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RE: Make up sex ..er I mean fight.
After getting chewed out by Armonk (And he was right) I decided to let this Villager have a go at me unhindered. (Knowing I would whoop him of course.) Unprepped here to make up for jumping him while he fought another on eastern. I was frustrated by some Super Gankage I’d eaten earlier with Villager/Outlander combo’s.

(PK)Villager A Secluded Forest Trail
(PK) Thuul A Secluded Forest Trail

<100%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness> Your axes get tangled up before you can
try your move.
Your brutal attack misses Villager.
Villager yells 'Help! Thuul is trying to hack me to pieces!'
Villager is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness>
You parry Villager's slash.
Villager's slash devastates you!
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager barely gets behind her shield before your crush lands.
Villager is in perfect health.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness>
Villager fails to execute a joint lock on you.
Villager's kotegaeshi misses you.
Villager is in perfect health.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness> ww

You parry Villager's slash.
You move out of the range of Villager's slash.
You dodge Villager's slash.
Villager parries your crush.
Villager dodges your cleave.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager is in perfect health.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness> Villager evades your whirl with surprising
Villager is in perfect health.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness>
You parry Villager's slash.
Villager deflects your crush with her shield.
Villager is in perfect health.

<97%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness>
Villager painfully hyperextends your elbow!
Villager's kansetsuwaza devastates you!
Villager is in perfect health.

<94%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness> ww

You dodge Villager's slash.
You parry Villager's slash.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager parries your cleave.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager is in perfect health.

<94%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness> You spin the shaft of the Battleaxe of
Mondurian, hitting Villager with its points.
Villager can no longer find the strength to wield a jeweled broadsword.
Your whirling axe MASSACRES Villager!
Villager has some small but disgusting cuts.

<94%hp 100%m 99%mv 13043tnl wilderness>
Villager's punch devastates you!
You dodge Villager's punch.
Villager dodges your crush.
You have become better at precise aim!
Your cleave DISMEMBERS Villager!
Your crush EVISCERATES Villager!
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager is covered with bleeding wounds.

<92%hp 100%m 99%mv 13023tnl wilderness>
Villager grabs hold of your wrist and twists it violently!
Villager's kotegaeshi mauls you.
Villager is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 100%m 99%mv 13023tnl wilderness>
You parry Villager's punch.
Villager's punch decimates you!
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager deflects your cleave with her shield.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager is covered with bleeding wounds.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 13023tnl wilderness> You drive your axes into both sides of
Villager's body.
Your brutal attack *** DEMOLISHES *** Villager!
Your brutal attack MASSACRES Villager!
Villager is gushing blood.

<88%hp 100%m 99%mv 13023tnl wilderness>
Villager's punch injures you.
You parry Villager's punch.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager parries your cleave.
Villager dodges your cleave.
Villager is gushing blood.

<86%hp 100%m 99%mv 13023tnl wilderness>
With careful timing you deflect Villager's punch.
Villager dodges your crush.
Villager dodges your cleave.
Villager is gushing blood.

<86%hp 100%m 99%mv 13023tnl wilderness> bb

You get in one more shot on Villager as she flees.
Your parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Villager!
Villager has fled!
Villager leaves south.

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