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RE: Scion Induction by request (RP)

*** Immediately following the previous log: ***

Tavlin tells you 'Splendid. Let us speak soon, then.'

*** Sometime later: ***

North Khalid Road
Running parallel to the river that passes through the city, this little
road carries the spillover foot traffic and small carts that come and go
from the market to the northeast. Buildings of wood and clay line the
street, wooden balconies overlooking the tides of trade below. To the
south, between a pair of merchant homes a wide bridge leads over the Khalid
to the southern bank, where the homes are smaller and less tended-to.

[Exits: east south west]
A mangled corpse lies here.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
A zombie of Sitran is here.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
A shambling mummy sways here, reeking of the grave.
A zombie of a quaggoth is here.
A zombie of a unicorn is here.
A zombie of a quaggoth is here.
A zombie of a golden aurumvorax is here.
An awakened shawtaby consort is here, prepared to serve her master.
An awakened guardian shawtaby is here, its eyes full of fury.
An awakened shawtaby is here, prepared to serve his master.
(Ghostly) (WANTED) Tavlin the mummy is here.
A sailor wanders through the crowds.
A meek serving woman carries on her master's business.
>> An obsidian construct leaves north.
An obsidian construct has arrived.
>> You follow Nabighah north.
A devilish imp has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM> People near you:
Tavlin North Khalid Road
(PK) Nabighah North Khalid Road
An ice elemental has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM>
Tavlin grins evilly.

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM> bow
You bow deeply.

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM>
Tavlin looks at you.

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM>
A mangled corpse decays into dust.

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM> ' A pleasure to be of service.
You say 'A pleasure to be of service.'

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM>
Someone tells you 'Not particularly. Be dedicated. Clever. Strong. Everything we need in a

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM>
Tavlin says 'Tell me of yourself, mmm?'

PROTECTED civilized <99%hp 69%m 56%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 6 AM>
The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.
The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.
A swarthy sailor writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
A swarthy sailor's sickness grazes him.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 71%m 62%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 7 AM>
Someone tells you 'First and foremost you are a scholar. We don't welcome brutes.'

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 71%m 62%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 7 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Kjorvin Docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Tavlin North Khalid Road
(PK) Nabighah North Khalid Road

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 71%m 62%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 7 AM>
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz leaves south.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 71%m 62%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 7 AM>
A swarthy sailor writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
A swarthy sailor's sickness grazes him.
Tavlin becomes corporeal again.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM> ' Long have I sought the Chasm,
first for the reasons of others, now for myself.
You say 'Long have I sought the Chasm, first for the reasons of others, now for myself.'

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM>
Zandrak has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM> whe
People near you:
Tavlin North Khalid Road
(PK) Nabighah North Khalid Road
Zandrak North Khalid Road

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM>
Tavlin gives a bloodstone ring to Zandrak.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM>
Tavlin gives a bloodstone ring to Zandrak.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM>
Tavlin utters the words, 'xgruuhpyafw'.
Tavlin fades into an insubstantial phantom.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM>
Tavlin looks at Zandrak.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM>
Zandrak says 'Me thank.'

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM> where
People near you:
Tavlin North Khalid Road
(PK) Nabighah North Khalid Road
Zandrak North Khalid Road
The Nightwalker slides back into the shadows from whence it came.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM> l zand
Zandrak is a compact, ebony-skinned duergar who has a large broad face
and a red bulbous nose. An intricately woven, greasy silver beard hangs
pridefully from his chin. Not grossly muscled, like his axe-wielding cousins,
Zandrak's lean and supple muscles conform to his body like well-forged armor.
Zandrak, a male duergar, has a few scratches.

Zandrak is using:
<worn on finger> a large emerald ring
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn around neck> a battle cloak
<worn around neck> a battle cloak
<worn on body> a spiked blackened breastplate
<worn on head> a midnight dragon skull
<worn on legs> a set of polished iron legplates
<worn on feet> a pair of steel chain boots
<worn on hands> some studded leather work gloves
<worn on arms> a set of polished iron armplates
<worn about body> a cowhide knapsack
<worn about waist> an elaborate beaded onyx belt
<worn around wrist> a charred leather bracer
<worn around wrist> an onyx and obsidian bracelet
<mainhand wielded> a silver chain flail
<offhand wielded> a chain flail

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 75%m 68%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 8 AM>
A swarthy sailor writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
A swarthy sailor's sickness grazes him.
Zandrak slowly floats to the ground.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Tavlin utters the words, 'iuophxartzf'.
A Nightwalker slides forth from the shadows!

