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RE: The Feast of Beasts - Feb 10th at 7PM Server Time

From : Aiya Wanwahina
To : All
Subject: The Feast of Beasts

The Heralds of the Eternal Star invite the fine people of Thera
to the Feast of Beasts, a banquet of monumental proportions serving
an ambitious spread of fabled creatures. There will be a costume
contest, a story telling contest, and games to determine which
intrepid adventurers partake in the most legendary dish of all,
Tiamat, the queen of dragons. Winners of the costume contest and
story contest will also be rewarded further.

The feast will be held at Lady Ishuli's shrine, just behind her
library, on Saturday the 10th of Feburary at 7PM by the Gods'
time standard. We're hosting it at Eternal Ishuli's shrine so
we might feel the exalting sensation of nature upon our faces
and breeth in the ether of adventure which the mountains provide,
and to consecrate the grill there with the spirit of triumph and
mastery. We hope to see you there!


7PM Server Time
8PM Eastern Time

**Event visible on the CF Public Calendar:

Calendar information: http://forums.carrionfields.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=6&topic_id=68623&mesg_id=68623&listing_type=search

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