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RE: Poison darts
This shouldn't happen. But I'm going to bet you'll say it's just bad design and can't be changed. Poison darts is not a combat skill. This guy can't see hidden. I've missed on him before. Somehow this time he gets an "evade" and then I'm done.

<624hp 454m 640mv 5269tnl (54.97%)> civilized 7 PM The Training Room

A rough-looking dark-elf warrior watches his students as they practice.

<624hp 454m 638mv 5269tnl (54.97%)> civilized 7 PM The dark-elven Master of War skillfully positions his body so that your poison darts cannot succeed.
The dark-elven Master of War is in perfect health.

<624hp 454m 638mv 5269tnl (54.97%)> civilized 7 PM
The dark-elven Master of War's wrath MUTILATES you!
The dark-elven Master of War's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You dodge the dark-elven Master of War's wrath.
You dodge the dark-elven Master of War's slash.
You step out of the shadows.
You trample around loudly again.
The dark-elven Master of War parries your wrath.
The dark-elven Master of War parries your wrath.
The dark-elven Master of War is in perfect health.

<540hp 454m 638mv 5269tnl (54.97%)> civilized 7 PM
The dark-elven Master of War suddenly aims a hard blow at your shield, but misses.
With a quick blow you deflect the dark-elven Master of War's wrath aside.
You dodge the dark-elven Master of War's wrath.
The dark-elven Master of War's slash MUTILATES you!
The dark-elven Master of War's wrath EVISCERATES you!
The dark-elven Master of War parries your wrath.
The dark-elven Master of War parries your wrath.
The dark-elven Master of War is in perfect health.

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