Ive lost the interest (and time) to play CF for now. It resulted in me having no drive to give my recent characters any depth or make them interesting. I know for a fact I will return at some point and play another character, but when it will be im not sure about. Maybe something draw me back, a new change, a new area, a new cabal...something, its always something.
Rolled Caleyez to try out a new bard. My first hero on CF -ever- was a bard(Back around newyears 2000/2001, been playing quite a few to mid 30ths before this), which quite amusingly got busted for passing gear to my level 16 assassin. When I look back at that, and remeber the gear I was passing in my newbie days.. heh.. lets just say today I would not have looked twice at the gear if it was laying on the ground. Bards can be immensly powerfull and hard to kill. I think I did fairly decent, but I know I could have done alot better, if I had more experience with the class. Fun class, quite liked it.
Ah well, off I go.