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daresh (Guest)Thu 04-Dec-08 08:51 AM

#74492, "deletion thread"


posting as daresh, and pelrin, and samsan, and a few others

meh, was thinkin last night gonna call it for a time on cf, but when I got home was like nah, gonna replace what I lost last night, grab a few decent / good swords, and come back trucking for a little while more, isnt until this weekend when things have to pick up in rl again. finally some business for the company and next week hours are moving back to not only 40 hours, but overtime. woot. we have been doing 3 10 hour shifts a week for almost 3 months. meh.

Anyway, yeah I was pelrin too, all the way to this char. My first I forget, it was a scion arcane. I never had an arcane before, but went scion, it was during the time of the tiger chancellor whose name I forget now, and waris etc. The only point to the char, I came back to carrionfields to try to understand the one cabal power I had no clue about, the one that deals with the astrological calendar etc and the focusing of their powers during, etc etc etc. I nearly completed that before I was uninducted, and uninducted because I said a comment back to waris Next time I will tell their leader to leave me be, when I had died in some area explore place. It was the duergar mine leader, and I am guessing waris thought I was speaking of him
was kinda funny, but that char was pointless then considering I couldnt continue researching that power. I did though, see alot of potential in the class, and I will explain in a moment just what I did with pelrin to make him into that beast.
First goodbyes from pelrin-

sorry all you maran for beating all you up, but the arcane before him only saw tons and tons of maran, not all that many villagers or anyone else, just tons and tons of maran. ahtieli was a lich but didnt
show that often, and didnt see any empirials without him save for a very, very few, and that rare. I went nexus to do something about that specifically, but.. again sorry. I would attack you alone against your parties of three and four to get at you, and did very well in most cases. unless I forgot to spiderhands / giant strength, then I died fast.

Kikebi my main man, sry I am a guy in rl, wasnt gonna sit there and watch you do the deed. I hope the things I showed you helped, but I didnt see you much after I deleted pelrin. You were the only person in the nexus that actually tried to keep the balance, that is why I did bond with you, and really almost never anyone else but you.

Oh yeah was an elf maran, I think marshall of the fortress, the only one that got it right. If I am hunting you, and say I am hunting you, I have told maran repeatedly that when I do so I act as an agent of the dark, I have given every one of them a way out, and yet I got comments all the time that I was using not being evil as a means to not get attacked by them. Even telling them I am an agent of evil etc. It was horrid, you got it right, and gave me a challenge repeatedly, I will always give you props, the rest of the maran.. not so much.

The dwarf and shapeshifter perm group. Had I been made meter of magic, which I didnt want to be because I was growing bored with the char fast, you both would have been kicked the #### out. The imms might tolerate perm grouping now with the low pbase as a hope to keep the chars they have, as well the other things they tolerate, I dont. What was your name grimbledorf? or something like that? or was that the third age last breath of the age dwarf? meh dang now I forget. bad memory.
A job as a leader is to show people differing ways of how they can keep the balance, expand and teach, guide, and show yourself as something to look up to, and emulate. You on the other hand, tried to limit what people could do. Damn right I challenged you, you were a piece of #### already by being a perma, and then you want to limit peoples ability to keep the balance? You were a total retard. I treated you like it, and you deserved it.
Thank you daevryn for letting me back in, especially as quick as you did, if I got the wrong imm of you too sry again, it was a bit ago. four chars in fact for me

There was no other nexan that even attempted to keep the balance really that I saw, just fought a few villagers here and there. Bimbledor or something? svirf warrior that I levelled up with some, you did good but deleted FAST, other than that, you other nexans were pieces of crap that wasnt gonna get scraps from me hoping I would take you out to gang people down. No way in hell. When you are willing to try, I am willing to help, otherwise, I will let you be the stagnating person that you are.