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM> whoi zand
[27 Duerg War] Zandrak the Dragoon

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Zandrak stops using a large emerald ring.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Zandrak stops using a midnight dragon skull.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Zandrak stops using a pale white skull ring.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Zandrak wears a midnight dragon skull on his head.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM> who pk
[14 Storm War] (PK) Utpor the Mercenary
[16 Svirf Thi] (PK) Kjorvin the Scoundrel
[20 Arial Asn] (PK) Ixpum the Kasokutei
[18 Human Shf] (PK) Kelstrane the Sorcerer
[20 Gnome Shf] (PK) Farbin the Shapeshifter
[19 H-Elf Inv] (PK) Creighton the Grand Sorcerer
*20 Human Con* (PK) Nabighah the Conjurer
[13 Fire A-P] (PK) Sidel the Crimson Sword
[18 Human Ran] (PK) Aerich the Wayfarer
[18 Orc Ber] (PK) Nroog the Pillager of the Dead
[15 Storm War] (PK) Tykiinen the Pugilist

Players found: 11

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Tavlin utters the words, 'izhpzf sfainfrauai'.
Tavlin's eyes glow with an infernal light as he is surrounded by protective spirits.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Zandrak wears a bloodstone ring on his left finger.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Zandrak wears a bloodstone ring on his right finger.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Tavlin beckons for you to follow.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM>
Zandrak clenches his fists.

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 77%m 74%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 AM> fol tav
You now follow Tavlin.

*** Walking spam snipped ***

PROTECTED civilized <100%hp 81%m 78%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 10 AM>
Tavlin says 'The reasons of others, you say?'

You say 'It was intended by those I no longer serve that I be their eyes and ears within, to
learn of your plotting and be sure it did not come against their interests.'

Tavlin says 'I see.'

Tavlin says 'And you no longer serve them?'

You say 'But I have, ah, slipped my leash with a sense of finality.'

You say 'They would seek my death now, not my information.'

Tavlin nods.

Tavlin says 'Who were these fools?'

You say 'Yet the things I had learned in that role have made me curious and thirsty for the things you know in my own right.'

You say 'The Sultan of this place, or those who brought him information.'

You say 'A spymaster of his, deceased, and his inquisitor that I have yet to revenge myself
upon... yet.'

Tavlin attempts to snort, but merely blows dust out of one of his orifices.

You say 'Their concern for your doings so near their seat of power is understandable, if

Nabighah spreads his hands wide.

Tavlin says 'So. A would-be spy who has turned to those he was to spy against.'

You say 'But their concern is no longer mine.'

You nod.

Tavlin says 'Intriguing.'

*** Snipped more walking here ***

Tavlin says 'You need to kill something, I presume?'
You say 'They had no idea of a fraction of the nature of those who walk the night, much less

You shake your head.

Tavlin says 'Oh wait, you have no minions of the dark.'

You say 'This ice elemental will tolerate the sands poorly, and has already.'

You say 'It will come for me, I think, in time.'

You say 'I am prepared for this eventuality.'

You say 'I conjure without mastery of protective circles. I must always be prepared for such an

Tavlin nods.

You say 'Few of my guild will risk this. They pass by power with their lack of nerve.'

Tavlin says 'Tell me what sorts of mystical rituals you have witnessed, if any?'

You say 'I served for a time, in that time as a spy, with the Cult of the Silver Claw beneath

Someone tells you 'Samoleus is in Galadon.'

You say 'They lack the full understanding of the Shadow Plane, as of course do I, but they were
able to summon the least of the Ccul'gra, though they controlled them imperfectly.'

You say 'Such a summoning I have witnessed, though I could not replicate it.'

Tavlin nods.

You tell someone 'He is yet a ghost from my hand, but I thank you for this information.'

Someone tells you 'Ah.'

Someone tells you 'Then his mind has few secrets to yield upon death.'

You say 'No other ritual of great power would I claim to have seen.'

You say 'Unless you count the summonings of elementals, though I would not.'

Tavlin nods.

Tavlin looks at you.

Tavlin says 'You are a native of these regions?'

You nod.

You say 'I was born within Hamsah Mu'tazz itself and lived there for many years.'

Tavlin nods.

Tavlin says 'My own skin color used to mark me as possibly from here. When I had skin.'

Tavlin says 'I was too dark, in truth, to be one of the desert people.'

You say 'Do you not at times don it still?'

Tavlin says 'No.'

