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RE: vs. Clahier

<1107/1107hp 613/616m 705/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'trophy' for 92 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 47 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 47 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -16 for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 4 hours.
Song: 'anthem of resistance' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' modifies constitution by 1 for 2 hours.
Physical effect: 'flight' for -1 hours.

<1107/1107hp 613/616m 705/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

<1107/1107hp 613/616m 704/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Sutherspring Crossroads

Battered and bruised, the corpse of Khargon lies in a heap.
A sign points east towards Voralian City, and north towards Udgaard.
(Ghost) Khargon is here.
(White Aura) Darkness seems to flee the unbridled power of the archangel before you.
(Translucent) A shifting orb of vapor, vaguely face-like, hovers here.
(Barrier) Clahier is here.

<1107/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized Alas, you cannot go that way.

<1107/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized hurl torso clah
Clahier yells 'Help! Namric hurled a dagger at me!'
You hurl a throwing dagger at Clahier striking her square in the chest!
Your hurled dagger hits Clahier.
Clahier deflects your poisonous bite with her shield.
Clahier angles her shield to deflect your wrath away from her.
You parry Clahier's whip.
Clahier has a few scratches.

<1107/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized
Clahier's swift blow sears your flesh, leaving you branded with a painful sigil!
Clahier's phoenix brand wounds you.
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
Moving quickly, you avoid an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
An archangel of the Light's bash grazes you.
Clahier has a few scratches.

<1083/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Clahier deflects your poisonous bite with her shield.
Your poisonous bite maims Clahier!
You parry Clahier's whip.
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized art
You thrust your dagger towards Clahier, attempting to sever her artery!
A spray of blood erupts from Clahier's wound!
Your deep gash mauls Clahier.
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast and close in for a concealed attack!
A vapor sprite is unaffected by your poisonous bite!
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast and close in for a concealed attack!
A vapor sprite is unaffected by your poisonous bite!
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light fails to rescue Clahier.
Clahier deflects your poisonous bite with her shield.
Your wrath devastates Clahier!
Clahier parries your poisonous bite.
Your poisonous bite decimates Clahier!
You parry Clahier's whip.
You dodge Clahier's whip.
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16175xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized
You use your speed and the open space to keep away from Clahier's lash.
You have become better at evade (92%)!
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 703/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized flee
The North Galadon Road

You flee from combat!

<973/1107hp 613/616m 702/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 702/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 702/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 701/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 700/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 699/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 698/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized wield cudgel
dual mace
You stop using a sharp, yellowed fang.
You wield a scorched oak cudgel.
A scorched oak cudgel feels like a part of you!

<973/1107hp 613/616m 698/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized You do not have that item.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 698/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized whe
People near you:
(PK) Namric The North Galadon Road
Issislye The North Sutherspring Crossroads
(PK) Clahier The North Sutherspring Crossroads
Khargon The North Sutherspring Crossroads
Tanion The North Sutherspring Crossroads

<973/1107hp 613/616m 698/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized s
The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 697/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized s
The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 696/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized dirt cla
They aren't here.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 696/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized s
The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 695/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized dirt cla
They aren't here.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 695/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized s
The North Galadon Road

<973/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized dirt cla

Clahier has arrived.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized Clahier is blinded by the dirt in her eyes!
Your kicked dirt barely scratches Clahier.
Clahier yells 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<973/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized s

A vapor sprite has arrived.
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
A vapor sprite's blast EVISCERATES you!
An archangel of the Light has arrived.
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
Someone rescues Clahier from you!
A vapor sprite dodges your smash.
A vapor sprite dodges your wrath.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
A vapor sprite dodges your smash.
A vapor sprite dodges your wrath.
A vapor sprite parries your wrath.
A vapor sprite dodges your wrath.
A vapor sprite is in perfect health.

<925/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized h cla

You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
An archangel of the Light's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You evade an archangel of the Light's bash, causing it to fall flat on its face.
An archangel of the Light's bash misses you.
A vapor sprite dodges your smash.
A vapor sprite dodges your smash.
A vapor sprite dodges your smash.
A vapor sprite is in perfect health.

<803/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized No way! You are still fighting!
A vapor sprite is in perfect health.

<803/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized You must MURDER a player.
A vapor sprite is in perfect health.

<803/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized bones
You try to boneshatter some empty air near a vapor sprite.
A vapor sprite is in perfect health.

<803/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized
Tanion looks at you.
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
Your smash MASSACRES a vapor sprite!
A vapor sprite has a few scratches.

<803/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized flee

You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
A vapor sprite dodges your smash.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
You try to attack some empty air near a vapor sprite.
A vapor sprite dodges your wrath.
A vapor sprite has a few scratches.

