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Moderated Topics to Read Past Heroes Graveyard Protected forum
Fallen heroes with no clutter of the clean lines of text tombstones.
Moderators: Death_Angel
Fri 20-Sep-24 10:35 PM 31352 topics
31359 messages
Moderated Topics to Read The Premium Battlefield Protected forum
A place where the character sheets of past players can be found...for a price.
Moderators: Death_Angel, Azorinne
Mon 16-Sep-24 07:10 PM 4180 topics
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Yeven the Seeker of the MacallaDeath_AngelSat 07-May-05 07:28 AM301
Topic (DELETED) [None] Kothak the Seeker of the MacallaDeath_AngelSat 07-May-05 05:00 AM247
Topic (DELETED) [None] Saladrem the Mistress of Nage WazaDeath_AngelSat 07-May-05 01:19 AM349
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Maruyama the Man-At-Arms, Sheath...Death_AngelFri 06-May-05 10:12 PM207
HOT Topic (Rage Delete) (Wanted)[BATTLE] Varun K'Evar [ View all ]Varun (Guest)Fri 06-May-05 07:07 PM759
Topic (AUTO) [None] Anturan the Student of the MacallaDeath_AngelFri 06-May-05 06:40 PM185
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Zhaphlyn the Weaver of the Element...Death_AngelFri 06-May-05 06:32 PM169
Topic (AUTO) [None] Cenus the Master HistorianDeath_AngelFri 06-May-05 04:52 PM138
Topic Oawenisou DeletedTinfalanFri 06-May-05 03:29 PM216
Topic (AUTO) [None] Jrantisla the KeeperDeath_AngelFri 06-May-05 11:40 AM131
Topic (DELETED) [None] Jzroc the Lord of the UnderworldDeath_AngelFri 06-May-05 07:36 AM139
Topic (DELETED) [None] Itoroth the Elder ChangelingDeath_AngelFri 06-May-05 06:16 AM159
Topic (AUTO) [OUTLANDER] Ekassera the Mistress of WeaponsDeath_AngelFri 06-May-05 04:20 AM130
Topic (AUTO) [None] Lyvia the General of LegionDeath_AngelThu 05-May-05 09:28 PM146
Topic (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Orenrel the Elder Transmuter, Magi...Death_AngelThu 05-May-05 06:48 PM182
Topic (AUTO) [None] Argenon the Warrior of the GauntletDeath_AngelThu 05-May-05 04:12 PM143
Topic (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Seethian the Legend of the Battlefi...Death_AngelThu 05-May-05 12:38 AM524
Topic (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Azumah the Warrior of the Gauntlet, She...Death_AngelWed 04-May-05 03:52 PM124
Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Ontylirn the Commander of WarfareDeath_AngelWed 04-May-05 10:30 AM381
Topic (DELETED) [None] Zheairth Shaerraved the Heroine of Fai...Death_AngelWed 04-May-05 10:17 AM345
Topic (AUTO) [None] Dredrith the Warrior of the GauntletDeath_AngelWed 04-May-05 05:00 AM144
Topic And he returned to his tribeObbekeje (Guest)Wed 04-May-05 12:02 AM264
Topic (AUTO) [None] Oryend the Master of PhaseDeath_AngelTue 03-May-05 06:28 PM138
HOT Topic (DEL) Gholrhun the Weaponsmaster [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 03-May-05 05:14 PM1222
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Grixlin the Weaver of the Elements...Death_AngelTue 03-May-05 03:58 PM281
Topic PW Stolen: Might as well be dead, Farewells InsideHaurvatat (Guest)Tue 03-May-05 03:54 PM391
Topic (DELETED) [None] Maerik the Warrior of the GauntletDeath_AngelTue 03-May-05 03:28 PM171
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Sdradiga the Grand Mistress of Artis...Death_AngelTue 03-May-05 11:57 AM302
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Phodokeyur the Healer of PoisonDeath_AngelTue 03-May-05 08:54 AM182
Topic (AUTO) [None] Hiom the Master of DefenseDeath_AngelTue 03-May-05 12:12 AM136
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