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RE: A massive house vs. Zesam

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: mt
They aren't here.
Restinan leaves up.
Fycul leaves up.
Gnashgaar leaves up.
Khorthen the Black leaves up.
Tragnor leaves up.
Waserax leaves up.
You follow Fycul up.
Inside a Magical Rift

(Invis) Ciurehra is here.
(Invis) (Black Aura) Waserax is here.
(Invis) Tragnor is here.
(Invis) This hobgoblin stands vigil near his master.
(Invis) Seriistian is here.
(Invis) Gnashgaar is here.
(Invis) Fycul is here.
(Invis) (Translucent) Restinan is here.

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: They aren't here.
Restinan scans north.
Restinan scans south.
Restinan scans east.
Restinan scans west.
Restinan scans up.
Restinan scans down.

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Zesam has arrived.

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Using his head, Fycul sends a powerful blow to Zesam!
Zesam is momentarily stunned by Fycul's powerful headbutt!
Zesam looks visibly shaken!
Fycul fades into existence.
Fycul's headbutt mauls Zesam.
Fycul's headbutt hits him.
Zesam yells 'Help! Fycul just headbutted me!'

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Restinan leaves up.
Zesam yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Seriistian!'
Seriistian fades into existence.

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bt

Gnashgaar hacks at Zesam's arm with all his might!
Gnashgaar stumbles and misses Zesam completely!
Gnashgaar fades into existence.
Gnashgaar's mighty swing misses Zesam.
Zesam yells 'Help! Gnashgaar tried to hit me with something heavy!'
Amidst the battle's chaos, you can't find the opening to bash Zesam.
Zesam yells 'Help! Hunsobo just attacked me!'
Zesam yells 'Help! Tragnor just attacked me!'
Zesam has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Zesam yells 'Die, Ciurehra, you sorcerous dog!'
Ciurehra utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Ciurehra fades into existence.
Ciurehra's neurological disruption disquiets Zesam.
Gnashgaar's beating maims Zesam!
Gnashgaar's wrath devastates Zesam!
Waserax fades into existence.
Waserax's slash mauls Zesam.
Waserax's slash devastates Zesam!
Khorthen the Black fades into existence.
Khorthen the Black's magic decimates Zesam!
You fade into existence.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Zesam!
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Zesam!
You have become better at aim!
Zesam deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Zesam!
Zesam drives your acidic bite back with his connecting blow.
Tragnor fades into existence.
Tragnor's wrath mauls Zesam.
Seriistian's infernal power devastates Zesam!
Seriistian's infernal power devastates Zesam!
Zesam is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Restinan has arrived.
Zesam is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Zesam yells 'Help! Restinan just attacked me!'
Zesam is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bt

Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Zesam's direction.
Zesam is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Gnashgaar's beating maims Zesam!
Gnashgaar's beating maims Zesam!
Zesam parries your acidic bite.
Zesam parries your acidic bite.
Zesam parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Zesam!
Zesam parries your acidic bite.
Tragnor's wrath devastates Zesam!
Fycul's cleave decimates Zesam!
Restinan fades into existence.
Restinan's defilement devastates Zesam!
Ciurehra's ring flares with a bright white light!
Ciurehra's shocking grasp hits Zesam.
Zesam is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Using his head, Fycul sends a powerful blow to Zesam!
Zesam is momentarily stunned by Fycul's powerful headbutt!
Fycul's headbutt decimates Zesam!
Fycul's headbutt mauls him.
Zesam is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Zesam's direction.
Zesam slowly floats to the ground.
Zesam is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Amidst the battle's chaos, you can't find the opening to bash
Gnashgaar's beating maims Zesam!
Gnashgaar's wrath devastates Zesam!
Waserax's scimitar glows faintly, and suddenly Zesam looks drained from the heat!
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Zesam!
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Zesam!
Zesam deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Zesam!
Seizing upon a flaw in Zesam's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick decimates Zesam!
Tragnor's wrath devastates Zesam!
Tragnor's wrath devastates Zesam!
Ciurehra's smash mauls Zesam.
Ciurehra's smash mauls Zesam.
Khorthen the Black's magic decimates Zesam!
Zesam is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Khorthen the Black's magic devastates Zesam!
Zesam is DEAD!!
You hear Zesam's death cry.

:::1274 (98%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: get codex corpse

Fycul slowly floats to the ground.
Restinan slowly floats to the ground.

:::1282 (98%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::

Waserax gets the Imperial Codex from the burnt corpse of Zesam.

You feel a shudder in your Cabal Power!

:::1282 (98%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Seriistian gets a silver coin from the burnt corpse of Zesam.
Seriistian splits 20 copper coins. Your share is 2 copper coins.

:::1282 (98%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: exam corpse
You see nothing like that in the corpse.

:::1282 (98%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: l
The corpse of Zesam lies here, burnt by some powerful energy.
The burnt corpse of Zesam contains:
a large saddle bag
(Glowing) a mace of fire
(Glowing) a knife of fire opal
(Glowing) a black and white striped robe
a pair of black steel gauntlets
a lovely flower basket
an embossed buckler
stitched leather face cover
midnight dragon boots
a fat purple berry
( 2) rotting linen bandages
(Glowing) a set of arborian leggings
a blood-stained tunic
the belt of life
( 2) a silver ring enamelled with a black rose
( 2) a sandy-brown desert cloak
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
(Glowing) a halo of clarity
a tattered spellbook
a twisted serpent staff
a cape of black velvet
(Humming) a black hammer
a small glass prism
a gift basket woven with ribbons
(Glowing) a blue vial


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