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RE: A couple of thief poison things
First off...read the F.A.Q. One bug per post.

>1 - I was getting two echoes when I had another poisoner
>thief in my group and he was weaponnicking a mob. I would get
>the "clutches his head and staggers about" echo once right
>before the actual weaponnick damage line, then another one
>again after.


>2 - There's something funny about weaponnicking with a second
>weapon. I was wielding a mace/dagger, and weaponnick would
>work if the dual wielded dagger was poisoned, but would not if
>it wasn't - it would just give me the echo that I can only
>weaponnick with edged weapons. If I have an unpoisoned, edged
>weapon in my primary slot, however, I can weaponnick.


>3 - This one might be for the gameplay board, as I'm sure it
>is by design, but I will mention it anyway on the off chance
>that it was unintended. Should thief guildmasters outside of
>Tribunal protected cities refuse to sell to me when I am
>wanted? I realize there are other ways to get ingredients,
>but it struck me a little odd when I tried to do a list and
>got refused and pounced upon by the guildmaster.

By design.

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