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RE: Twist's Apprentice's version of The Devil Went Down to ...

Ckath tells you 'Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy. But give the devil his due. I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul cause I think I'm better than you.'

You are affected by:
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 27 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 23 hours.
Timer: 'weave of elements' for 22 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 17 hours.
Spell: 'oozeshield' for 17 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'weave of elements' modifies armor class by -30 for 12 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for 12 hours.
Spell: 'improved invis' for 11 hours.
Spell: 'shocking touch' for 9 hours.
Spell: 'barrier' modifies armor class by -80 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 4 hours.

**I forgot to put shield of ice up. Uh oh. Better posture.**

You tell Ckath 'My name's Marin. And it might be a sin, but I'll take your bet. And you're gonna regret cause I'm the best there's ever been.'

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 714/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM PROTECTED outdoor Square of the Clarion

A huge marble statue of a righteous storm giant stands on a broad pedestal.
A mercenary bodyguard in unusually rich regalia keeps an eye on the crowd.
A mercenary bodyguard in unusually rich regalia keeps an eye on the crowd.
A fat, jovial merchant is here, garbed in ridiculously rich attire.

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 712/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM PROTECTED outdoor West Fortitude Gate

A peacekeeper garbed in pristine regalia stands guard at the city gate.
A peacekeeper garbed in pristine regalia stands guard at the city gate.

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 710/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM PROTECTED outdoor On the Western Bridge

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 708/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM PROTECTED outdoor East Sumner's Road

A sign points west towards the Inn of the Eternal Star and Galadon.

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 707/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor w
East Sumner's Road

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 706/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor w
East Sumner's Road

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 705/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor wher
People near you:
(PK) Ckath East Sumner's Road
(PK) Marin East Sumner's Road

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 705/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor w
East Sumner's Road

<931/971hp 1188/1238m 704/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor c quicks
You convert the ground before you into quicksand.

** The devil opened up his pill box **
** And he said I'll start this show **
** And magic flew from his fingertips **
** As he turned white like snow **

** Then he pulled his sword out from its sheath **
** And it made an evil hiss **
** And a band of demons joined in **
** And it sounded something like this **

<931/971hp 1065/1238m 704/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath has arrived.
Ckath escapes the quicksand here by flying over it.

<931/971hp 1065/1238m 704/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Ckath!'
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
Ckath is in perfect health.

<917/971hp 1065/1238m 704/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor c adhe

Ckath's infernal power injures you.
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
You parry Ckath's infernal power.
Ckath's gauntlets begin to shudder violently!
An explosive charge blasts from Ckath's finger tips!
Ckath's explosive blast is powerless against you.
You fade into existence.
Ckath parries your wrath and returns an attack of his own.
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
Ckath knocks your wrath aside before it gets near him.
Ckath is in perfect health.

<875/971hp 1065/1238m 704/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath makes a furious drive and pushes you both into East Sumner's Road!
East Sumner's Road

(White Aura) Ckath the demon-horned arial is here.
Sweeping both arms forward, you hurl the sticky strands of a web at Ckath!
Your web lands solidly on Ckath, entangling his limbs!
The strands of your web pin the Sword of Darkness close to Ckath's body!
Ckath's wings become entangled, and he drops heavily to the ground!
You fade into existence.
Your adhesive web injures Ckath.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<875/971hp 1039/1238m 704/794mv 22700tnl> 10 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
Ckath's infernal power wounds you.
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
You parry Ckath's infernal power.
You fade into existence.
Ckath parries your wrath and returns an attack of his own.
Ckath's infernal power wounds you.
Ckath parries your wrath.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<818/971hp 1070/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor c grease
You unleash a torrent of grease at Ckath!
Ckath yells 'Augh! Marin is spraying me with grease!'
Ckath is caught in the center of your spray of grease, dousing him!
Ckath has a few scratches.

<818/971hp 1054/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
You parry Ckath's infernal power.
Ckath's gauntlets begin to shudder violently!
An explosive charge blasts from Ckath's finger tips!
Ckath's explosive blast is powerless against you.
You fade into existence.
Ckath parries your wrath.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<803/971hp 1054/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath jabs his sword at you, past your defenses.
Ckath's jab misses you.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<803/971hp 1054/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
Ckath's infernal power wounds you.
You parry Ckath's infernal power.
Ckath's infernal power injures you.
You parry Ckath's infernal power.
You fade into existence.
Ckath parries your wrath.
Ckath parries your wrath.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<757/971hp 1054/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor c earthr w
You don't know any spells of that name.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<757/971hp 1054/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor c pillar
You invoke pillars of lightning to strike the area.
You fade into existence.
Your pillar of lightning MASSACRES Ckath!
Ckath has a few scratches.

<757/971hp 1016/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath stops using the Sword of Darkness.
Ckath stops using the Sword of Darkness.
Ckath wields an unholy axe named 'Venom'.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<757/971hp 1016/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
As Ckath tries to handle an unholy axe named 'Venom', it slips out of his hands!

You parry Ckath's poisonous bite.
You parry Ckath's punch.
You parry Ckath's poisonous bite.
Ckath's poisonous bite hits you.
Ckath's poisonous bite wounds you.
Ckath's gauntlets begin to shudder violently!
An explosive charge blasts from Ckath's finger tips!
Ckath's explosive blast is powerless against you.
You fade into existence.
Ckath parries your wrath.
Ckath has a few scratches.

