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RE: The Grand Feast Macabre (Saturday 22nd at 6PM)
An event celebrating Gaspare's arrival once more to Thera, and more importantly, the Empire! Organized by Saam Chaeky the Imperial Dread Lord, it's sure to be a filling feast, even if the undead can't eat.

Day - Saturday the 22nd
Time - 6PM System Time (7PM EST)
Location - The Imperial Lands

See the in game notes for more information:

From : Dahmiel
To : all
Subject: A Godly feast! A massive celebration!

Ladies, Gentlemen, and our youth.

Recently our Great God Gaspare has emerged once more into this
world, our world and has risen to the exalted position as a God
of the Empire! A legend of love, the greatest being of passion
to have ever lived walks amongst us once more to guide us in an
age of art, glory, and poetically destructive lifestyles. This
should be honored, and it will be honored, in a manner that has
never been seen before nor likely ever shall again!

This is not just a feast Therans, but so much more! The greatest
chefs in all the land, Aiya the High Herald, and The Goddess
Daphedee herself are working tirelessly to create foods that I
may go as far as to say, our Great Gods may be able taste!
But there is so much more to be had!

Prepare yourselves for massive boasting! Stir your imaginations
and create the most impressive, most embellished tales imaginable!
Make your overly exaggerated stories make jesters cry in shame,
and the most depressed of men shake with laughter!

Do you truly think yourself a hero, at least in your own mind?
Then tell a tale, a short story mind you, of the greatest deed
you have done to make you this hero, for no deed unknown could
ever see you be what you claim. Make them known!

Prepare yourselves with poetry! Inspire others with crafted words
of deeds through rhyme and wordplay! Poetry is a skill of mind
and tongue many posess and few can master, and show your mastery
to your brothers, sisters, friends, enemies, and our Great God!

Talents also abound in this great world of ours. There are dancers,
great performers within the Inn of the Eternal Star and while the
heralds I know are eager to show off their arts to our Great God
and to all of us, there is yet more untapped ability within this
world that shrould be brought forth and be known to all!
Contortionists and body twisters! Belly dancers and mind readers!
Now is the time to show off!

This will be an event of great magnitude. All that was not present
will end up wishing they were, and all that are born after this
has come to pass, will only read and hear song of it, while wishing
they had been here, at this time... at these hours to have
been a part. So set aside your warring, your hatefulness and come
celebrate the arrival of our Great God. Bring your families, bring
your enemies! Everyone should attend this!

Saam Chaeky, Imperial Dread Lord.

Visible on the CF calendar - http://bit.ly/2ulKzsu

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