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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Less UmiUmironThu 09-Jun-16 12:53 AM326
Topic Idea: Raiding and edge pointsKstatidaWed 08-Jun-16 02:25 PM436
Topic Observation and exploration XP requestObserver (Anonymous)Wed 08-Jun-16 11:40 AM275
HOT Topic Ask Me Anything [ View all ]AarnTue 07-Jun-16 07:32 PM1188
Topic Exploration XPFrustrated (Anonymous)Mon 06-Jun-16 11:16 PM399
Topic Healers after NPC healing change. stlucian1992Mon 06-Jun-16 08:14 PM253
Topic Reporting rule breaking and RP breaking.RelioMon 06-Jun-16 04:44 PM288
Topic Code ChangesORBSun 05-Jun-16 11:59 AM316
Topic Late bloomer flawoldboy (Anonymous)Sun 05-Jun-16 07:01 AM337
Topic Jormyr AvailabilityJormyrThu 02-Jun-16 04:06 PM188
Topic bard songs and cabal guardiansDormok (Anonymous)Wed 01-Jun-16 09:40 PM393
Topic Issue with Daphedee's IMM comments in PBFSaagkriWed 01-Jun-16 01:17 AM444
Topic Call for Fort writingsAarnFri 27-May-16 07:48 PM309
Topic Any issues with Pay Pal, or is it just poor credit deci...VonzamirWed 25-May-16 05:48 PM246
Topic Panseasonal ChampionDoctor Whoof (Anonymous)Wed 25-May-16 04:44 PM387
Topic Aarn shaman paths...WelverinTue 24-May-16 04:09 AM367
Topic RagersWannabe (Anonymous)Sun 22-May-16 10:59 PM591
Topic For the staff...IsildurSun 15-May-16 10:50 AM641
Topic Questions about paladin essences.confusedpaladin (Anonymous)Sat 14-May-16 10:18 PM248
Topic Wearable containers, hunters and centaursMurphyFri 13-May-16 06:32 AM187
Topic request:SarienWed 11-May-16 11:53 AM225
Topic Zealot of the one law questionFG Shaman (Anonymous)Tue 10-May-16 11:31 PM343
Topic Two characters in the same cabalAnonymous (Anonymous)Tue 10-May-16 05:50 PM288
Topic May 2016 Role ContestLuthantulasSun 08-May-16 05:48 PM171
Topic Happy Mother's Day to the Imms, who have to deal with t...DoofSun 08-May-16 05:04 PM267
Topic Can someone explain religion to me again?MurphySat 07-May-16 01:17 PM282
HOT Topic Please give us more options to prolong character hours. [ View all ]MurphySat 07-May-16 08:56 AM490
Topic April's Role ContestJormyrThu 05-May-16 02:30 AM325
HOT Locked Topic Provost Helpfile/Tribunal Helpfiles need updating? [ View all ]LhydiaWed 04-May-16 08:13 PM680
Topic Hey Up and coming HeroIMMs....WelverinWed 04-May-16 07:40 PM277