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RE: Orenval vs. Bellanin and Horkampz - This is not the PK you're looking for (Jedi)

civilized <500/100%hp 214/54%m 111/23%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 3 AM> tri bell
You swing your hindpaw behind Bellannan's leg, pulling him down with a quick jerk!
You step out of the shadows.
You trample around loudly again.
Your trip grazes Bellannan.
Bellannan yells 'Help! Orenval tried to trip me!'
Bellannan has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

civilized <500/100%hp 214/54%m 111/23%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 3 AM>
Your claw MASSACRES Bellannan!
Your claw DISMEMBERS Bellannan!
Your claw MASSACRES Bellannan!
Your claw EVISCERATES Bellannan!
You parry Bellannan's stab.
You parry Horkampz's slash.
You parry Horkampz's corrosive slice.
You dodge Horkampz's slash.
Bellannan is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

civilized <500/100%hp 214/54%m 111/23%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 3 AM> thr

Horkampz rescues Bellannan from you!
Horkampz parries your claw.
Horkampz parries your claw.
Your claw MASSACRES Horkampz!
Horkampz is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <500/100%hp 214/54%m 111/23%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 3 AM>
Horkampz dodges your claw.
Horkampz parries your claw.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Horkampz!
Horkampz parries your claw.
Horkampz is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

civilized <500/100%hp 214/54%m 111/23%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 3 AM> You throw Horkampz to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Controlling Horkampz's fall, you painfully hyperextend his elbow!
Your ground control EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Horkampz is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

civilized <500/100%hp 223/56%m 145/30%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 4 AM>
You parry Horkampz's slash.
You step inside Horkampz's slash with a quick backfist.
Your claw MASSACRES Horkampz!
Horkampz dodges your claw.
Your claw EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Your claw MASSACRES Horkampz!
Horkampz parries your claw.
Horkampz is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <500/100%hp 223/56%m 145/30%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 4 AM> thr

Bellannan utters the words, 'shapeshift'.
The edges of Bellannan's being stretch and twist and he becomes an ugly wombat.
Horkampz is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <500/100%hp 223/56%m 145/30%mv 15350tnl (-25.31%) 4 AM>
You parry Horkampz's slash.
Horkampz parries your claw.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Horkampz!
Horkampz is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Horkampz.
Horkampz's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.

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