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RE: Shilbor v. Tokegine

Tokegine lowers a barbed bone javelin and charges you!
Tokegine's charge MASSACRES you!
You yell 'Help! Tokegine is charging me!'
Tokegine is covered with bleeding wounds.

<775/865(89%) 342 433(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>

Tokegine deflects your smash with his defensive spin.
Tokegine dodges your crush.
Tokegine deflects your smash with his defensive spin.
You parry Tokegine's poisonous bite.
You parry Tokegine's claw.
Tokegine's poisonous bite maims you!
Tokegine is covered with bleeding wounds.

<742/865(85%) 342 433(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>
You bring a scorched oak cudgel around with bone-shattering force!
Your bone-shattering blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Tokegine!
Tokegine is gushing blood.

<742/865(85%) 342 433(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>

Tokegine parries your smash.
Tokegine deflects your crush with his defensive spin.
Tokegine deflects your crush with his defensive spin.
You parry Tokegine's poisonous bite.
You parry Tokegine's claw.
Tokegine's claw DISMEMBERS you!
Tokegine is gushing blood.

<689/865(79%) 342 433(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>

Tokegine deflects your smash with his defensive spin.
Tokegine deflects your crush with his defensive spin.
Tokegine deflects your smash with his defensive spin.
A ring bearing the seal of Telenius shimmers with a soft white glow.
You feel better!
Tokegine's poisonous bite maims you!
You parry Tokegine's claw.
You parry Tokegine's poisonous bite.
Tokegine is gushing blood.

<667/865(77%) 342 433(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>
You bring a scorched oak cudgel about with a compact backhand swing at
You swat one of Tokegine's weapons aside with your backhand swing!
Your backhanded blow DISMEMBERS Tokegine!
You get in one more shot on Tokegine as he flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Tokegine!
Tokegine has fled!
Tokegine leaves south.

<667/865(77%) 342 433(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>
High Road

[Exits: north east south west]
A blue shield lies here, marked by a white circle.
(Glowing) A silvery ring glints at you.
(Glowing) A brass lantern with a hood to keep the wind out lies here.
A blue vest lies here, marked by a white circle.
A plain steel sword lies here.
The severed eye of the cityguard lies here.
(Red Aura) (Chaotic Aura) (WANTED) Darckavoor is here.
(Red Aura) (Chaotic Aura) (WANTED) Tokegine is here.
A poor, abused dog is here.

<667/865(77%) 342 431(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>
You hit Tokegine over the head with a scorched oak cudgel.

<667/865(77%) 342 431(872) 800 civilized 1 AM>
l t
You feel your pulse slow down.
You can no longer breathe in water.

<685/865(79%) 346 470(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
l toke

Darckavoor looks tougher.

<685/865(79%) 346 470(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
People near you:
Caerga The Warriors' Bar
Falenan Inside the South Gate
Darckavoor High Road
(PK) Tokegine High Road

<685/865(79%) 346 470(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
People near you:
Caerga The Warriors' Bar
Falenan Inside the South Gate
Darckavoor High Road
(PK) Tokegine High Road

<685/865(79%) 346 470(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

A wiley looking Felar stands tall and erect on two large hindpaws, sharp
claws protruding from their ends. His glimmering black fur covers him
completely, perfectly smoothed and well groomed for one so adept in combat.
His muscles are quite toned, apparently from much work and toil, and most of
all the rigors of war. Inside of him almost can be sensed a burning
desire...A passion of a kind, furiously driving him ever forward in movement.
His keen amber predator's eyes dart and shimmer as they flicker about his
surroundings warily. His great forepaws with their rather long claws grip
tightly to his spear, as his tail swishes lazily at the air of his backside.
His body is covered in random scars. Some apparently from sharp blades, and
others quite more interesting and mystical, as if caused by painful magical
tortures of some sorts. His ears perked to the skies, he sniffs the air and
grins menacingly, revealing perfectly white teeth and fangs.


Tokegine, a male felar, is gushing blood.

Tokegine is using:
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn on finger> a lead ring
<worn around neck> (Red Aura) a silver necklace with a blue dragon pendant
<worn around neck> (Red Aura) a silver necklace with a blue dragon pendant
<worn on body> a polished mithril breastplate
<worn on tail> a barbed tail ring
<worn on head> (Red Aura) a midnight dragon skull
<worn on legs> (Red Aura) midnight dragon leggings
<worn on hindpaws> hind-paw studded wraps, with bronze claws
<worn on forepaws> clawed paw wraps
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<worn around wrist> a serpent-scale bracer
<mainhand wielded> a barbed bone javelin

<685/865(79%) 346 470(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

<757/865(87%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

Darckavoor applies a field dressing to Tokegine's wounds.

<757/865(87%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
People near you:
Caerga The Warriors' Bar
Falenan High Road
Haggan Southern Entrance to the Park
Darckavoor High Road
(PK) Tokegine High Road

<757/865(87%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
You bring a scorched oak cudgel around to hit Tokegine's head!
Your cranial hit *** DEMOLISHES *** Tokegine!
Tokegine is gushing blood.

<757/865(87%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

Darckavoor looks at Tokegine.
Tokegine is gushing blood.

<757/865(87%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

Your smash DISMEMBERS Tokegine!
Tokegine deflects your crush with his defensive spin.
Tokegine's poisonous bite misses you.
You parry Tokegine's claw.
Tokegine's claw MASSACRES you!
You parry Tokegine's poisonous bite.
Tokegine is gushing blood.

<690/865(79%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

Darckavoor looks at you.
Tokegine is gushing blood.

<690/865(79%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

You get in one more shot on Tokegine as he flees.
Your parting blow DISMEMBERS Tokegine!
Tokegine has fled!
Tokegine leaves north.

<690/865(79%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<690/865(79%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
They aren't here.

<690/865(79%) 316 420(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
High Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Red Aura) (Chaotic Aura) (WANTED) Darckavoor is here.
(Red Aura) (Chaotic Aura) (WANTED) Tokegine is here.

<690/865(79%) 316 418(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
Darckavoor says 'Ya might wanna get out'

<690/865(79%) 316 418(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>
You bring a scorched oak cudgel around to hit Tokegine's head!
Your cranial hit MASSACRES Tokegine!
Tokegine is writhing in agony.

<690/865(79%) 316 418(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

Tokegine deflects your smash with his defensive spin.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Tokegine!
Tokegine deflects your smash with his defensive spin.
You parry Tokegine's poisonous bite.
Tokegine's claw MUTILATES you!
Tokegine's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
You parry Tokegine's claw.
Tokegine is convulsing on the ground.

<602/865(69%) 316 418(872) 800 civilized 2 AM>

Your smash DISMEMBERS Tokegine!
Tokegine is DEAD!!


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