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RE: You wouldn't like me when I'm angry....Part 1
*** I login and see we actually have the Codex for once (for a long time it'd been at
the Fortress whenever I'd login.

No other items, but I didn't really want to take them
right away because there were a fair amount of low-level Imperials who were out leveling
and I figured "let them level without having to defend from all the rager/fort/etc. low
level guys."

In addition, Zarilia had died the night prior in a nasty snare/insect/beastcall situation
where she had saved my life rather than fleeing, so I kinda wanted to try to get one of
her special shinies back if we could.

Basically I wasn't roleplaying the Emperor of Thera, I was being a "nice guy" which is
fine and dandy but deserves a smackdown too. :P ***

:::1165 (100%)::56%::94%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
A black pawn dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** a black pawn!
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** a black pawn!
A black pawn is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
A black pawn's feet are sliced from its dead body.
The gods give you 5 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of a black pawn.
You split 5 copper coins. Your share is 3 copper coins.

:::1165 (100%)::56%::94%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Zarilia disappears in a mushroom cloud.

:::1165 (100%)::56%::94%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Black Square

:::1165 (100%)::56%::94%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Khasotholas has transferred you.
The Chamber of Imperial Vengeance
You stand in a circular room. Columns reach to the domed ceiling
high above your head. A number of alcoves have been cut in the
smooth gray stone walls. Candles set in sconces above each alcove
illuminate the figures standing in them. They are perhaps the most
lifelike statues you have ever seen. Then you see one of them breath.

(Translucent) (Black Aura) Zarilia is here.
Khasotholas is here.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor seeks vengeance with a feverish intensity.

:::1165 (100%)::56%::94%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Zarilia bows before Khasotholas.

:::1165 (100%)::57%::97%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: kneel
You humbly kneel down.

Khasotholas says 'If you seek to hold onto your positions you will act as leaders.'
Khasotholas turns his sightless gaze upon Zarilia.
Khasotholas says 'Why did you not aid in retrieving the Codex.'

Zarilia says 'I ordered the younger ones to deal with it.'
Zarilia says 'Three foes opposed me at first, and none opposed them.'

Khasotholas says 'You clearly had more important things to deal with.'
Khasotholas turns his sightless gaze upon Hunsobo.
Khasotholas says to you 'Emperor, you go to gather armors while the Throne Room contains merely the Codex.'

You say to Khasotholas 'yuh. Hunsobo made conscience decision to do jus' dat. If wish Hunsobo 'splain, me will.'

Khasotholas says 'If you wish to explain, and believe your explanation will not merely increase My anger, do go ahead.'

You nod.

'You say 'Hunsobo perhaps nuh estimation him Duty properment. However:'
'You say 'High Priestess gave life yestereves to save Emperor.'
You say 'lost many powerful shineries. Hunsobo know dem nuh whut most importants in life. But feel obligation to Council, to attempt make smash for replaceables.'
You say 'dat nuh only reason'

Khasotholas says 'If she gives her life a thousand times for you and expires for good, all you need do is kick her corpse
to the side to make room for a new High Priest.'
Khasotholas says 'For you are Emperor.'

You say 'Hum. Hunsobo have displeasant wit' dats. But will do as Dark God of Empire Hornetguy Khasotholas say.'

Khasotholas says 'It is not important that you vocalize your disagreement. It is irrelevant.'

You say 'rest reasons nuh importants, it nuh seem worth Hunsobo discussin' him thoughts. But know dat nuh made decisionment lightlies.'

Khasotholas says 'Show leadership. Both of you. In the front lines, and from the throne room.'

Zarilia disappears in a mushroom cloud.

Khasotholas has transferred you.
The Imperial Throne Room
You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in
the Realm. Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling. Each pillar
representing a Sect of the Empire. The floor is a polished black
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging
to none. A stairway leads back down to the fortress.

The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(Translucent) Zarilia is here.
The Imperial Blademaster stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
The Imperial Warlock stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
The Imperial Assassin stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(White Aura) The Imperial Prelate stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

You tell your group 'rageguys first, den.'

*** Cue Ominous Music ***

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