<803/1107hp 613/616m 694/820mv 16140xp> 1 PM outdoor civilized flee

Clahier wipes the dirt from her eyes.
Clahier continues to bleed from her wounds.
Clahier's bleeding wounds her.
A vapor sprite has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 746/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized The North Galadon Road

You flee from combat!

<816/1107hp 616/616m 745/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 745/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 745/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 745/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 745/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized cran clahier
They aren't here.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 745/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized s
The North Galadon Road

Tanion is here.
(White Aura) Darkness seems to flee the unbridled power of the archangel before you.
(Translucent) A shifting orb of vapor, vaguely face-like, hovers here.
(Barrier) Clahier is here.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized cran clahier

An archangel of the Light yells 'You are wise to run, Namric, for the judgment that awaits you may not be merciful!'
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light is in perfect health.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized You hit Clahier over the head with a scorched oak cudgel.
Your cranial hit grazes Clahier.
Clahier yells 'Help! Namric hit me over the head!'
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
Your smash hits an archangel of the Light.
An archangel of the Light dodges your wrath.
An archangel of the Light parries your smash.
Your smash grazes an archangel of the Light.
You parry Clahier's whip.
You parry Clahier's whip.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized
Khargon has arrived.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized
Tanion looks at Clahier.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized h clahier

You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
A vapor sprite rescues Clahier from you!
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
Your smash hits an archangel of the Light.
An archangel of the Light dodges your wrath.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
Your smash hits an archangel of the Light.
Your smash hits an archangel of the Light.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You are not affected by an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
An archangel of the Light parries your smash.
An archangel of the Light parries your wrath.
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized You must MURDER a player.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized
You take a chance and somehow hurl yourself away from Clahier's lash!
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized fleee
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized flee
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You are not affected by an archangel of the Light's wrath.
Your smash hits an archangel of the Light.
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
An archangel of the Light dodges your wrath.
You parry Clahier's whip.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized flee
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 744/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized The North Galadon Road

You flee from combat!

<816/1107hp 616/616m 743/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 743/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.

<816/1107hp 616/616m 743/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

<816/1107hp 616/616m 742/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

<816/1107hp 616/616m 741/820mv 16140xp> 2 PM outdoor civilized aff
The North Galadon Road

<831/1107hp 616/616m 792/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized You are affected by:
Skill: 'trophy' for 90 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 45 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 45 hours.
Power: 'phoenix brand' for 10 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -16 for 5 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 2 hours.
Song: 'anthem of resistance' for 2 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 1 hours.
Power: 'resistance' modifies constitution by 1 for 0 hours.
Physical effect: 'flight' for -1 hours.

<831/1107hp 616/616m 792/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized whe
People near you:
(PK) Namric The North Galadon Road
(PK) Clahier The North Galadon Road
Khargon The North Galadon Road
Tanion The North Galadon Road

<831/1107hp 616/616m 792/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

<831/1107hp 616/616m 791/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

A weary looking man moves along the road.

<831/1107hp 616/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized bers
Your pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized whe

Clahier has arrived.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
A vapor sprite has arrived.
An archangel of the Light has arrived.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Clahier leaves north.
An archangel of the Light yells 'I come from the Azure Fields to bring destruction to the likes of you, Namric!'
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light tries to disarm you, but a scorched oak cudgel won't budge!
An archangel of the Light is in perfect health.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
An archangel of the Light is unaffected by your wrath!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your smash MUTILATES an archangel of the Light!
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Clahier has arrived.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized People near you:
(PK) Namric The North Galadon Road
(PK) Clahier The North Galadon Road
Khargon The North Galadon Road
Tanion The North Galadon Road
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Clahier lashes at you with the Whip, 'Sting of Shokai'!
Clahier's lash misses you.
You yell 'Help! Clahier is lashing me!'
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized h vapor
One battle at a time, please.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<831/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
A vapor sprite's blast EVISCERATES you!
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
A vapor sprite's blast EVISCERATES you!
An archangel of the Light's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your smash EVISCERATES an archangel of the Light!
An archangel of the Light is unaffected by your wrath!
An archangel of the Light parries your wrath.
You parry Clahier's whip.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<634/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized h cla
You start aiming at Clahier.
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<634/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Tanion looks at Clahier.
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<634/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized bones
You bring a scorched oak cudgel around with bone-shattering force!
Your bone-shattering blow decimates Clahier!
Clahier has some small but disgusting cuts.

