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RE: Now this only makes you look worse actually.
This is my last response.

>Could you name at least ONE air/water shapeshifter who did at
>least 1/4 as well as Buereunus?

I'm not going to dig for names, but Lightmage alone did it probably 4 times.

And you can argue it doesn't count or doesn't compare or whatever. I don't care. I didn't stop to consult you mid-last year when forming my opinion.

>And also he was shapeshifter - what means he wasn't able to
>benefit from the complete knowledge of CF areas as much as
>warrior or any other class can. Simply because shapeshifters
>can't get those +dr or interesting progs as their EQ.

If you think area knowledge isn't highly relevant to a shifter I don't even know what to say.

>That comment is in reference to an elf shapeshifter orca/eagle
>named Laspigon. I would kill him once, tell him to leave me be
>or you get it again. He would then come after me over and over
>in the water without regard for his life. So I kill him again,
>I warn him, etc. He would jump me while I fought two others, I
>would kill him. After him doing this four times in an hour and
>a half I prayed, "I don't mean to multi kill this guy, but he
>just keeps coming after me over and over". I did not choose to
>"full loot him" to teach him a lesson. In addition, he
>actually said he wouldn't give up and keep coming after me. I
>would leave all his nice trinkets, maybe take a rod or two to
>deter him. He actually said he was fine dying and that he
>would continue to do anything to kill me. See this part of the

I didn't witness this behavior in as much as I was watching. If true, I would owe Boo an apology.

>But Buereunus deserves the negative immortal comments for
>doing exactly you did yourself while you had three legacies?

Uh, try zero.

>But you played wood-elf
>villager instead of playing dark-elf villager at the time when
>Battle is in the war with Fortress. You knew it very well that
>there are a lot of paladins who will be really big problem if
>you decide to play dark-elf.

Except I rolled, what, six months before that war started? Nine?

>And also stats of the elves and dark-elves aren't
>unambiguously superior stats when compared to wood-elves.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong.

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