Mmm, scion bird/alligator chacellor. lezra? I really liked you, except for the multikilling thing. Another thing the imms allow that I dont. The few times that the balance swayed to dark I rarely saw you except teh one time in teh village, and yeah that time I did go after you, my respect for you went to #### after the repeat killings. Only thing though, the only times the balance shifted to the dark, was also when waris and others were on to help ya x.x owwie.

Kimemrak - if I had been forced to be meter I would have ended your nexan career. Just with all people in this situation when I am a leader, dating even as far back as seffar when I killed another nexan a-p for level sitting (though and killing another ap that was an applicant to the scions). If you want to be in a cabal and play in the cabal, especially when I am leader, I expect you to rise in ranks in teh cabal and fight for the cabal, not level sit, linger like a pest that can only fight the weakest people you possibly can. Not to mention not even fight, but assassinate and hope you land something you never could in any other means. The imms though have heard that story for years, they have even seen the pbase fall to I swear, I logged in with 3 other people online, eventually maybe when they see 0 online, they might decide to listen about skill-less pk. You would have been thrown out for complete and utter cowardice and inability to perform for the cabal. Pity I wish I had not deleted sometimes for some of you in that cabal.

Waris. Waris waris waris. Had a few good fights with pelrin, but I couldnt face you with that nightwalker well. Your weapon was too big by then to be affective against you while having to kill that too. As far as anti paladins go I didnt see you as being one of the strong ones, except you made up for it with tact / wisdom in your fighting. You did surprise me a few times. i.e. attacking the group of four solo in sitran etc etc, you did show a side of yourself to me that said hey man, I do got balls. While others hate you, I had respect for you, though at least I didnt have to deal with all your prayers x.x.

pelrin didnt speak with many people, so onto the next.

I rolled up samsan to mess with binder thieves, but also to check out that thief path in arkham. Really the first skill I wanted to see how affective it was with the scrolls. Really I was impressed, except without gentlewalk I couldnt steal any real scrolls of worth. As a matter of fact without it, I couldnt get plague, poison, curse, weaken, etc etc everything from maus. Well curse, blind, and slow was it.
I stuck it out a while waiting to meet the age requirement to be able to get extra thief points edge, but never got it so deleted. Failed experiment because I couldnt experiment

Samsan was a tribunal, though yeah I killed quite a few people, really it was only binder power and some use of slowing scrolls, just because I could. I didnt want this char to go anywhere in leadership positions because he failed to live up to my own wants in a thief char. Delete delete.

Shalsad - mentioning you here because this is where you showed up really in this char string of mine. Great forms for a vindicator, and glad you got it, it was a position earned in that you actually DID do something to criminals, unlike the shaman that was wanting the job etc etc. Was rooting for you or tlingit Anyway good job.

Tlingit - mass respect for you. Only reason I made samsan was to help you out. I had seen with pelrin chaos starting to take alot of sway often, though waris and a few others didnt help that, I saw outlander starting to gain alot of strength, and you were almost always alone.
In comes samsan, but really you didnt need help. Said outlanders rarely showed up, and most deleted by the time samsan was hero.
You kick ass, even if as daresh I had to beat you up a bit, and make shalsad need your help to take me down, making you unable to be a magistrate for a while mass respect.

Iccurik - not very outgoing. Capable, but still to me a meh char. Like you wanted to do something with yourself, but never did it.

Bonthos - mentioning you because you are a level sitting piece of #### really. Just another thing imms tolerate. You take the cowards way out of fighting by keeping yourself at iron grip, the same with most a-p's, and think your special when you are too chicken #### to level. You do tend to target people that are raiding other places to hit, since they will be hurt, often maladicted already, cheap tactic, but for the pathetic it works. Will throw ikbe as well in here, with showing no tactics, no ability other than doing this and level sitting, you will never be feared, and never be anything other than a waste of space that I would prefer a 10 year old newbie to be in, one that actually tries.
You two are pathetic on purpose. Though yes you did kill me when I had been fighting the nexan inner guardians, was slowed and softened etc, you did manage to kill me while I was like that and hurt, and you convulsing -thats how bad you were- I am not complaining of that, its only true.
Saying more of ikbe I also feel bad for the sect. They have you as dread lady now. I know that sect will produce nothing, nor be capable of doing anything, for a long time under your leadership, other than getting your item back if your able to fight someone weak. heh.

mmmm, lierieng sorry to kill you that one time you were link dead, I realy had not known but I had been chasing you and had no way to tell.
thought it was possible though x.x but not until after you died. Dunno what else to say.

