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RE: VS Lutoren

541/100%hp 562/76%m 383/58%mv 20226tnl 7 AM civilized outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Lutoren A Small Ship
(PK) Harvace The Northern Pier

<541/100%hp 562/76%m 383/58%mv 20226tnl 7 AM civilized outdoor standing> You lost your concentration.

<541/100%hp 537/73%m 383/58%mv 20226tnl 7 AM civilized outdoor standing> You lost your concentration.

<541/100%hp 512/70%m 383/58%mv 20226tnl 7 AM civilized outdoor standing> They aren't here.

<541/100%hp 512/70%m 383/58%mv 20226tnl 7 AM civilized outdoor standing> You failed.

<541/100%hp 462/63%m 383/58%mv 20226tnl 7 AM civilized outdoor standing>
Lutoren has arrived.
Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Lutoren's legs buckle, and he suddenly slumps to the ground and sleeps.

<541/100%hp 460/63%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Lutoren The Northern Pier
(PK) Harvace The Northern Pier

<541/100%hp 460/63%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your curse failed to take effect.

<541/100%hp 440/60%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your curse failed to take effect.

<541/100%hp 420/57%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> A sturdy young felar stands here, simplemindedly counting the number of
possessions he currently has. He is covered from head to paw in black fur
with one white strip down the back, he slightly looks like a skunk from the
right angle. Though he boasts much strength, his body frame is small and
scrawny... The weaker of men could probably break him in two. But even
through his weight difficulties he still beams forward with much youth and
pride in his face. The cloths he wears consist simply of a large grey robe
that hangs loosely over his armor that is tied back only at the waist with a
thin black sash, a brown bandanna wrapped tightly around his head and tucked
under his current hand wear, and a small pair of reading spectacles on a
chain dangling around his neck. He stops his counting for a second, only to
take a long breath of air to help calm himself.... But not long passes before
he continues on what he was doing.
Lutoren, a male felar, is in perfect health.
Lutoren's magical aura pulses with significant power.

Lutoren is using:
<worn on finger> (Magical) a white gold band set with a fire opal
<worn on finger> (Magical) a white gold band set with a fire opal
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a braided circlet of dusty red crystal
<worn on body> a set of golden plate armor
<worn on head> (Magical) (Glowing) a halo of blue
<worn on face> a gaudy tribal mask
<worn on legs> plate leggings decorated with red enamel
<worn on hindpaws> Magister's Paw-wraps
<worn on forepaws> Magister's Paw-wraps
<worn on arms> (Magical) (Glowing) bands of blue energy
<worn about body> a dirty blue surcoat, embroidered with the symbol of a phoenix
<worn about waist> (Magical) a belt of hardened raindrops
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a topaz encrusted bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a topaz encrusted bracelet
<mainhand wielded> a silver jambiya
<held in hand> (Magical) (Glowing) a flickering gem

<541/100%hp 420/57%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your curse failed to take effect.

<541/100%hp 400/54%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Lutoren looks very ill.

<541/100%hp 375/51%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Lutoren screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.

<541/100%hp 355/48%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Lutoren looks very uncomfortable.

<541/100%hp 335/45%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You point a hand at Lutoren and proclaim 'Despair!'
Lutoren's features distort with hopelessness, and the fire fades from his eyes.

<541/100%hp 305/41%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your deafen spell failed.

<541/100%hp 265/36%m 423/64%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Northern Pier

[Exits: north east west]

<541/100%hp 265/36%m 421/63%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Lutoren The Northern Pier
(PK) Harvace The Northern Pier

<541/100%hp 265/36%m 421/63%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Northern Pier

[Exits: east south west]
Lutoren the felar is sleeping here.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<541/100%hp 265/36%m 419/63%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized outdoor standing> A Mid-Sized Ship

[Exits: north west]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.

<541/100%hp 265/36%m 418/63%mv 20226tnl 8 AM civilized indoor standing> The Captain's Cabin

[Exits: east]
The ship's captain stands here, ordering around his crew.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 457/69%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor standing> A Mid-Sized Ship

[Exits: north west]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 456/69%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor standing> The Northern Pier

[Exits: east south west]
Lutoren the felar is sleeping here.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 455/69%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Northern Pier

[Exits: north east west]

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 453/68%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized outdoor standing> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 453/68%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Docks of Seantryn Modan

[Exits: east south west]

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 451/68%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Lutoren The Northern Pier
(PK) Harvace The Docks of Seantryn Modan

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 451/68%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Docks of Seantryn Modan

[Exits: north south]

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 449/68%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Docks of Seantryn Modan

[Exits: north east south west]

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 447/67%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Barracks

[Exits: north west]
A brawny man hauls some crates across the docks.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 446/67%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor standing> The Barracks

[Exits: south]
Standing rigidly, an elite soldier of Seantryn Modan awaits his orders.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 445/67%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor standing> You see no s here.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 445/67%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Lutoren The Northern Pier
(PK) Harvace The Barracks

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 445/67%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor standing> You go to sleep.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 445/67%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor sleeping> You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect magic' for 41 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 16 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 12 hours.
Spell: 'aura' modifies armor class by -30 for 9 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'invis' for 2 hours.
Physical effect: 'flight' for -1 hours.

