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RE: Me getting destroyed by Mizfara. Tournament 13 Jul 08

<986/100%hp 832/95%m 772mv civilized/indoor tipsy 9 AM
> af
You are affected by:
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 52 hours.
Song: 'canticle of the gods' modifies hit roll by 9 for 52 hours.
Skill: 'sneak' for 50 hours.
Spell: 'detect good' for 19 hours.
Spell: 'detect evil' for 19 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 19 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 5 for 16 hours.
Power: 'vanguard of balance' for 15 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 15 for 12 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies morale by 17 for 11 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies hp by 144 for 11 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies save vs breath by -17 for 11 hours.
Song: 'bagatelle of bravado' modifies save vs paralysis by -17 for 11 hours.
Song: 'chant of resilience' modifies save vs mental by -11 for 5 hours.
Song: 'chant of resilience' modifies armor class by -25 for 5 hours.
Song: 'anthem of resistance' for 2 hours.

<986/100%hp 832/95%m 772mv civilized/indoor tipsy 9 AM
> tune
You may only tune instruments.

<986/100%hp 832/95%m 772mv civilized/indoor tipsy 9 AM
> tune horn
The horn of a blue dragon has been tuned very recently.

<986/100%hp 832/95%m 772mv civilized/indoor tipsy 9 AM
> tune 2.horn
The horn of a blue dragon has been tuned very recently.

<986/100%hp 832/95%m 772mv civilized/indoor tipsy 9 AM
The gate opens and you charge into the Arena grounds.
You trample around loudly again.
A Massive Arena

[Exits: north east]

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 772mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> e
A Massive Arena

[Exits: north west]

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 769mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> n
A Massive Arena

[Exits: south west]
(Gold Aura) Mizfara is here.

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 766mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Mizfara leaves south.

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 766mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> s
A Massive Arena

[Exits: north west]
(Gold Aura) Mizfara is here.

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Mizfara's strangulation misses you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being strangled by Mizfara!'
Mizfara is in perfect health. (100%)

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> brandish
You brandish the staff of night.
Mizfara yells 'Die Jakziim, you brandishing fool!'
You failed to blind Mizfara.
Mizfara is in perfect health. (100%)

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Mizfara dodges your slice.
Mizfara parries your slice.
You dodge Mizfara's slash.
You parry Mizfara's claw.
You parry Mizfara's slash.
You parry Mizfara's slash.
Mizfara is in perfect health. (100%)

<986/100%hp 867/100%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> brandish

Mizfara dodges your slice.
Your slice wounds Mizfara.
Mizfara's slash MANGLES you!
You parry Mizfara's slash.
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<904/91%hp 867/100%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Mizfara grabs hold of your wrist and twists it violently!
With a sickening crunch, Mizfara applies kotegaeshi to your wrist!
With your broken wrist, you can no longer hold onto the staff of night.
Mizfara's kotegaeshi EVISCERATES you!
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<854/84%hp 867/104%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> You hold nothing in your hand.
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<854/84%hp 867/104%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Your slice mauls Mizfara.
Mizfara's slash nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
You parry Mizfara's claw.
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<854/84%hp 867/104%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> wear shield
Your wrist hurts too much to hold anything.
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<854/84%hp 867/104%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Mizfara steps inside your slice with a quick backfist.
Mizfara's claw MASSACRES you!
Mizfara's slash MASSACRES you!
Mizfara's claw MANGLES you!
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<622/61%hp 867/104%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> sing languid
You sing 'A burden you feel, deep in your soul;
Your muscles grow weak, your thoughts slow.
Lethargy creeps slowly into your limbs,
Trudging through winter's deep snow.'
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<622/61%hp 847/102%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Mizfara painfully hyperextends your shoulder!
You scream in pain as Mizfara applies kansetsuwaza to your shoulder!
You can no longer find the strength to wield a silver-bladed slim sword.
Mizfara's kansetsuwaza DISMEMBERS you!
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<562/55%hp 847/102%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> flee

Mizfara dodges your punch.
Mizfara's slash MASSACRES you!
Mizfara's slash MASSACRES you!
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<418/41%hp 847/102%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
Mizfara parries your punch.
You dodge Mizfara's slash.
Mizfara's claw MASSACRES you!
Mizfara's claw DISMEMBERS you!
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<274/27%hp 847/102%m 763mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> A Massive Arena

[Exits: north east]
You flee from combat!

<274/27%hp 847/102%m 757mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> n
A Massive Arena

[Exits: east south]

<274/27%hp 847/102%m 751mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
> e
A Massive Arena

[Exits: south west]

<274/27%hp 847/102%m 745mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 10 AM
The rain ceases.

<292/29%hp 827/100%m 772mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 11 AM
> s
A Massive Arena

[Exits: north west]

<292/29%hp 827/100%m 768mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 11 AM
Mizfara has arrived.

<292/29%hp 827/100%m 768mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 11 AM
> wield walking

In one fluid motion, Mizfara brings his leg inside yours and sweeps it!
Mizfara's trip scratches you.
You yell 'Help! Mizfara tried to trip me!'
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<288/28%hp 827/100%m 768mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 11 AM
Mizfara deflects your punch with careful timing.
Mizfara parries your punch.
Mizfara's slash MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Mizfara's claw MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Mizfara's claw MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Mizfara has a few scratches. (90% - 100%)

<53/5%hp 827/100%m 768mv wilderness/outdoor tipsy 11 AM
> flee

Mizfara parries your punch.
Mizfara steps inside your punch with a quick backfist.
The razor sharp blades attached to Mizfara's gloves slice at you!
Mizfara's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You have been DEFEATED!

A Bloody Pit

[Exits: north]
You have been carted out of the Arena grounds and revived by an Arena healer.

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