And oh yeah lierieng, only reason I went into that trap, I knew it was a trap, and I didnt care. I wanted full looted damn you, I was going to delete pelrin. Only thing I didnt think of is that you would plague me, and I didnt have a means to cure it
I also didnt use barrier for that fight, woulda made the difference, but meh. You only took a few things, didnt understand about the staff, its a decent staff but there are a few better and easier to get as far as an adder. meh

Oh yeah also, drow arcane doc zizzle. I loved your char, still do, I tried to teach you a few things on the arcane path you werent using, you never got it by the looks of things. Other than ganging I havent seen you as being even remotely capable. You did manage to kill a warrior that didnt have the head, no ability to heal, and no ability to have preps but otherwise, just a meh char. You do have great rp though, and for that I loved ya.

My next char was also a thief, went trapper path, because never seen a decent trapper. I found out why. Zizzle and the orc chief met that thief most, but eh. well. Unless traps begin to work -had about a 90% fail rate on sleeping traps. go figure- wont do that again. deleted him in a hurry, another failed experiment.

Then I made an assassin, levelled him solo to 36, was uncaballed. Was trying to decide what cabal to be in, but then decided village really needs help. I did a good job emptying it as pelrin, and lezra decided to help it along by multikilling, so decided they needed aid. scrapped the assassin because he was using magic stuff all his life, and rolled a felar mute defender. Marewl I think. will mention that soon.
Here is a funny story, I was at my brothers house during a time I was levelling up my skills in a certain area as daresh, one of my nieces, 9 years old, wanted to play, and I never let her because of the content on cf, and really she wouldnt follow it, so I logged my assassin on, didnt delete him in case I wanted to switch back. I practiced assassinate and stalk for her, and let her have at it. I told her the where command, one person in the city, an anti paladin in his guild. told her to kill someone by assassinating them, you had to stalk them for a while, then go to them and type assassinate and their name.
I wasnt gonna tell her to type ass charname.
not a 9 year old.
I made dinner, and I #### you not 45 min later I went downstairs she had assassinated 3 people. She never left hte market square, nothing.
she had assassinate at 78 sure enough. Then she told me this game sucks, and left. I was laughing my ass off.
Anyway as far as the felar was concerned, I took two legacies which ended up being worthless. The duellist legacy didnt say anything about needing a high int, so needless to say, it never worked.
Also between the parrying legacy ward of blades, and parry anything skill, I almost never parried anything with ironhands at 100, and all weapons at 100. I didnt have this problem with any other char, I just didnt parry anything at all. If I didnt dodge it, I was #### outta luck.
Deleted the char over ####ty legacies that overly crippled the char, with already being mute, I love being mute, but that got annoying with being crippled further, deleted him to remake into something the village needed, a berserker.
daresh was created, levelled up, got weapons high, but man gahtho was in dire shape. Almost never another villager except a level sitting piece of #### that was again, too much of a coward to do anything but level sit, instead of doing what I wanted to do, which was perfect all my skills I use etc, I levelled and did nothing but it, fulfilling my word to gahtho that I would not stop until I was by his side fighting the heroes. Which is why also my whip skills failed as often as they did, didnt perfect em
I also never went to ysaloerye as per my religion, though I didnt cast my role asside, spoke to a few of myself seeking redemption, and doing things for my mamma, etc, I put the village first before everything.
I kicked alot of peoples ass as daresh, not because of deathblow, but because I can really cloth a warrior decently
Here though is also where I stop playing again. Wara I am sorry you got all the assassinations on you, as long as the imms have skill-less pk, people will do it and pretend they are great. Take assassins like ilix, kjrorh, they couldnt kill a kobold without it. Literally.
Assassins without it truly are overpowered, especially nexans, considering you have protection vs align, protection potion, protection ethos which if it hits against all three, instant 75% damage redux from the three, then you have sanc, martial trance, stone skin, shield, aura, no mage can compare to all the protections it can get. I know, I had an assassin rhyme. For kicks once I went all out as this, I had a ram scratching me. I also had an assassin vindicator I deleted out of boredom. I went to the village and killed two people within solo. Its not the class that cannot perform, it is you. Ilix and kjrorh both of you, as well as most other assassins, If you suck so badly to land a kill you have to assassinate or gang someone, do everyone a favor and hang yourself. Assassinate by far is the number one reason, and has been since it was changed after the class lost hellfire etc etc, that the player base has gone literally, to less than half its size over hte years. The imms have made the comment its because of online rpg;s! its all muds. Nope, in fact there are not much less mudders today than even a few years ago, and there are alot of the big muds thats just gotten bigger.
And kjrorh, with as worthless as you are to anyone, and more after having your ass handed to you over and over fighting against my char, landing a lucky assassinate through my legacy -which goes against assassinates mind you- and actually talking #### as if you were something, dont do that. Your an idiot already, you make yourself even more lame.

