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RE: winners table
Here's all the winners & runners up tabulated from the first page of the contest board. In case anyone wanted to do some role research.

10/06 Nefla, Uthral, Deeag, Fadderth, Dirjssriyl, (Eostaire), (Nastagio)
12/07 Tiatan, Alarith, Aradyn, Edimus, (Veressis), (Xoclibert)
01/07 Vhloughvang, Mendecirith, Zessam, Thrakazhaar, (Nanorab), (Siladhiele), (Palmer), (Anildor)
02/07 Naloril, Vessit, Fiene, (Nuloh), (Tallanalas), (Trebilco), (Brinkmun), (Frajalar), (Ilden)
03/07 Yikoti, Dyneli, (Khaledra), (Hunsobo), (Sekhuroth), (Cratcher), (Waserax)
04/07 Niheriva, Thoric, (Jeddinah), (Kyraea), (Elorianna), (Mieushai)
05/07 Xinrithil, Mjothvitnir, Sebath, (Maethron), (Dgagk)
06/07 Gataliff, (Taarilien), (Duule), (Dgagk), (Xabineno), (Linaeren), (Xoch)
07/07 Aieyaie, Drezen, Jichii, Throkk
09/07 Avrek, Djrra, Ilmdrin, Clarisandrie, (Elahrairas), (Duujai), (Bhroduul), (Tratok), (Sharwin), (Ravenar), (Fjarn), (Siloreelo)
10/07 Vhergruhl, Beneb, Beaubril, Elemek, Ferrod, Mourie, Llorenz, Turas, Batu
11/07 Dungar, Zridv, (Ina), (Aubrei)
12/07 Thukorg, Fjarn, Philisrhynga, (Doriach), (Kazrael), (Dejek), (Gaspar), (Ullerakk), (Grimelrun), (Flantch)
01/07 Shenkov, Tahrlaw, Angaarn, Deurham, (Mryzzle), (Shaerith), (Agahiler), (Malkira)

() means runner up.

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