<729/971hp 1016/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath's poisonous bite wounds you.
Poison creeps into your body from an unholy axe named 'Venom'.
You feel very sick.
You parry Ckath's punch.
Ckath's poisonous bite hits you.
Ckath's poisonous bite injures you.
Ckath's punch hits you.
You fade into existence.
Ckath dodges your wrath.
Ckath has a few scratches.

** When the devil finished I said **

You tell Ckath 'Well you're pretty good old son. Just sit right in that chair right there and let me show you how it's done.'

<679/971hp 1016/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor c 'dispel magic'
The magic of the armor spell UNRAVELS.
The magic of the protection from good spell UNRAVELS.
The magic of the detect invis spell UNRAVELS.
The magic of the grease spell is unaffected.
The magic of the adhesive web spell is unaffected.
The magic of the earthbind spell is unaffected.
The magic of the sanctuary spell UNRAVELS.
You have become better at dispel magic!
Ckath has a few scratches.

<679/971hp 1001/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
You parry Ckath's poisonous bite.
Ckath's poisonous bite misses you.
Ckath's poisonous bite injures you.
You fade into existence.
Your wrath decimates Ckath!
As the White King's scepter strikes Ckath, its stored charge is unleashed!
Your electrified weapon *** DEMOLISHES *** Ckath!
The electrical charge wears off of the White King's scepter.
Ckath has some small but disgusting cuts.

<665/971hp 1001/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath gets an unholy axe named 'Venom'.
As Ckath tries to handle an unholy axe named 'Venom', it slips out of his hands!
Ckath has some small but disgusting cuts.

<665/971hp 1001/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath's poisonous bite hits you.
Ckath's punch hits you.
You parry Ckath's poisonous bite.
Ckath's poisonous bite injures you.
You parry Ckath's punch.
You fade into existence.
Your wrath decimates Ckath!
Ckath has some small but disgusting cuts.

You tell Ckath 'Fire on the mountain run boy run!'

<629/971hp 1001/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor c pillar
You invoke pillars of lightning to strike the area.
You fade into existence.
Your pillar of lightning <<< ERADICATES >>> Ckath!
Ckath is gushing blood.

You tell Ckath 'Devil's in the house of the risin sun!'

<629/971hp 963/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath gets an unholy axe named 'Venom'.
Ckath is gushing blood.

You tell Ckath 'Chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough!'

<629/971hp 963/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath has fled!
Ckath leaves east.
Ckath yells 'Help! I'm sinking in quicksand!'

You tell Ckath 'Emperor does your dog bite? No, child, no!'

<629/971hp 963/1238m 760/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor e
c pillar
East Sumner's Road

Ckath the demon-horned arial is here.
Your shielding safely protects you from the quicksand.

<629/971hp 963/1238m 759/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor You invoke pillars of lightning to strike the area.
Ckath yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You hear the sizzling pop of electrical arcs raging across Ckath!
You fade into existence.
Your pillar of lightning does UNSPEAKABLE things to Ckath!
Ckath is convulsing on the ground.

<629/971hp 925/1238m 759/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath's poisonous bite hits you.
Ckath's punch hits you.
Ckath's poisonous bite injures you.
Ckath's poisonous bite hits you.
You fade into existence.
Ckath pulls away from your line of sight, avoiding your attack.
Ckath dodges your wrath.
Ckath is convulsing on the ground.

** The devil bowed his head **
** Because he knew that he'd been beat **
** And he laid that emerald periapt **
** On the ground at Marin's feet **

<579/971hp 925/1238m 759/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Ckath has fled!
Ckath struggles to escape the quicksand, but the weight of his belongings drags him back in!
Arcs of electricity surge over Ckath's body!
Ckath's arcing lightning grazes him.
Ckath is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Ckath is convulsing on the ground.

<579/971hp 925/1238m 759/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
You fade into existence.
Your wrath misses Ckath.
Ckath is convulsing on the ground.

<579/971hp 925/1238m 759/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor
Arcs of electricity surge over Ckath's body!
Ckath's arcing lightning hits him.
Ckath is DEAD!!

You tell Ckath 'Devil just come on back if you ever want to try again. I done told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best there's ever been!'

<579/971hp 925/1238m 759/794mv 22700tnl> 11 AM civilized outdoor exa corpse
The charred corpse of Ckath is here, the flesh blackened and cracked.
The burnt corpse of Ckath contains:
(Glowing) talon guards of crystalized magic
( 2) (Humming) a fine stole of white ermine
a bracer of dragonscale
a pair of blood-soaked ribbons
(Humming) a pair of strange bracers
(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of fulminator gauntlets
some spider-skin leggings
(Glowing) a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer'
a studded leather bracer
(Glowing) a golden mask of jewels
(Iron) (Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
a polished mithril girth
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the ivory-hilted wakizashi
(Humming) the spider axe
( 2) a gleaming silver sword
(Glowing) (Humming) the Axe of Dissolution
( 2) (Iron) an unholy axe named 'Venom'
(Glowing) an everfull skin
the pouch of nourishment
a bloodstone ring
a golden lion's wrath ring
(Iron) (Humming) (Webbed) the Sword of Darkness
(Iron) (Humming) the Sword of Darkness
an emerald periapt
a potion of return
the silk-skirted Belt of Baphomet
a small yellow root
a potion of transportation
a shimmering pink potion
33 gold coins
38 silver coins
17 copper coins

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