Melertisicio. Someone else loots your #### because you looted them, and then while I die to someone else you loot me and ask if it was worth it. Thats why I stripped you bare. The next time I killed you I left everything and told you if you grew up, you could keep your things.
No matter what you were fiercely incompetant, and yet you still babbled ####, and the #### flowed out so fast eventually I had to ignore you. If you want to talk as if you are something, please, be something. christ.

Khratetch, the reason I left your weapon is because I respect an ap that will level up and be what a cabal needs. I know you lied about the charges however But You are a strong player, you deserved the spot as chancellor, and you show it every time you log on. Sorry about picking on you though and taking your item with you on
Also how I knew you were held from your fillet etc, was a scout was scouting on you, rybion by name, and that is why he was wearing your trophy as he did, because I felt he earned it. But again congratulations, keep it up man.

Gahtho - You trucked it out constantly against bad odds. As daresh I evened the playing field for ya. Only fitting as it was me that helped empty it. Daresh did literally everything he needed to. Put the village in much better condition it was in. Now they almost always have hte key the nexans wont even dare attempt to get back unless they have a hoard of younglings. Which often doesnt dare attempt to get back
Scions wont attempt except the chancellor, and the pachyderm which the imms wont fix and empirials, very few are able to regain it, and only ikbe will even attempt, aside the lich of course who has good fixes of the ass kickery drink, and even then, ikbe wont dare attempt anything unless heknows for sure he can take the other person talk about no rish taking.

ierl - when anything happens you quit out. I wish the imms would pay attention to that ####, and enforce their own rules, again. I know they dont care about multicharring anymore, or perma grouping, or any other version of cheating, you are taking space in a cabal but you dont play it. You dont try. #### you have a ####ing lemur man, a form great against warriors, with two special guards, and wont defend your inner guardian with all of that -and manacles- instead you leave form, word, quit, come back later, talk ####. I show up to your city, you quit, come bback in about five min and talk ####. You dont even teleport out, you just quit. If you are going to continue this ####, then please leave the tribunal. If you arent willing to play the game, then simply dont play it. All the eq you have, you are keeping from people that actually ARE playing the game. go #### yourself somewhere dude. This is a game, not rl. play it. christ.

