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RE: Orenval vs Horkampz and Tongrok

civilized <580/100%hp 277/58%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM> call resis
You step out of the shadows.
You lost your concentration.

civilized <580/100%hp 252/53%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM> call resis
You feel tough!

civilized <580/100%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM> endu
You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

civilized <580/100%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Horkampz has arrived.

civilized <580/100%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Horkampz trips you and you go down!
Horkampz's trip scratches you.
You yell 'Help! Horkampz tried to trip me!'
Horkampz parries your smash.
Horkampz parries your claw and returns an attack of his own.
Horkampz's venomous slash maims you!
Horkampz's venomous slash decimates you!
Horkampz's defilement decimates you!
You parry Horkampz's venomous slash.
You parry Horkampz's venomous slash.
Horkampz's ring flares with a bright white light!
Horkampz's shocking grasp injures you.
Horkampz has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

civilized <475/81%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Iebela has arrived.
Horkampz has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

civilized <475/81%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Your smash EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Horkampz dodges your claw.
You dodge Horkampz's venomous slash.
You parry Horkampz's defilement.
You dodge Horkampz's defilement.
Horkampz has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

civilized <475/81%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM> kans

Horkampz parries your smash and returns an attack of his own.
Horkampz's venomous slash mauls you.
Horkampz parries your claw.
Horkampz parries your smash.
You dodge Horkampz's venomous slash.
You parry Horkampz's defilement.
Your defensive spin deflects Horkampz's venomous slash.
You dodge Horkampz's venomous slash.
Horkampz has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

civilized <451/77%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM> You painfully hyperextend Horkampz's shoulder!
Horkampz can no longer find the strength to wield a strange sword of etched steel.
Your kansetsuwaza DISMEMBERS Horkampz!
Horkampz trips you and you go down!
Horkampz's trip scratches you.
Horkampz has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

civilized <450/77%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Tongrok has arrived.
Horkampz has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

civilized <450/77%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Tongrok sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Tongrok's bash grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Tongrok is bashing me!'
Horkampz has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

civilized <445/76%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Your smash misses Horkampz.
Horkampz parries your claw.
Your smash DISMEMBERS Horkampz!
You dodge Horkampz's venomous slash.
You dodge Horkampz's venomous slash.
You parry Horkampz's venomous slash.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Horkampz is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <445/76%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Your smash EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Your claw MUTILATES Horkampz!
You dodge Horkampz's venomous slash.
You dodge Horkampz's punch.
You parry Horkampz's venomous slash.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok's crush DISMEMBERS you!
Horkampz is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <392/67%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM>
Horkampz has fled!
Horkampz leaves east.

civilized <392/67%hp 202/42%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 8 AM> hit hor
They aren't here.
Horkampz has arrived.

civilized <413/71%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> hit hor
You must MURDER a player.

civilized <413/71%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Tongrok brings a black hammer around with bone-shattering force!
Tongrok's bone-shattering blow DISMEMBERS you!
Tongrok is in perfect health. (100%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> hit hor

Your smash maims Tongrok!
Tongrok parries your claw.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You parry Horkampz's venomous slash.
You dodge Horkampz's punch.
Your defensive spin deflects Horkampz's venomous slash.
Tongrok has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> You start aiming at Horkampz.
Horkampz is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> thr
You throw Horkampz to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw MUTILATES Horkampz!
Controlling Horkampz's fall, you painfully hyperextend his elbow!
Your ground control MUTILATES Horkampz!
Horkampz is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Your smash EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Your claw EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Your smash EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Horkampz knocks your claw aside before it gets near him.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Horkampz is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> thr

You hop to one side, getting out of the way of Tongrok's drum.
Your smash DISMEMBERS Horkampz!
Your smash misses Horkampz.
Horkampz parries your smash.
You dodge Horkampz's venomous slash.
You dodge Horkampz's punch.
You parry Horkampz's venomous slash.
Your defensive spin deflects Horkampz's venomous slash.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Your defensive spin deflects Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Horkampz is writhing in agony. (15% - 30%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> You throw Horkampz to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw MUTILATES Horkampz!
You attempt to execute a ground control move on Horkampz but fail.
Your ground control misses Horkampz.
Horkampz is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Your smash DISMEMBERS Horkampz!
Your claw EVISCERATES Horkampz!
Horkampz is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Your smash MANGLES Horkampz!
Horkampz is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Horkampz.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

