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RE: You are too kind
>He used wrath against someone who has resist positive(wrath)
>as a class spell...

Welcome to regearing right after getting ganged. We don't have the luxury as villagers to run away from a mage just because we don't have our best weapon.

>He didn't use a shield when his enemies primary method of
>hurting him was melee damage.

I've got resist and bard resist, how much more DR can a villager without gates/martial trance have? He has no means to heal, my goal is to outdamage him specifically, not survive until I can run to the village.

>He didn't take advantage of the fact that you have a small gap
>of time to fight conjurers while their servitors are not in
>the room either through drive or making the battle a moving

Maybe you missed the multiple mobs rescuing him. Reading can be difficult.

>As an aside would it be possible to update the echo for
>phoenix brand so the person getting hit with it knows which
>sigil just got drawn on them?

Its fire or light always, never wrath, per Nepenthe. So that has no impact on this fight.

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