<541/100%hp 284/38%m 445/67%mv 20226tnl 9 AM civilized indoor sleeping>
<541/100%hp 366/50%m 513/77%mv 20226tnl 10 AM civilized indoor sleeping>
<541/100%hp 366/50%m 513/77%mv 20226tnl 10 AM civilized indoor sleeping> In your dreams, or what?

<541/100%hp 366/50%m 513/77%mv 20226tnl 10 AM civilized indoor sleeping> [45 Felar Shf] (PK) Lutoren the Xenomorph
*37 Arial A-P* (PK) Harvace the LightSlayer
[36 Arial Ran] (PK) Fenuidhol the Wanderer of the Tundra
[46 Svirf War] (PK) Gulkra the Champion of Battlefields, Relentless Combatant

Players found: 4

<541/100%hp 366/50%m 513/77%mv 20226tnl 10 AM civilized indoor sleeping> Harvace's group:
[37 A-P] Harvace 100% hp 50% mana 77% mv 330734 xp

<541/100%hp 366/50%m 513/77%mv 20226tnl 10 AM civilized indoor sleeping>
<541/100%hp 441/60%m 581/88%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor sleeping> You wake and stand up.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 581/88%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> People near you:
(PK) Lutoren The Northern Pier
(PK) Harvace The Barracks

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 581/88%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> The Barracks

[Exits: north west]
A brawny man hauls some crates across the docks.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 580/88%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> The Docks of Seantryn Modan

[Exits: north east south west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 579/87%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Docks of Seantryn Modan

[Exits: north east south west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 577/87%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> A Small Ship

[Exits: east]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 576/87%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> The Docks of Seantryn Modan

[Exits: north east south west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 575/87%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Docks of Seantryn Modan

[Exits: north south west]
A citizen of Seantryn Modan walks along the docks with a grim look.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 573/87%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: east south]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 571/86%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: north east south west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 569/86%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: east west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 567/86%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: east west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 565/85%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: east south west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 563/85%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The End of the Main Pier

[Exits: east]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 561/85%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: east south west]

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 559/84%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized outdoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: north east south]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 558/84%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: north]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 557/84%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> Your best guess is that he is a human.
You could kill a sailor with your little finger.
A sailor is about the same size you are.
He looks very disinterested.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 557/84%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> Your best guess is that he is a human.
You could kill a Seantryn dockworker with your little finger.
A Seantryn dockworker is about the same size you are.
He looks very disinterested.

<541/100%hp 441/60%m 557/84%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing> You lost your concentration.

<541/100%hp 416/56%m 557/84%mv 20226tnl 11 AM civilized indoor standing>
You are no longer invisible.

<541/100%hp 434/59%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren arrives suddenly.

<541/100%hp 384/52%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You failed to blind Lutoren.

<541/100%hp 379/51%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You failed to blind Lutoren.

<541/100%hp 374/51%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Lutoren appears to be blinded.

<541/100%hp 369/50%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You lost your concentration.

<541/100%hp 349/47%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your deafen spell failed.

<541/100%hp 309/42%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You lost your concentration.

<541/100%hp 289/39%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> Lutoren yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You have deafened Lutoren!

<541/100%hp 249/34%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> You get a steel-tipped wooden spear from a travel stained backpack.

<541/100%hp 249/34%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: north]
Lutoren the felar is sleeping here.
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<541/100%hp 249/34%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing> You stop using a pyrohydra-scale shield.
You stop using the Weaver of Doom.
You wield a steel-tipped wooden spear.
You feel quite confident with a steel-tipped wooden spear.

<541/99%hp 249/33%m 597/90%mv 20226tnl 12 PM civilized indoor standing>
Lutoren writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
Lutoren's sickness grazes him.
Lutoren shivers and suffers.
Lutoren's poison decimates him!

<546/100%hp 267/35%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing>
Kikebi tells you 'Do you wish to join forces?'

<546/100%hp 267/35%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing> You get a yellow root from a travel stained backpack.

<546/100%hp 267/35%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing> You finish eating a yellow root.
You are definitely still hungry.
The world and everything around seem to grow smaller.

<546/100%hp 267/35%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing> Spreading your wings and clutching a steel-tipped wooden spear, you launch yourself into the air!