Ellorye, mentioning you here as well, because you are a worthless piece of #### also, level sitting, especially when the village needs heroes, to be able to fight the weaker people, then you had to open your mouth and act big so I put you in your place there in the village over cb openly. Had I been in the rites I likely would be hte leader right now, but I had to work -curses-. My first act would have been removing you, then getting down to business, its ok though, because was already getting bored of daresh. Every other cabal went to a standstill, and all of a sudden battle had 42 members, about 10 of them already able to fight heroes, and some of them decent, like cassoughans. You were a waste of space that was too #### scared to perform for the village. You had the excuse to gahtho you would fight the ones he couldnt. I actually watched you last you were on, you got your ass beat in every single fight. So yeah, sure.

Cassoughans, and every other villager but elloerye. Alot of talent comming up, and alot of people that want to try. Friitjoff was the only one that bragged of winning at all, grats man, otherwise I dunno how the rites went other than the commander. Assassin whose name I forget now and cant take a look. lol.
Please, try to log on more. I have seen you I think twice in my life, the one levelling you like 7 levels to get you where you are now. If you are on alot when I am not, then I apologize, but from what I have heard nearly everyone is grumbling, wondering who this assassin is. Please live up to the leader of the village position.

Ahtieli and satebos. I actually hunted you two whenever I could, ahtieli was the only one I ever saw though, we had a good few fights, except when you had your army ahtieli and I couldnt deal with that, especially with drives low success rate now. dunno when that was changed, but christ it fails almost all the time now. Our first fight though, I was like 7 levels below you, and wielding two fine steel swords that crippled my saves vs spells against you. Needless to say I had no chance, but came anyway. As pelrin I was dissapointed in you because you didnt just gang with your full pets, you ganged people down in the biggest parties you could manage. You are already immune to many things most people in thera can do, your phylacs, I know what they do. I have had a lich way back when now, but still you were doing it. After pelrin all the way up to this char, my respect for you has grown considerably, and if I had gotten to kill you, I likely wouldnt have taken anything but a few phylacs, and that for the veil, and left all others even. good job.

I do have to mention theras pbase doesnt support proper lich vs others fights anymore. There just arent enough people. I remember without pets fighting against four and more people solo, and kicking ass. If ahtieli did that he couldnt take it from what I have seen, but he wouldnt have to now a days.
no offense to you ahtieli, I had to deal with it, things like a mongoose, three paladins, a bard against me and my army. army dies fast x.x
I had to deal with it, you dont.
I think it was the pale white phylactery that had two charges of the permenant damage redux on it, those were much more common back then. That was changed to some other name though.

Imms - I know I have said alot of negative comments to you in this post. It is rightly deserved, though I will say the good, I always come back to this mud because of hte memory of what it once was, but keep in mind things like this.
Rebalancing the forms of one class has taken over a year, yet we still have cases such as the pachyderm. Water forms on land are still better than any land form -save at the moment, the pachyderm-. If your gonna rebalance them ####, rebalance them it takes less than a weak, then tweak things about and add in, and alter accordingly, but a year and still having these same problems? I love that you are doing something, but the time length on that is horrible.
Most players that have told you why they were leaving teh game / deleteing as been over one skill, assassinate. More than any other skill of its kind - power word kill etc - this is the worst. Only my leader chars -though none this time around, I didnt want them- had ever had the ability to get eyes in teh back of your head edge, and this char had even the one with shadows legacy, a #### legacy in that it worked only 5 of 22 times. Thats it, but still was something against all the assassins. I never practiced assassiante with any of my assassins, but then again as compared to these others like ilix and kjrorh, I actually know how to play the class without needing to resort to it or ganging. Imms, I have been hoping for years you would finally sit down and listen to why everyone has left the game, or reread the threads. I do not feel like going over it all again, you have it all in the archives anyway. Yeah your the imms here and decide what to do. Us guys, are the players. Please look at what youve done and are doing. I would like to come back next summer or whenever I get bored and see something positive have happened with this mud as far as its pbase.. and started projects completed.
Please dont give anymore things like an instrument that has the ability to garauntee kills at times, and worldbinds etc. The hell were you thinking imm that made that thing?
Even while I play here, I miss the game for what it was when there were alot of people, it really sucks to play the game and miss the game at teh same time.

