Subject: "(Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Imperial Acolyte" Previous topic | Next topic
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SakardWed 21-May-03 11:36 AM
Member since 08th May 2003
38 posts
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#17800, "(Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Imperial Acolyte"


I came on cf for once reason, the Empire. I always was a guy who loved politics in games and then ¡¥¡¦Mr.Bricole¡¦¡¦, the one who taught me about cf, talked about wars with them and stuff (Since he¡¦s only playing goodies like Grummore and Kameliar). So then I start cf and boom, Empire is disbanded. Deception I must admit. I had many newbies who tried in vain to bring the Empire and today (YES TODAY!) I finally tasted Empire. Sadly, it isn¡¦t ready yet (No emperor and no Council) so I guess I did not fully played an Imperial. So it all started when Vortigern con-died. I stopped a few months and wanted the groove back on cf, that¡¦s when Sakard came. I wanted at first to Follow Intronan but seems Khaso choosed me or something so I ¡¥¡¦think¡¦¡¦ I became his first priest. Many many Immeraction can resume my life and also lots of ass-whoopin! So I then met Thorn and Zekasiq and kinda started to follow the Empire. And then I arrived in the Hero range. None of them wanted to help me and none of them wanted to tell me anything. I was able to hero when I dragged Zekasiq heh. So then I heroed and I wanted to involve myself more and more in the Empire (When I came up with an attempt for an alliance with the Fortress) which was really stupid but was still fun. I kept speaking to Khaso about all and nothing...speaking in Zekasiq¡¦s and Thornarcrull¡¦s back . Zekasiq became neutral and I sort of felt responsible because I kept saying to others or Khasotholas that he was just an Herald, had no guts to be Imperial. Then he deleted...shame. I had also my first tattoo ever even if it killed me twice ƒº but that¡¦s ok. In the end, I rushed to fights I could have avoided. Why? I was just sick of getting ganged all the time by anyone. It¡¦s sort of why in the end I¡¦d die and quit, just so I wouldn¡¦t break my roleplay. All my life, I never asked for anything back. I would at times say stuff to taunt my foes but never bitched for anything back (Like Nepenthe or someone else once said...or was it Valg? Anyway, Evil should not whine for gear.) Yes, I ganged and yes I full looted. Why again? Because in Sakard¡¦s mind, he wanted to give no mercy to his foes and expected none from them. Be the hunter or the hunted....well I was the hunted in the end.

(An Immortal tells you '51% overall, 82% good, 14% neutral, 2% evil. Stick around for a few, might see something interesting happen.) Kinda surprised since I got ganged so much and well...con-died.

Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Imperial Acolyte
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Orderly Align : Evil Class : shaman
Practices: 0 Trains : 0 Hometown : Hamsah Mu'tazz
Exp : 586900 To Level : 27100 Sphere : Death
Age : middle-aged, 352 years old (340 hours)
Hit Point: 110 /517 Mana : 565 /565 Move : 554 /554
Str : 23(23) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(17)
Dex : 16(16) Con : 3 (3 ) Chr : 16(16)
Carry # : 1/29 Weight : 29 lb 15 oz (Max 527 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 11 Damroll : 7
AC pierce: 85 Defenseless AC bash : 85 Defenseless
AC slash : 85 Defenseless AC magic : 85 Defenseless
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -12 for 28 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 6 for 28 hours.

Now on to the Farewell.

WARNING: I MAY have forgotten some names and I blame all the beer I drinked, all the falls I took and all the shots I had on the head while wrestling!

First of all, thanks to the Immortal for the Emotes. It is very appreciated.

Tribunals: I knew that this cabal would never be my enemy! Although some of them screwed me or attacked me...

Orein: Great character! Loved our talks and we kicked some ass together! Keep up the good job!

Jamain: Uh...maybe I missed deleted? Was fun to hunt Warders with you

Blrindelfrin: You appeared in the end of Sakard¡¦s life and we fought a little together. Keep up the good work.