You say 'Or have you passed beyond the need for such?'

Tavlin says 'I've not been this way for long enough to have any desire, yet, to don flesh.'
You say 'If need is even the proper word.'

Tavlin says 'What do you think of the Chancellor?'

Tavlin says 'Have you even had occasion to meet him?'

You say 'I have not met him. I know him only by reputation.'

You say 'And that as a powerful magus seen little by his enemies until it is too late.'

Tavlin nods.

Tavlin says 'A very political answer. You will prefer to deal with devils?'

You say 'Politics comes easy to a conjurer, I think. It is in our nature to win others over
with words and charm and let them do our will.'

You say 'Yes, I believe the more predictable nature of a devil will suit me better.'

You say 'The brute strength of a demon must also have its uses, of course.'

Tavlin nods.
You say 'But I prefer servants whose whims I can better gauge and guess.'

Tavlin says 'You know the locations of the cabals of our enemies, yes?'

You say 'Should a demon slip its leash unexpectedly it could kill someone unintended. Even I
have little use for that.'

*** And if you've read the role you know why. ***

You say 'I believe I am aware of the location of each, of any varying degree of friendliness.'

You say 'A helpful fellow in Arkham town was eager to tell me of them.'

Tavlin chuckles politely.

Tavlin says 'Do be wary of helpful fellows in Arkham.'

Tavlin says 'None but my guild may even approach eternal life, I'd say.'

Tavlin attempts to wink but ends up just moving his head in a jerky motion.

You say 'Ahh yes. The Silver Claw isn't the only dangerous cult in town.'

You say 'But they will long hold a special place in my heart, despite it, that the eternal life
fellow will not.'

Tavlin says 'We have one open spot within the Chasm, thanks to the departure of Silja from this

Tavlin says 'None of our current Scholars are of your guild, either.'

Tavlin says 'I am partial to your guild most of all, aside from my own.'

You nod.
Tavlin says 'For ours are the two guilds most conducive to practicing the Method.'

You say 'A demon is not a Ccul'gra, but wrestling with its will is closer than others will come
to such a struggle.'

Tavlin nods.

Tavlin says 'I have one final task for you.'

civilized <100%hp 100%m 91%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 7 PM> where
People near you:
Tavlin The Library of Necromancy
(PK) Nabighah Above the Chasm

civilized <100%hp 100%m 91%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 7 PM> whe
People near you:
(PK) Nabighah Above the Chasm

civilized <100%hp 100%m 90%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 9 PM>
Tavlin tells you 'I have teleported, and you will find me.'

Tavlin tells you 'I ended up somewhere that should be easy for you. Babblebrook.'

*** Not long after: ***

wilderness <100%hp 100%m 60%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 5 AM> d
You are at the easternmost point of this little stream that you will be
able to travel. From here it bounces down into a small opening into the
earth once more. You can clamber up the bank into an older part of the
forest here. It looks like there are some larger trees and bushes in
this part of the halfling lands, as if it is less populated and has been
here longer than the halflings, or anyone else in this part of the world
for that matter. Maybe going back up the stream would be the best choice.

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.

[Exits: west up]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(Ghostly) (WANTED) Tavlin the mummy is here.
>> You follow Nabighah down.
A devilish imp has arrived.
An obsidian construct has arrived.

wilderness <100%hp 100%m 59%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 5 AM> ' And so I have.
You say 'And so I have.'

wilderness <100%hp 100%m 59%mv 2222tnl (69.14%) 5 AM>
Your reputation grows as you prove yourself to others.
(You receive 1000 experience points.)
You have been inducted into the Scions of Eternal Night.
(Recall your memories of INDUCTION for what this entails.)

wilderness <100%hp 100%m 59%mv 1222tnl (83.03%) 5 AM>
[SCION] Tavlin: Welcome.

wilderness <100%hp 100%m 59%mv 1222tnl (83.03%) 5 AM>
Tavlin looks at you.

wilderness <100%hp 100%m 59%mv 1222tnl (83.03%) 5 AM> cb My thanks, Advisor Tavlin.
[SCION] Nabighah: My thanks, Advisor Tavlin.

Tavlin says 'A bit cruel to make you walk all the way back there.'

You say 'I have survived worse.'

Tavlin says 'But nobody ever accused me of being overly uncruel.'

You say 'I will meet you at the Chasm again?'

[SCION] Tavlin: Explore the Chasm, read up what you will...though be careful of what you choose to read.

[SCION] Tavlin: And ask me any questions you might have.


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