This entire thread is my opinion, and reflects the truth as I see it. I respect many, but again many dont deserve the crusted crap at the end of a badly wiped ass hair. Come on guys, this is carrion fields. It used to be a great game. As far as playability and pk, players are alot of it too. Well over half of what I have seen take the cowards way out of everything, and resort to ganging, and yeah four to one hoping to be able to seal a kill? #### you cant do anything on your own and beg and plead others for help. In this thread of chars I have seen more lame things than any other char thread I have ever had, and including when I played here actively, and the worst part of it, there is less people, and it is still true. Look at what you are doing, and try exploring the class to find their potential, the goods and the bads. I will tell you about arcanes now, what I did to pelrin.
arcanes are half warrior - half mage, easily and by far they are hybrids, the best at it.
During my best time, I believe I had about a 65 damroll with him, with soften and decal I was doing oblits in regular combat. Who was that retard that said I was doing unspeaks, that was a spell, not a skill. I hit annihilates on vuln blunt with the heavy hits. Arcanes have a deathblow style ability that works almost once per every round, and that one hit has a high chance of hitting. Its also affected by the veil, the thinner it is, the more damage it is. Arcanes can be physical beasts to accent their magics. This is where people like zizzle fail, they rely completely on magic and ignore the physical aspect. Only scions with nightwalkers really can pull that off.
While it can be potent, you are playing the class to only half of its strength. Of course I could kill villagers with pure melee most of the time, except the ones with the duellist legacy, I had a damroll naturally usually of twice theres -duh, your warriors have some damroll guys ####- and if any arcane decided to take the more protected side of the path, you can deal through resistance mangles and demolishes without casting a spell, and only take grazes through wounds. Its a really tough class. On a side note, easily taken for their vulnerabilities. Arial mace spec villager whose name I forget that was keeper of teh tablet, you were the ONLY villager that didnt have to gang me down to do something, aside the commander, and that one time literally by sheer and total luck, otherwise he was rather bad.

Anyway, I say no more. I will respond to people. I know this will upset alot of people, but the things I have said are the truth, and I hope those that deserve the credit they do deserve read this, you deserve the credit given.