Lurginlo: Heh, thanks for all those times you and I hunted those criminals in town

Scions: Hunted with you in the beginning then stopped suddently for reasons that you know now and not sure that I should reveal them here.

Jhaelryna: You were a very competant invoker, glad we hunted together.

Zharaluzar: Heh, I hate healers when they are not my ally. You and Ghuljun screwed me badly that time...good job too. I guess you now understand why I struck you after you ¡¥¡¦helped me¡¦¡¦ with Eluna.

Ghuljun: You mean son of a...Sakard felt you were bossing him around which he didn¡¦t like. Then you slept him and he started to hate you badly. That duel in Gehenna was cool although those lowbies looting me was bad Then we stayed enemies till the end, was fun.

Sylvans: Now here¡¦s a bunch I hated as Sakard. He believed that Sylvans was sacrificing all their beliefs just for the Empire. (He also believed he was greater than life but that¡¦s another story)

Starkad: Was funny to see someone with an almost similar name! All those people sending me tells to speak to you...I laughed so hard when I would see...XXXXX says ¡¥Sakard is in that place, come!¡¦ then hear after a big BAH! I considered you as my arch-enemy since well...shamans vs shamans are quite hard to predict. Mostly luck. Would be funny to see you kill me (I do believe you never killed me solo) and full loot me then I¡¦d kill you (Killed you solo once) and I¡¦d full loot you then repeat all the time! Yes and that final was a classic, thanks.

Dacheal: You run fast! Gyahahahaha...Never killed me solo and I never killed you even in gangs I believe. I¡¦d wither you and the fight was over. Was fun that time when you, the ranger and Elrios tried to get me but I made you run all...made me feel good!!!

Blachmianan: Sakard believed you were useless since you¡¦d be always camoed and would do nothing.

Grumby: Everyone hate you! They use you! Druid are hard to kill solo...mostly when I¡¦m having snow worm stuff and a mahn-tor axe only. And no, the Raven did not get me.

Corthy: You¡¦re Grumby¡¦s little brother right? Couple of fights although it was in the end of my life so I was never at full strength A.K.A no gear and no preps.

Fortress: I¡¦ll put you all together because you all looked the same to me. I may add uncabaled in this who hang out with them a lot too.

Karun: I used to pick on you and in the end you picked on me! Bastard...Oh and in the end never respected you for those gangs.

Lruthlor : One of those who would never fight me solo. I got pissed and decided each time I¡¦d fight you, it would be rot and flee, sorry.

Khalidan: You evil friend you.

Vallaon: Was fun fighting you! Big raids was fun...that is one of the reason I play cf again today!

Elrys: I admired you since I have spoked to you as Vortigern and now as Sakard. Calm and very respectful. Now die already! Mwahahaha!

Sylvrin: Felt bad to kill you that much have to understand. Sakard HATED the betrayers and felt like you did so...hang in there.

Gorthalon: I think I heard your name related to the Empire once...but may be mistaken. Good fights.

Vyalrindur: You got me once because I was so mad...I just rushed at you and tried to pick you while others was out. Kinda confused with the yelling about the dishonorable dogs and you ganging...but I will try to discover it one day IC.

Fahnrore: Felt bad a lot to just rot you in the end. Another arch-enemy!

Kaljenden :I considered you as at times annoying since you sounded like a rapper....heh

Warlocks: Well, not too many of you I fought.

Jhard: Sharks are mean! At least I tried you. I loved the ambush I did to you on time beg to me!!!

Gherian: You seemed to complain a lot. Although we had a good fight that time in Hamsah when you had to make me fly to beat me...quite fun.

Heralds: *shrug* No idea what to say

Aneriasha: You were sickening me! All those girly stuff made Sakard uncomfortable. When Zekasiq died, he felt that he had no reasons to hang out with you (And also because I was banned from the Inn...)

Thief guild: YOU ANNOY ME!!!!!!!!!

Nycoe: See title ƒº I just cannot hate you....all those booh and you are quite skilled too...just hated when you¡¦d take my preps or my food.

