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RE: Battle gnomes also don't have any effective way to lag because of their size.
Many maladaction warriors can use the mace as one of their specs to cranial enemies. Svirfnebli battle warriors can also use pincer because of their high strength.

But battle gnomes cannot drink enlarge potions, so anybody who is giant-sized naturally or by potion will not be lagged by the gnome anyhow. Most axes are very heavy so the whirl is usually not an option for gnome. Cranials also won't lag most people because of the size. And misdirect is very bad option for gnome because they loose almost half of their damage (dual wield) this way.

Exotic legacy is also not the best option for gnomes because they already have STSF, Space and Autumn what are the best suited for their race. Also gnomes don't do spec-skills without both Exotic legacy and balance of the sisters legacy.

And vuln_blunt is very very very very huge when compared to dextrous human.

It's all just an information to consider for how much powerful to make an edge to make gnomes at least somewhat balanced as warriors :)

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