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RE: Aggro mob that seems like it shouldn't be
I was at the Inn of the Howling Bear, in Aturi when I was attacked by the performer at the stage. The performer is good aligned, as am I, and it seemed a little odd that it was aggressive. Just wondering if this is intentional.


<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 25tnl indoor civilized standing waning moon 6 PM> n
At the stage
The small stage is cleared except for a single chair. Around the stage, the
chains and tables have been arranged for better listening and watching of the
Inn's patrons. The stage is stained in places, perhaps due to a tomato or other
food item that found sudden use at the expense of a bad performer, or a mug of
ale that didn't quite make it to someone's lips. The Common Room continues to
the west and south, although the south is dominated by the Bar.

Drinking and laughing, this man seems to be enjoying himself.
Singing and juggling, this performer does her best to entertain.
Passed out upon the table, this fellow has had a bit too much to drink.
Drinking and laughing, this man seems to be enjoying himself.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 25tnl indoor civilized standing waning moon 6 PM>
A barmaid has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 25tnl indoor civilized standing waning moon 6 PM>
The performer sings 'That time of year thou mayest in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang.'
You feel yourself weakened with time.
Your slash injures the performer.
Your slash injures the performer.
The performer has a few scratches.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 25tnl indoor civilized fighting waning moon 6 PM>
The performer parries your slash.
The performer's slap mauls you.
The performer has a few scratches.

<88%hp 100%m 100%mv 25tnl indoor civilized fighting waning moon 7 PM>
Your slash misses the performer.
The performer's slap mauls you.
The performer's slap injures you.
The performer has a few scratches.

<69%hp 100%m 100%mv 25tnl indoor civilized fighting waning moon 7 PM> con performer
A hooded figure waits patiently nearby.
The performer is about the same size you are.
She greets you warmly.
The performer has a few scratches.

<69%hp 100%m 100%mv 25tnl indoor civilized fighting waning moon 7 PM> flee

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