Moligant: Best friend you can¡¦t buy! Or can I? We went through thin and thick together.

Battle: Heh, gotta love allies.

Wiglaf: Was fun fighting you and talking to you. At first, you seemed to hate me but then I got more and more involved and important (I guess) so we¡¦d sit and talk.

Drahkur: You¡¦ll do great as Commander, I just know it!

Finally, the Empire: Greatest cabal ever. EVER!

Khasotholas: Best Immeractions ever, best time ever....I would have deleted if you would have not payed attention like you did and I thank you. You awakened my thirst of cf! All those plans and stuff...really helped me to learn about myself or the Empire. Loved your tat although it killed me twice Got logs of our Immeractions so tell me if you want me to post them. If you are not sure, I can e-mail them to you.

Zulghinlour: I talked to you before it became a cabal and you mocked me but gave me some funny idea which was to get a diplomat. Then I went against you when you said you could kill Khaso so easily...and went too far since I¡¦m the kind of zealous priest and well got me slayed but it¡¦s cool since it¡¦s my roleplay and your roleplay. Although...I tried to be polite, I swear!

Onglaurst: Goddamn minotaurs, I just can¡¦t understand them...

Now the mortals...
Zekasiq: I guess I summoned up what I thought of you. Used you till you died

Thornarcrull: Same as Zekasiq but wanted BADLY to kill you heh.

Mazaufat: You¡¦ll do well, I can see it.

Zhentrilus: You¡¦ll be a good priest, just be patient.

Haaslett: Don¡¦t be screwing up!

Uzurilla: You too, don¡¦t screw up!

Gramukzul: Where the hell are you? We had some really good times!

Navarro: You little mafiosi friend or worst nightmare.

Zhekril: You too, where the hell have you gone???

Well in the end, it went sour but I enjoyed all. Thanks to all and again if I forgot someone, holler.

The Emotes
Dark clouds roil across the Theran sky, all strangely moving in the same direction - towards the Imperial Lands.

Jagged bursts of lightning streak down from the swollen sky, striking at the turrets and towers of the Imperial Palace.

Bits and pieces of shattered stone rain down upon the civilized streets and alleys of the Imperial City, causing the citizens who dwell there some consternation.

From within the Imperial Throne Room, a foul glow starts to emanate from the Imperial Throne, bathing the Omegus in sudden light.

The ground begins to tremble slightly, then subsides, as a great power erupts from the stones of the city and rises towards the sky.

The storm clouds are siezed in a powerful grip, and are torn asunder, their power now spent and useless.

Rising slowly up from the Council Chamber, the shrouded and misty form of an aged fire giant moves towards the sky.

Blazing light fills the sky as the Gods of the Empire carry the spirit of their fallen Priest Sakard to his final resting place.

The light fades away, and the clouds above Thera are normal once more.


