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RE: Orenval vs. Vearek and Wrlmga

PROTECTED civilized <560/100%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> You trip Wrlmga and he goes down!
You step out of the shadows.
You trample around loudly again.
Your trip grazes Wrlmga.
Wrlmga yells 'Help! Orenval tried to trip me!'
Wrlmga has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

PROTECTED civilized <560/100%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
Your claw DISMEMBERS Wrlmga!
Wrlmga remains safe as your claw bounces harmlessly off of midnight dragon boots.
You dodge Wrlmga's infernal power.
You dodge Wrlmga's cleave.
You dodge Wrlmga's infernal power.
Wrlmga has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

PROTECTED civilized <560/100%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
Msuee says 'Angries?'
Wrlmga has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

PROTECTED civilized <560/100%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> thr

Your claw DISMEMBERS Wrlmga!
Wrlmga parries your claw.
Your claw maims Wrlmga!
Wrlmga parries your claw.
You dodge Wrlmga's infernal power.
You dodge Wrlmga's cleave.
Wrlmga's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
Wrlmga is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
Wrlmga has fled!
Wrlmga leaves up.
An ogre slave leaves up.
Msuee leaves up.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> But you aren't fighting anyone!

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> tri wrl
They aren't here.
Wrlmga has arrived.
Msuee has arrived.
An ogre slave has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> tri wrl
You swing your hindpaw behind Wrlmga's leg, pulling him down with a quick jerk!
Your trip grazes Wrlmga.
Wrlmga yells 'Help! Orenval tried to trip me!'
Wrlmga is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
An ogre slave gets a small scroll.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Wrlmga!
Your claw DISMEMBERS Wrlmga!
Wrlmga parries your claw.
You parry Wrlmga's infernal power.
You dodge Wrlmga's cleave.
You dodge Wrlmga's infernal power.
Wrlmga is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> thr

Wrlmga parries your claw.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Wrlmga!
Wrlmga has fled!
Wrlmga leaves up.
An ogre slave leaves up.
Msuee leaves up.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> tri wrl
But you aren't fighting anyone!

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> tri wrl
They aren't here.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> They aren't here.
Wrlmga has arrived.
Msuee has arrived.
An ogre slave has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> tri wrl
You trip Wrlmga and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Wrlmga.
Wrlmga yells 'Help! Orenval tried to trip me!'
Wrlmga is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> tri wrl

Your claw MASSACRES Wrlmga!
Your claw DISMEMBERS Wrlmga!
You dodge Wrlmga's infernal power.
You dodge Wrlmga's cleave.
You dodge Wrlmga's infernal power.
Wrlmga is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> thr

Wrlmga remains safe as your claw bounces harmlessly off of red-gold dragon leggings.
Your claw MASSACRES Wrlmga!
Your claw MASSACRES Wrlmga!
Wrlmga is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Wrlmga.
An ogre slave shrugs and walks off.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> whe
They aren't here.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> But you aren't fighting anyone!

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> People near you:
Natnalath At the Altar
(PK) Orenval Armory
Msuee Armory
(PK) Vearek The Training Grounds and Battlefield
Ulas The Training Grounds and Battlefield

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> l corpse
The corpse of Wrlmga is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Wrlmga contains:
a dirty ringmail neckguard
(Humming) the spider axe
an envenomed dagger
an amethyst ring
( 2) (Glowing) a flawless bracelet of pure sapphire
red-gold dragon gauntlets
a black-red dragonscale helm
a midnight dragon hide
a pair of knife-like arm bands
a pitch-black longsword
a crimson-eyed silver mask
(Humming) the double-bladed battleaxe named 'Scream of the Damned'
a titanium foil
midnight dragon boots
(Glowing) a blazing orange cloak
a cloak made of a felar hide
a nightmare blade
(Glowing) the trollmaster's flail
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
the hide of the ancient white dragon
(Glowing) Shaerian chain leggings
(Glowing) a floating chest
red-gold dragon leggings
a pitch-black ring
an oak-shafted spear
a broad-bladed battleaxe crackling with energy
30 gold coins
85 silver coins
168 copper coins

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
Msuee frowns.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> purr
You attempt to make a purring sound.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
Msuee leaves north.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> hid
You are still breathing too hard to hide.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM> sn
You attempt to move silently.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
Vearek has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
Msuee has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <508/90%hp 304/81%m 416/95%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 3 PM>
You notice Msuee start to move towards the corpse and grab his wrist to stop him.

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> get helm corpse
You get a black-red dragonscale helm from the corpse of Wrlmga.

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Vearek says 'Done with orc?'

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> wear helm
You stop using a silver-gray basinet.
You wear a black-red dragonscale helm on your head.

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Vearek looks at you.

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> nod
You nod.
Msuee leaves north.

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> Target set to vear.

Vearek nods.

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
You use your agility to evade Vearek's charge!
You yell 'Help! Vearek just attacked me!'
Vearek is in perfect health. (100%)

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> kot
You fail to execute kotegaeshi on Vearek.
You trample around loudly again.
Your kotegaeshi misses Vearek.
Vearek is in perfect health. (100%)

PROTECTED civilized <526/93%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Vearek keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Vearek keeps you at bay with his polearm.
You parry Vearek's whirling flames.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
Vearek's whirling flames EVISCERATES you!
Vearek is in perfect health. (100%)

PROTECTED civilized <476/85%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Vearek dodges your claw.
Vearek keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Vearek keeps you at bay with his polearm.
Vearek's whirling flames DISMEMBERS you!
You step inside Vearek's claw with a quick backfist.
Your claw MASSACRES Vearek!
Vearek has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> kot
You grab hold of Vearek's wrist and twist it violently!
With a sickening crunch, you apply kotegaeshi to Vearek's wrist!
With his broken wrist, Vearek can no longer hold onto a flaming bardiche.
Your kotegaeshi EVISCERATES Vearek!
Vearek has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Your claw DISMEMBERS Vearek!
Vearek dodges your claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
Vearek is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Vearek dodges your claw.
Your claw EVISCERATES Vearek!
Vearek dodges your claw.
You parry Vearek's claw.
You parry Vearek's claw.
Vearek is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> thr
You throw Vearek to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw EVISCERATES Vearek!
You control your opponent and deliver a swift kick to the face!
Your ground control MASSACRES Vearek!
Vearek remains safe as your claw bounces harmlessly off of a midnight dragon hide.
Vearek dodges your claw.
Your claw MASSACRES Vearek!
You parry Vearek's claw.
You parry Vearek's claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
Vearek is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Vearek dodges your claw.
Your claw MUTILATES Vearek!
Vearek dodges your claw.
Vearek dodges your claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
You parry Vearek's claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
Vearek is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> thr

Ulas has arrived.
Vearek is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM>
Vearek dodges your claw.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Vearek!
Your claw misses Vearek.
Vearek dodges your claw.
You parry Vearek's claw.
You dodge Vearek's claw.
You parry Vearek's claw.
Vearek is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11642tnl (4.96%) 4 PM> You throw Vearek to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw EVISCERATES Vearek!
You have become better at throw (89%)!
You attempt to execute a ground control move on Vearek but fail.
Your ground control misses Vearek.
Vearek is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11622tnl (5.13%) 4 PM>
Vearek moves out of the range of your claw.
Vearek dodges your claw.
Your claw EVISCERATES Vearek!
Vearek is stunned, and rendered helpless.
Vearek is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

PROTECTED civilized <421/75%hp 320/85%m 435/100%mv 11622tnl (5.13%) 4 PM>
Your claw MASSACRES Vearek!
Vearek is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Vearek.
Vearek's hindpaws are sliced from his dead body.

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