
base of the fortress are enormous, taller than any giant and more massive
than most houses. Pennants flying above the watchtowers rustle and flap
defiantly in the chill winds. The huge gate of polished silver is guarded
by a lone figure.

[Exits: north south]
The corpse of Amatrysti is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
Lerknys is here, fighting YOU!
(White Aura) A transplendant ring of sparkling wings and brilliant light is here.
(White Aura) Devanshi is here, fighting YOU!
(Ghost) The shining elf Amatrysti is here, his mangled hands marked with black tattoos of jaguar
Aeardir is here.
Jaskem is here.
Nebhine is here.
Issgar is here.
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(Pink Aura) Jarlduz is here, fighting a Maran Tara'bal.
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
A huge figure in deep gray armor guards the gate.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<467/972(48%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
h Jarlduz is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Lerknys's kicked dirt scratches Jarlduz.
Jarlduz yells 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<467/972(48%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
h ler
Fangkor steps out of the shadows.
A transplendant archon sings praises to the light, condemning you.
A transplendant archon's color spray injures you.
Devanshi has a few scratches.

<453/972(46%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
h lerk
You start aiming at Lerknys.
Lerknys is in perfect health.

<453/972(46%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
Aeardir closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Devanshi.
A soft golden light shines from Devanshi's wounds.
Lerknys is in perfect health.

<453/972(46%) 388(46%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
c blind
Lerknys appears to be blinded.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's crush misses a Maran Tara'bal.
Lerknys's thrust decimates you!
You parry Lerknys's claw.
Lerknys's thrust decimates you!
Devanshi's flogging injures you.
Devanshi's flogging injures you.
Your shocking bite mauls Devanshi.
Devanshi parries your defilement.
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS Lerknys!
Lerknys parries your defilement.
Lerknys dodges your shocking bite.
Lerknys has a few scratches.

<371/972(38%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
Jarlduz drums at a Maran Tara'bal with his maces.
Jarlduz's drumming maces MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's drumming maces MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Jarlduz's drumming maces MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Lerknys has a few scratches.

<371/972(38%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>

Devanshi utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Devanshi waves her arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at you.
Devanshi's magic missile scratches you.
Devanshi's magic missile scratches you.
Devanshi's magic missile grazes you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
Jarlduz's crush MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You parry Lerknys's thrust.
Lerknys's claw mauls you.
Lerknys's thrust devastates you!
You parry Lerknys's thrust.
A ranger's spear glows a soft green in Lerknys's paws.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Your shocking bite decimates Devanshi!
Your defilement maims Devanshi!
Your shocking bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Lerknys deflects your shocking bite with his defensive spin.
Your defilement MUTILATES Lerknys!
Lerknys dodges your defilement.
Lerknys parries your defilement.
Lerknys has a few scratches.

<303/972(31%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Lerknys has a few scratches.

<303/972(31%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Lerknys has a few scratches.

<303/972(31%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Lerknys has a few scratches.

<303/972(31%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
Lerknys leaps and grabs you by the shoulders, raking your belly with his hindpaws!
Lerknys's backrake mauls you.
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Lerknys has a few scratches.

<279/972(28%) 383(45%) 1010(100%) civilized 12 PM>
Redhorn Gate

An aura of cold fills this area, dropping the temperature below freezing.

[Exits: north west]
A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.
The near-silent snapping of a branch is the only harbinger of danger as a vast net of vines
descends, rendering you immobile!
You flee from combat!

<279/972(28%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>

You feel a shudder in your Cabal Power!
You hear something's death cry.
Lerknys has arrived.

<279/972(28%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>

You yell 'Die, Devanshi, you sorcerous dog!'
Devanshi utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Devanshi waves her arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at you.
Devanshi's magic missile grazes you.
Devanshi's magic missile grazes you.
Devanshi's magic missile wounds you.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<250/972(25%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>

Amatrysti glances at you.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<250/972(25%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>

You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Devanshi's flogging injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Lerknys's thrust.
Lerknys deflects your shocking bite with his defensive spin.
Your defilement MUTILATES Lerknys!
Your shocking bite misses Devanshi.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<235/972(24%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>

[EMPIRE] Niji: Well done.
A transplendant archon has arrived.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<235/972(24%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>
c t
Devanshi utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Devanshi waves her arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at you.
Devanshi's magic missile grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Devanshi's magic missile grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Devanshi's magic missile grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<217/972(22%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>
c tele
Lerknys darts past your defenses with the speed of a snake!
Lerknys's serpent strike decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You stop Devanshi's flogging with a solid blow.
You parry Devanshi's flogging.
Lerknys flows to one side as your shocking bite passes.
Lerknys parries your defilement.
Your shocking bite decimates Devanshi!
Devanshi deflects your defilement with her shield.
Devanshi deflects your shocking bite with her shield.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>
c tele
Jaskem has arrived.
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>
c telePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Devanshi has some small but disgusting cuts.

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 1004(99%) wilderness 12 PM>
c teleNear Redhorn Gate

[Exits: east west]
A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.
You flee from combat!

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 996(98%) wilderness 12 PM>
c tele
You aren't fighting anyone.

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 996(98%) wilderness 12 PM>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 996(98%) wilderness 12 PM>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 996(98%) wilderness 12 PM>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<190/972(19%) 383(45%) 996(98%) wilderness 12 PM>
A Faint Path in the Forest

[Exits: east [south] west]

<190/972(19%) 348(41%) 996(98%) wilderness 12 PM>
You are affected by:
Spell: -1- 'detect invis' for 49 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 9 for 36 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'iron grip of azazel' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies damage roll by 5 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'bloodlust of the twelve fiends' modifies strength by 5 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'faerie fire' modifies armor class by 106 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 1 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies size by 1 for 0 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies damage roll by 1 for 0 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies constitution by 1 for 0 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies dexterity by -2 for 0 hours.
Spell: 'enlarge' modifies strength by 2 for 0 hours.
Spell: -9- 'fly' for 0 hours.

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