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RE: Use the guildmaster (sorry if this is a repeat)
>When a mage has sufficiently high enough exp from
>observations because they have been out looking for wands.
>They can take an edge called:
>sienna rod edge
>amber rod edge
>black rod edge
>These all have similar costs but once you have used one once,
>the cost of using a second is higher, like extra training

That's what I was thinking (it also makes a nice perk for a reward).

>The only thing I disliked with the new changes was the NEW
>locations, purely because I spent ages working out the old
>ones, well some/most of them, and don't have the hours to put
>in to get all the new ones now as a player. I had only just
>embraced magic in the last 3 years and feel almost forced to
>go back to villagers.

C'mon...you know shifters are awesome :P

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