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HOT Topic(Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Imperial... [View all] , Sakard, Wed 21-May-03 11:36 AM
Reply Say hi to Raven for me..., Grumby (Guest), 21-May-03 08:28 PM, #54
Reply nice job evil guy., Bajula, 21-May-03 11:41 AM, #50
Reply Say what you want, but..., Blachmianan (Guest), 21-May-03 08:37 AM, #46
Reply Yea..., Sakard, 21-May-03 10:08 AM, #47
     Reply RE: Yea..., Blachmianan (Guest), 21-May-03 04:52 PM, #53
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Zargu, 21-May-03 03:35 AM, #45
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Vashka, 21-May-03 02:55 AM, #44
Reply RP LOG!, Sakard, 20-May-03 11:25 PM, #43
Reply Well heck, Khasotholas, 20-May-03 11:13 PM, #40
Reply RE: Well heck, Sakard, 20-May-03 11:21 PM, #41
Reply Oh and wanted to add....damn your tattoo! ;) nt, Sakard, 20-May-03 11:23 PM, #42
Reply bah to ya stinky giant arse!, Trinthos (Guest), 20-May-03 09:19 PM, #39
Reply re: your dead, thoughts from Vyalrindur, emerson, 20-May-03 07:38 PM, #38
Reply I guess you don't take this lightly, Sakard, 20-May-03 09:44 PM, #48
Reply RE: Emerson, Valguarnera, 21-May-03 11:37 AM, #49
     Reply RE: Emerson, well... (Guest), 21-May-03 12:38 PM, #51
     Reply Sorry if I sounded like flaming flaming! I'M ..., Sakard, 21-May-03 02:02 PM, #52
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Krath (Guest), 20-May-03 06:31 PM, #35
Reply Hiya!, Eluna, 20-May-03 05:45 PM, #32
Reply RE: Hiya!, Sakard, 20-May-03 05:53 PM, #34
Reply It's a shame you had to end so soon, Alarn (Guest), 20-May-03 05:36 PM, #31
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Mazaufat (Guest), 20-May-03 05:29 PM, #30
Reply What I liked of Maz..., Sakard, 20-May-03 05:49 PM, #33
Reply I guess you did an ok job, for a Divine, Wilhath, 20-May-03 04:26 PM, #28
Reply Thanks!, Sakard, 20-May-03 05:10 PM, #29
Reply you blamed the wrong lowbie for looting, Gehenna lowb (Guest), 20-May-03 04:06 PM, #25
Reply Uhhh..., Sakard, 20-May-03 04:10 PM, #27
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Ulthur, 20-May-03 03:49 PM, #23
Reply Yes..., Sakard, 20-May-03 04:08 PM, #26
Reply Nice one, Lruthlor (Guest), 20-May-03 02:26 PM, #13
Reply My bad, Sakard, 20-May-03 03:34 PM, #18
Reply Bye!, Chasillia (Guest), 20-May-03 02:24 PM, #12
Reply That was such a surprise., Sakard, 20-May-03 03:33 PM, #17
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Moligant (Guest), 20-May-03 01:55 PM, #11
Reply Do you remember..., Sakard, 20-May-03 03:36 PM, #19
Reply What About the None Cabal, Business man??? What about u..., Jegrael (Guest), 20-May-03 01:49 PM, #10
Reply Heh, my littlte assassin..., Sakard, 20-May-03 03:32 PM, #16
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Zulghinlour, 20-May-03 01:30 PM, #9
Reply Heh, I still remember our talk..., Sakard, 20-May-03 03:41 PM, #20
Reply Mind if I post our talk? nt, Sakard, 20-May-03 04:06 PM, #24
     Reply Fine with me (n/t), Zulghinlour, 20-May-03 06:53 PM, #36
          Reply Here it is!, Sakard, 20-May-03 07:34 PM, #37
Reply Bah!, Starkad (Guest), 20-May-03 01:18 PM, #8
Reply Sadly before the final fight..., Sakard, 20-May-03 03:42 PM, #21
Reply "Come back my little, Toy!", Sylvrin (Guest), 20-May-03 01:14 PM, #7
Reply I'm gonna stay tuned for Sylvrin's death!, Sakard, 20-May-03 03:43 PM, #22
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., Elrys (Guest), 20-May-03 01:11 PM, #6
Reply Vortigern was..., Sakard, 20-May-03 03:30 PM, #15
Reply Well good job, Jhanderin (Guest), 20-May-03 12:54 PM, #5
Reply Ahhh yes!, Sakard, 20-May-03 03:29 PM, #14
Reply Bah, sorry. Did this on word and well...just copied and..., Sakard, 20-May-03 12:37 PM, #2
Reply RE: Bah, sorry. Did this on word and well...just copied..., Kaljenden (Guest), 20-May-03 12:39 PM, #3
Reply RE: (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Impe..., karun (Guest), 20-May-03 12:36 PM, #1
     Reply (Con-died) Sakard Yvesowaru the Holy of Faith, Imperial..., Sakard, 20-May-03 12:51 PM, #4
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