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HOT Topicdeletion thread [View all] , daresh (Guest), Thu 04-Dec-08 08:51 AM
Reply RE: deletion thread, Daevryn, 30-Nov-08 08:37 PM, #55
Reply Crack kills., Carth (Guest), 29-Nov-08 12:42 PM, #53
Reply RE: deletion thread, Gerylanst Iggy (Guest), 27-Nov-08 11:02 AM, #41
Reply You're freaking crazy, Kharnial (Guest), 27-Nov-08 01:55 AM, #37
Reply RE: You're freaking crazy, pelrin (Guest), 27-Nov-08 09:40 AM, #39
Reply Thats the thing, Kharnial (Guest), 27-Nov-08 03:18 PM, #44
Reply Disgusting., Just Passing By (Guest), 27-Nov-08 05:27 PM, #45
     Reply Yea, in retrospect I went overboard, Kharnial (Guest), 27-Nov-08 05:43 PM, #46
Reply I stick with that you are a fool., Eller (Guest), 26-Nov-08 09:48 PM, #29
Reply RE: I stick with that you are a fool., daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 11:49 PM, #30
     Reply Cant win against fools. I'm done. nt, Elle (Guest), 27-Nov-08 11:17 PM, #47
Reply Yowza!, Zizzle (Guest), 26-Nov-08 07:38 PM, #28
Reply RE: Yowza!, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 11:50 PM, #31
Reply Insanly though char for Zefta..., Zefta (Guest), 26-Nov-08 04:49 PM, #26
Reply little bit of help, daresh (Guest), 27-Nov-08 12:00 AM, #32
Reply Didn't read. To many letters:), Ikbe (Guest), 26-Nov-08 03:04 PM, #24
Reply About Khratetchs lvl sitting...., Kreo (Guest), 26-Nov-08 04:46 PM, #25
Reply RE: About Khratetchs lvl sitting...., daresh (Guest), 27-Nov-08 12:12 AM, #34
Reply RE: Didn't read. To many letters:), daresh (Guest), 27-Nov-08 12:10 AM, #33
Reply You don't have to have a control up, incognito, 27-Nov-08 03:01 PM, #42
     Reply there is difference between dark elf and fire aps n/t, Elhe (Guest), 28-Nov-08 05:09 AM, #49
          Reply True., incognito, 29-Nov-08 07:01 AM, #51
Reply As a dude knowingly banging another dude..., Kikebi (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:30 PM, #12
Reply RE: As a dude knowingly banging another dude..., pelrin (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:46 PM, #16
     Reply Yeah..., Kikebi (Guest), 26-Nov-08 05:35 PM, #27
          Reply RE: Yeah..., pelrin (Guest), 27-Nov-08 12:16 AM, #35
Reply RE: deletion thread, TheManNamedSam (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:22 PM, #9
Reply RE: deletion thread, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:24 PM, #11
Reply RE: deletion thread, xherves (Guest), 26-Nov-08 12:28 PM, #5
Reply RE: deletion thread, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:23 PM, #10
Reply RE: Shapeshifters, Zulghinlour, 26-Nov-08 11:32 AM, #4
Reply RE: Shapeshifters, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 12:48 PM, #6
Reply Seriously, think about what you are complaining about....., Dragomir, 26-Nov-08 01:01 PM, #7
Reply RE: Seriously, think about what you are complaining abo..., daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:30 PM, #13
     Reply RE: Seriously, think about what you are complaining abo..., Dragomir, 26-Nov-08 01:45 PM, #15
          Reply RE: Seriously, think about what you are complaining abo..., daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:49 PM, #17
               Reply You're too tired..., Dragomir, 26-Nov-08 01:55 PM, #18
                    Reply RE: You're too tired..., daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 02:21 PM, #21
Reply RE: Shapeshifters, Zulghinlour, 26-Nov-08 01:12 PM, #8
     Reply RE: Shapeshifters, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 01:41 PM, #14
          Reply Class diversity, AXera, 26-Nov-08 02:00 PM, #19
          Reply RE: Class diversity, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 02:31 PM, #22
               Reply RE: Class diversity, Tlingit (Guest), 26-Nov-08 02:45 PM, #23
               Reply RE: Class diversity, daresh (Guest), 27-Nov-08 12:31 AM, #36
                    Reply Not that I want to gratify your drivvle with a reply bu..., Abernytee (Guest), 27-Nov-08 06:54 AM, #38
                         Reply RE: Not that I want to gratify your drivvle with a repl..., daresh (Guest), 27-Nov-08 09:45 AM, #40
               Reply Armadillo is underpowered, DurNominator, 29-Nov-08 02:55 AM, #50
                    Reply RE: Armadillo is underpowered, asthiss_, 29-Nov-08 09:11 AM, #52
          Reply Will just post this., Asthiss___ (Guest), 28-Nov-08 03:17 AM, #48
Reply RE: Shapeshifters, S. Statik (Guest), 30-Nov-08 02:50 PM, #54
Reply Few things to consider, Ahtieli2 (Guest), 26-Nov-08 11:30 AM, #3
Reply RE: Few things to consider, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 02:19 PM, #20
     Reply RE: Few things to consider, incognito, 27-Nov-08 03:05 PM, #43
Reply RE: deletion thread, Tlingit (Guest), 26-Nov-08 11:13 AM, #1
     Reply RE: deletion thread, daresh (Guest), 26-Nov-08 11:22 AM, #2
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