civilized <357/61%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Tongrok dodges your smash.
Your claw MUTILATES Tongrok!
Tongrok dodges your smash.
Whirling your staff from paw to paw, you knock Tongrok's crush away.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok's crush EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

civilized <307/52%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> kot
You grab hold of Tongrok's wrist and twist it violently!
Your kotegaeshi maims Tongrok!
Tongrok has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

civilized <307/52%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Tongrok parries your smash.
Tongrok parries your claw.
Tongrok's crush EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Iebela looks at you.
Tongrok has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 90%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> kans

Your smash EVISCERATES Tongrok!
Your claw DISMEMBERS Tongrok!
Tongrok parries your smash.
Your smash EVISCERATES Tongrok!
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Tongrok gets a wild look in his eyes.
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Iebela looks at Tongrok.
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> You painfully hyperextend Tongrok's shoulder!
Tongrok screams in pain as you apply kansetsuwaza to his shoulder!
Your kansetsuwaza EVISCERATES Tongrok!
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Your smash EVISCERATES Tongrok!
Tongrok parries your claw.
Your claw devastates Tongrok!
Your defensive spin deflects Tongrok's crush.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
You are misled by Tongrok's cunning feint.
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> mountainstormk

Your blow swings wildly and misses.
Tongrok parries your claw.
Tongrok meets your claw with a resounding impact.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Your defensive spin deflects Tongrok's crush.
Your defensive spin deflects Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> Ducking back, Tongrok barely evades your mountain storm kick.
Your mountain storm kick misses Tongrok.
Tongrok is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Your smash MUTILATES Tongrok!
Tongrok dodges your claw.
Tongrok parries your claw.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
A thunder clap rumbles out of Tongrok's hammer!
A loud ringing fills your ears...you can't hear anything!
Tongrok is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Tongrok parries your smash.
Your claw MUTILATES Tongrok!
Tongrok parries your smash.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You parry Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> thr

You are misled by Tongrok's cunning feint.
Tongrok is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Iebela looks at Tongrok.
Tongrok is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

civilized <259/44%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> You throw Tongrok to the ground with stunning force.
Your throw maims Tongrok!
You control your opponent and deliver a swift kick to the face!
Your ground control MUTILATES Tongrok!
Your blow swings wildly and misses.
Your claw EVISCERATES Tongrok!
Your claw DISMEMBERS Tongrok!
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok's crush DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok's crush EVISCERATES you!
Tongrok is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <152/26%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Iebela looks at you.
Tongrok is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <152/26%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> thr

Iebela looks at Tongrok.
Your smash DISMEMBERS Tongrok!
Tongrok parries your claw.
Tongrok parries your smash.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
You dodge Tongrok's crush.
Tongrok's crush DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Tongrok is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <95/16%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
Tongrok has fled!
Tongrok leaves east.

civilized <95/16%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> But you aren't fighting anyone!

civilized <95/16%hp 220/46%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> e
The Meeting Chambers of the Citizens
This chamber is a glorious hall filled with massive statues
and silken curtains. Imperial warriors and Emperors are
captured in stone perfection as you wander these halls. Above
your head is a domed ceiling with a great depiction of the mighty
armies of the Empire, lead by a lichen figure in blackened robes.
Statues of Zulghinlour, Khasotholas and Onglaurst can be seen
to the east and west of you as mighty depictions of the
greatness that was, and is soon to come. Four pillars support
the domed ceiling.

[Exits: west]
Tongrok the fire giant is here.

civilized <95/16%hp 220/46%m 505/99%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM> tri tong
You trip Tongrok and he goes down!
Your trip grazes Tongrok.
Tongrok's lips move, but you can't make out the words.
Tongrok is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <95/16%hp 220/46%m 505/99%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 9 AM>
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
Your senses seem duller.
Tongrok is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <109/18%hp 231/48%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 10 AM>
Iebela has arrived.
Tongrok is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

civilized <109/18%hp 231/48%m 506/100%mv 10526tnl (24.81%) 10 AM>
Your smash EVISCERATES Tongrok!
Tongrok is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Tongrok.
A clump of Tongrok's hair is ripped from his head.

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