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RE: Teleport into thief's guild
I was teleporting around, landed in this one:

647/675hp 933/1110m 284/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 8 AM - c tel
In a Dim Cellar

A dashing human stands here, surveying the room arrogantly.

647/675hp 898/1110m 284/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 8 AM - l 2.
con 2.
People near you:
(PK) Lyriaina In a Dim Cellar

647/675hp 898/1110m 284/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 9 AM - This dashing figure stands here proudly, an arrogant look in his eyes.
He looks to be very fit and well accustomed to life in a frontier city,
though he obviously prefers to work through shadowy means. His clothes
are mostly dark, aside from a purple feathered hat which he wears tipped
at a jaunty angle. He clears his throat as you approach, and casually
rolls a small coin over the back of his knuckles.
Devontair the Grand Master Thief is in perfect health.

Devontair the Grand Master Thief is using:
<worn on head> a wide-brimmed purple hat with a huge feather
<wielded> (Glowing) a smoldering dagger named 'Dragon's Tooth'

647/675hp 898/1110m 284/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 9 AM - The perfect match!
Devontair the Grand Master Thief is about the same size you are.
He looks very disinterested.

647/675hp 898/1110m 284/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 9 AM - u
An Abandoned House

655/675hp 957/1110m 338/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 9 AM - l
An Abandoned House
This house appears to have been abandoned long before the city was razed.
Oddly enough, it appears to have been set on fire at one point, but looks to
be one of the only buildings in town to have had the fire put out. Some
minimal damage runs up the front wall, and the door is gone from the hinges.
There is little in the way of personal possessions here, and everything is
coated in a layer of dust. There are some footprints coming in from the
front door however.

655/675hp 957/1110m 338/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 9 AM - s
On a Burned-Out Street

655/675hp 957/1110m 337/618mv 27100tnl outdoor standing 9 AM - sca a
You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A man dressed in the armor of Udgaard Loke stands here, shivering.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

655/675hp 957/1110m 337/618mv 27100tnl outdoor standing 9 AM - w
On a Burned-Out Street

655/675hp 957/1110m 334/618mv 27100tnl outdoor standing 9 AM - e
On a Burned-Out Street

655/675hp 957/1110m 331/618mv 27100tnl outdoor standing 9 AM - e
The Razed Town Square

A crude gallows has been erected here, from which several bodies hang.
A man dressed in the armor of Udgaard Loke stands here, shivering.

655/675hp 957/1110m 328/618mv 27100tnl outdoor standing 9 AM - w
On a Burned-Out Street

655/675hp 957/1110m 325/618mv 27100tnl outdoor standing 9 AM - n
An Abandoned House

655/675hp 957/1110m 324/618mv 27100tnl indoor standing 9 AM - d
Someone says 'You aren't allowed in there.'

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