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing>
Reaching the apex of your leap, you spin and hurl yourself at Lutoren!

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing>
With all your might, you strike Lutoren with a steel-tipped wooden spear!
Your downward strike === OBLITERATES === Lutoren!
Lutoren is covered with bleeding wounds.

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor fighting>
Lutoren's thrust misses you.
Your pierce EVISCERATES Lutoren!
Your pierce EVISCERATES Lutoren!
Your pierce fails to penetrate a set of golden plate armor worn by Lutoren.
Lutoren is gushing blood.

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor fighting>
You parry Lutoren's thrust.
Your pierce DISMEMBERS Lutoren!
Lutoren has fled!
Lutoren leaves north.

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing> They aren't here.

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 637/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: north east south]
Lutoren the felar is here.
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 636/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing> You fall flat on your face!
Your bash misses Lutoren.
Lutoren is gushing blood.

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 636/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor resting>
The edges of Lutoren's being stretch and twist and he becomes a cheetah.
Lutoren slowly floats to the ground.
A cheetah is filled with the resilience of the hyena.
A cheetah's bones creak and snap as he shapeshifts.
A cheetah's shapeshifting DISMEMBERS him!
A cheetah is writhing in agony.

<546/100%hp 242/32%m 636/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor resting>
A cheetah's claw wounds you.
A cheetah's claw wounds you.
You parry a cheetah's claw.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah is writhing in agony.

<509/93%hp 242/32%m 636/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor fighting>
A cheetah has fled!
A cheetah leaves east.

<509/93%hp 242/32%m 636/96%mv 20226tnl 1 PM civilized indoor standing> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<516/94%hp 254/33%m 658/100%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: west down]
A sleek cheetah crouches in wait for prey.

<516/94%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> You slam into a cheetah, and send him flying!
Your bash grazes a cheetah.
You hear the snarl of a cheetah.
A cheetah is convulsing on the ground.

<516/94%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor fighting>
A cheetah's claw mauls you.
A cheetah's claw misses you.
You parry a cheetah's claw.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah is convulsing on the ground.

<495/90%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor fighting>
A cheetah's claw mauls you.
A cheetah's claw mauls you.
A cheetah's claw wounds you.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
Your pierce maims a cheetah!
Your pierce DISMEMBERS a cheetah!
A cheetah is convulsing on the ground.

<430/78%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor fighting> No way! You are still fighting!
A cheetah is convulsing on the ground.

<430/78%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor fighting> A cheetah dodges your bash.
A cheetah is convulsing on the ground.

<430/78%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor fighting>
A cheetah's claw decimates you!
A cheetah's claw injures you.
A cheetah's claw nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah is convulsing on the ground.

<389/71%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor fighting>
A cheetah's claw injures you.
Your defensive spin deflects a cheetah's claw.
A cheetah dodges your attack.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah dodges your pierce.
A cheetah is convulsing on the ground.

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor fighting>
A cheetah has fled!
A cheetah leaves down.

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> A cheetah has arrived.

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing>
A cheetah leaves west.

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> They aren't here.

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> People near you:
(PK) a cheetah The Docks of Seantryn Modan
(PK) Harvace A Large Ship

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 657/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: north east south]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 656/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: north]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<374/68%hp 254/33%m 655/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> You failed.

<374/68%hp 204/27%m 655/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> People near you:
(PK) a cheetah The Warehouse
(PK) Harvace A Large Ship

<374/68%hp 204/27%m 655/99%mv 20226tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> A cheetah arrives suddenly.
You have become better at summon!

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 655/99%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing>
A cheetah leaves north.

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 655/99%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> A Large Ship

[Exits: north east south]
A bare chested and bare footed man prepares the ship to sail.
A brawny dockworker loads cargo onto the ship.

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 654/99%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> People near you:
(PK) a cheetah The End of the Main Pier
(PK) Harvace A Large Ship

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 654/99%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized indoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: east south west]

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 653/99%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized outdoor standing> People near you:
(PK) a cheetah The End of the Main Pier
(PK) Harvace The Main Pier

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 653/99%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized outdoor standing> The End of the Main Pier

[Exits: east]
A sleek cheetah crouches in wait for prey.

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 651/98%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized outdoor standing> A cheetah leaves east.

<374/68%hp 154/20%m 651/98%mv 20216tnl 2 PM civilized outdoor standing>
A steel-tipped wooden spear glows with unholy light as it steals a piece of a cheetah's soul.
You hear someone's death cry.

<381/69%hp 165/22%m 658/100%mv 20216tnl 3 PM civilized outdoor standing> The Main Pier

[Exits: east south west]
The discolored corpse of a cheetah lies here, features twisted with agony.

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