<634/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light burns you with the light of the sun!
An archangel of the Light's sunray *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Your smash mauls Clahier.
Your wrath devastates Clahier!
You parry Clahier's whip.
You parry Clahier's whip.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<517/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
You use your agility to evade Clahier's lash!
Tanion looks at you.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<517/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized warcry

A vapor sprite's blast EVISCERATES you!
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
An archangel of the Light's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
An archangel of the Light burns you with the light of the sun!
An archangel of the Light's sunray MASSACRES you!
Your smash misses Clahier.
Your wrath maims Clahier!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your smash MANGLES Clahier!
You parry Clahier's whip.
You parry Clahier's whip.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<299/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Khargon has arrived.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<299/1107hp 601/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized You yell 'Your blood shall quench my thirst for battle!'
You feel righteous as you shout 'Your blood shall quench my thirst for battle!'
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your smash *** DEMOLISHES *** Clahier!
Your wrath misses Clahier.
Your wrath MUTILATES Clahier!
You parry Clahier's whip.
You parry Clahier's whip.
Clahier is gushing blood.

<395/1107hp 571/616m 790/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized bers
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!
Clahier is gushing blood.

<491/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
You spin gracefully away from Clahier's lash.
Clahier is gushing blood.

<491/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Tanion lays his hands upon Clahier's head, healing her.
Clahier starts moving normal speed.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<491/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized cran cla

You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
An archangel of the Light's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Drawing on itself, an archangel of the Light slowly crouches down. As its chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes it! Standing up, it suddenly throws
Out its arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
An archangel of the Light's pillar of lightning *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
An archangel of the Light's pillar of lightning does UNSPEAKABLE things to a pig herder!
A pig herder is DEAD!!
Your smash devastates Clahier!
Your smash mauls Clahier.
You parry Clahier's whip.
You parry Clahier's whip.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<242/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized You bring a scorched oak cudgel around to hit Clahier's head!
Your cranial hit decimates Clahier!
Clahier clutches her head in agony for a moment.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<242/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light rescues Clahier from you!
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
An archangel of the Light parries your wrath.
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
Your smash injures an archangel of the Light.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<242/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Tanion closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Clahier.
A soft golden light shines from Clahier's wounds.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<242/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Kimond steps out of the shadows.
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You parry Kimond's slice.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<242/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized flee

You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your smash injures an archangel of the Light.
An archangel of the Light is unaffected by your wrath!
Your smash injures an archangel of the Light.
You parry Kimond's slice.
You parry Kimond's stab.
You parry Kimond's slice.
You parry Kimond's stab.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<141/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized
Tanion looks at Clahier.
An archangel of the Light has a few scratches.

<141/1107hp 541/616m 740/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized flee
The North Galadon Road

You flee from combat!

<141/1107hp 541/616m 739/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

<141/1107hp 541/616m 739/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.

<141/1107hp 541/616m 739/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized You aren't fighting anyone.
Kimond has arrived.

<141/1107hp 541/616m 739/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized n
You aren't fighting anyone.

<141/1107hp 541/616m 739/820mv 16140xp> 3 PM outdoor civilized n
The North Galadon Road

The face of a pig herder's blackened corpse is twisted in a final moment of agony.
(Ghost) Khargon is here.
Tanion is here.
(Barrier) Clahier is here.
(White Aura) Darkness seems to flee the unbridled power of the archangel before you.
(Translucent) A shifting orb of vapor, vaguely face-like, hovers here.
Clahier entangles you and sends you to the ground!
Clahier's lash scratches you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You feel less tough.
Clahier continues to bleed from her wounds.
Clahier's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Clahier's bleeding wounds her.
An archangel of the Light yells 'I come to burn the darkness from the Prime, Namric! I come to burn you!'
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<144/1107hp 547/616m 764/820mv 16140xp> 4 PM outdoor civilized flee

Kimond has arrived.
Clahier is covered with bleeding wounds.

<144/1107hp 547/616m 764/820mv 16140xp> 4 PM outdoor civilized
You feel much too macho to scream about being attacked like some kind of sissy.
You dodge Kimond's slice.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by a vapor sprite!'
You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
You parry a vapor sprite's blast.
You dodge an archangel of the Light's wrath.
You parry an archangel of the Light's wrath.
An archangel of the Light rescues Clahier from you!
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
An archangel of the Light is unaffected by your wrath!
An archangel of the Light quickly leaps away from your wrath.
An archangel of the Light parries your smash.
An archangel of the Light dodges your smash.
An archangel of the Light dodges your wrath.
You dodge Kimond's slice.
You dodge Kimond's stab.
You parry Kimond's stab.
Kimond's ring flares with a bright white light!
You deflect Kimond's spell!
Your spellbane EVISCERATES Kimond!
An archangel of the Light is in perfect health.

<144/1107hp 547/616m 764/820mv 16140xp> 4 PM outdoor civilized flee

You dodge a vapor sprite's blast.
An archangel of the Light's wrath *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

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