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RE: How about this...
Dwarves : Last stand
By command. The dwarf determines picks his (or her) spot to make a last ditch defense.
Give them something similar to frenzy? maybe some extra defense (like an armor spell?), but while under it's influence they cannot flee or word. (there is a book that does something like this in game already)

Mainly because dwarves are known to be tenacious, tough as the mountains in which they live, and unwavering in thier beliefs.
As for balance, if used well (like anything else in the game) it can win a battle for you, used poorly it will kill you.
Might get overused in caballed characters, but it just screamed at me 'This is Dwarfly!'

Orcs: Bully
By command. Similar to what anti-paladin's can do at higher levels, to force a lower level evil mob into giving up something. This fits in with orc personality, and with the long timers on inherents shouldn't be any problem with balance.(imho)

If not that then : Cow <orc> also by command.
(Call it intimidate, bully, or whatever if you do not like the name)
Something to shut younger orcs up. So that there is some consequence for talking 'smack' to 'bigger' orcs.

Just my opinion and all. I think both of these have good rp uses as well as 'fit' my views on these two races. On a side note, neither should be too hard to code as there is already something in game with similar effects. (well except for the cowing of other orcs)
Rag on me if you think they are both lame.

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