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RE: Olthundor's last fight

<1399/1399(100%) 511(100%) 1515(95%) wilderness 4 PM>
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
(Chaotic Aura) Deward is here, sparkling.
(Orderly Aura) Kurnauch is here.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<1399/1399(100%) 511(100%) 1515(95%) wilderness 4 PM>
Within a Forest Choked with Mist

[Exits: north east south west]
(Chaotic Aura) Deward is here, sparkling.
(Orderly Aura) Kurnauch is here.

<1399/1399(100%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 4 PM>
Springing forward, you send Deward sprawling with a solid body blow!
Your bash grazes Deward.
Deward yells 'Help! Olthundor is bashing me!'
Deward has a few scratches.

<1399/1399(100%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 4 PM>

Deward's shocking bite DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Deward's shocking bite.
You parry Deward's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MASSACRES Deward!
You parry Kurnauch's poisonous bite.
You parry Kurnauch's crush.
You parry Kurnauch's crush.
Deward dodges your defilement.
Deward parries your defilement.
Deward dodges your defilement.
Deward has a few scratches.

<1339/1399(95%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 4 PM>

Deward has a few scratches.

<1339/1399(95%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>
Deward's eyes become bloodshot and his face contorts into a mask of rage!
Deward looks more enlightened.
Deward fills the air with his hatred of magic.
Deward has a few scratches.

<1339/1399(95%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>

In a blazing flash, a mote of Radiance sizzles and streaks towards Deward!
Your blazing mote grazes Deward.
You parry Deward's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Deward!
You parry Deward's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MASSACRES Deward!
You parry Deward's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MASSACRES Deward!
You parry Deward's shocking bite.
Deward parries your defilement.
Deward parries your infernal power.
Deward is unharmed as your infernal power deflects harmlessly off of a pair of clawed war gauntlets.
Deward deflects your spell!
Deward's spellbane MUTILATES you!
The Unholy Sword of Zurcon glows a deathly black!
You feel the dark taint of the Unholy Sword surge through you!
Deward has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1300/1399(92%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>

You feel your wounds healing with remarkable alacrity as life surges within you!
Deward has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1305/1399(93%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>

Kurnauch reaches out with the handle of a diamond studded whip and jabs it into your eyes!
Someone's eye jab mauls you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1281/1399(91%) 511(100%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>
You yell 'I'll fight fer wha's right, with all o' meh might! If yer tippin' tha Balance, ya better
take flight!'
You feel righteous as you shout 'I'll fight fer wha's right, with all o' meh might! If yer tippin'
tha Balance, ya better take flight!'
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1383/1399(98%) 481(94%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>
Someone yells 'Blessed with Love! Bound in darkness! Freed by Light! Feel New Loves Might!'
Someone appears more confident as it shouts 'Blessed with Love! Bound in darkness! Freed by Light!
Feel New Loves Might!'

Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1383/1399(98%) 481(94%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>

In a blazing flash, a mote of Radiance sizzles and streaks towards someone!
Your blazing mote hits someone.
You parry someone's poisonous bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
You parry someone's crush.
You parry someone's shocking bite.
You parry someone's shocking bite.
Someone delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry someone's shocking bite.
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone parries your infernal power.
Someone parries your infernal power.
Someone parries your infernal power and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's shocking bite DISMEMBERS you!
Someone dodges your defilement.
Someone deflects your spell!
Someone's spellbane MUTILATES you!
Something glows a deathly black!
You feel the dark taint of the Unholy Sword surge through you!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1282/1399(91%) 481(94%) 1508(94%) wilderness 5 PM>
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Someone partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Your flurry MANGLES someone!
Someone partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Someone partially evades your attack, but you still hit it.
Your flurry MASSACRES someone!
Someone partially evades your attack, but you still hit it.
Your flurry MANGLES someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1282/1399(91%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>

Someone starts a vicious series of attacks with its swords.
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry MASSACRES you!
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
Someone's flurry misses you.
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry DISMEMBERS you!
You feel your wounds healing with remarkable alacrity as life surges within you!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<900/1399(64%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>

You parry someone's poisonous bite.
Someone's crush DISMEMBERS you!
You parry someone's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MANGLES someone!
You parry someone's shocking bite.
With careful timing you deflect someone's shocking bite.
Someone's shocking bite nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
Someone dodges your defilement.
Someone parries your infernal power.
Someone is gushing blood.

<838/1399(59%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>

You feel your wounds healing with remarkable alacrity as life surges within you!
Someone is gushing blood.

<844/1399(60%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>

In a blazing flash, a mote of Radiance sizzles and streaks towards someone!
Your blazing mote injures someone.
You parry someone's poisonous bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement *** DEVASTATES *** someone!
You parry someone's crush.
You parry someone's poisonous bite.
You parry someone's crush.
You parry someone's poisonous bite.
Someone's shocking bite MASSACRES you!
You parry someone's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MANGLES someone!
Someone's shocking bite MASSACRES you!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone parries your infernal power and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's shocking bite MASSACRES you!
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone parries your infernal power.
Someone parries your infernal power.
You fail to drain energy from someone.
Something glows a deathly black!
You feel the dark taint of the Unholy Sword surge through you!
Someone is gushing blood.

<641/1399(45%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>
You feel your wounds healing with remarkable alacrity as life surges within you!
Someone is gushing blood.

<647/1399(46%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>
drive e

You parry someone's poisonous bite.
You parry someone's crush.
Someone's shocking bite MASSACRES you!
Someone's shocking bite MASSACRES you!
You parry someone's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MANGLES someone!
Someone delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge someone's shocking bite.
You parry someone's shocking bite.
Someone parries your defilement.
Someone parries your infernal power and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's shocking bite MASSACRES you!
Your infernal power nearly breaks through someone's blocking blow.
Someone is writhing in agony.

<428/1399(30%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>

You feel your wounds healing with remarkable alacrity as life surges within you!
Someone is writhing in agony.

<432/1399(30%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>

You parry someone's poisonous bite.
Someone's crush MASSACRES you!
You dodge someone's crush.
You parry someone's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MANGLES someone!
You parry someone's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MASSACRES someone!
You parry someone's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MASSACRES someone!
You parry someone's shocking bite and return an attack of your own.
Your defilement MANGLES someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You feel the crackling of mana surge down your arms as the Veil pulses with new power!
You land the killing blow against someone.

<361/1399(25%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>
But you're not fighting anyone right now.

<361/1399(25%) 481(94%) 1388(87%) wilderness 5 PM>
You can't see a thing!

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